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Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-28-05 07:57 AM Link | Quote
I want to change the sprites in sonic 3 and knuckles as a little side project but im new to this.

Ive read heaps of tutorials and gotten tones of programs but whenever i load pallete editors all i ever get is really compressed jumbled squares and i have no idea what the hell is what.

Is there a way to edit the sprites so you can tell what they are or a program specificly for it.

I know i havnt given a very good description and i took screen shots but im unshure how to post them.


Waddle Dee


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 12-28-05 12:06 PM Link | Quote
You can use YY-CHR, a really good ROM GFX editor. Open your ROM and change the BPP mode to "4BPP MSX(/Genesis)" if this mode wasn't chosen automatically when opening the ROM.

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Since: 12-05-05
From: Camineet, Palm

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Posted on 12-28-05 12:25 PM Link | Quote
If the file name ends in .SMD, it's a good idea to find a convertor that will change it to a .BIN format ROM- the only tile editor that edits SMD files is Tile Molestor as far as I know.

Also, Sonic 3K, if I recall, is not supported by the usual Sonic gaphics editor, Sonik Sprite, so you'll have to edit it based on the 8x8 tiles, which are most likely not organized into the shape of Sonic, so it will take some work.

Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-28-05 11:26 PM Link | Quote
Ah thanks muhly, unfortuantly your link didnt work Do you hyave a working link perchance?

My roms are in .bin format thankfuly.

And how do i post pics here
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-29-05 03:18 AM Link | Quote
Some sonic tiles are arranged in the shape of parts of sonic. Same goes with Knucles. (This thread inspired me to take the eye pupils off of Hyper Sonic. )

Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

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Posted on 12-29-05 04:14 AM Link | Quote
OK i got the program tried and i got the same thing again heres screens of them in several programs



I realise the second one is gba and not genisis but the same thing happened again for gensis. There has to be something im missing because i cant decipher that giberish to work with it

Any help would be appreciated
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-29-05 04:48 AM Link | Quote
scroll down until you see round stuff. That's Knuckles.

Weird, but Sonic is further down than Knuckles. Just open the tile editor and switch the format to genesis. A lot of stuff is garbledy because that's the code for some stuff. They use a lot of tiles to make coding, I guess.

But, yeah. Scroll down. You'll see knuckles. Trust me. Further down is sonic, too.

Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-29-05 05:18 AM Link | Quote
Hmmm could you post a screenshot of what you see i think ive found what you mean but it still doesnt look right, just want to shure.

On another note, whats the easiest game anyone has found to change the sprites for on either snes or genesis, so i can get a feel for it from there.

(edited by m3gaman on 12-29-05 04:19 AM)
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-29-05 07:03 AM Link | Quote

I edited the pallettes to match Knuckles's pallette (kinda)

There are shapes and stuff you need to look for. It's kinda hard, but you need a photographic memory of what the characters look like. Just look for parts of heads, eyes, shading spots. etc.

For the easiest to gfx hack, I suggest SMW. You need to uncompress the graphics using lunar magic, though. Next easiest is Pac-Man 2: The New Adventure. It's not as compressed, and you can change a lot of his expressions through gfx hacking. Pac-Mans hands and legs are kinda difficult to tell apart, though.

(edited by Shyguy on 12-29-05 06:06 AM)
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

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Posted on 12-29-05 07:12 AM Link | Quote
And then there's most RPGs, which have entire banks of overworld sprites all in one big block. Pokémon, Final Fantasy...
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

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Posted on 12-29-05 11:06 AM Link | Quote
And then, as mentioned above, there's SonikSprite, which edits the sprites of Sonic 1, 2...

Wait! If I recall correctly, the latest version of SonikSprite can edit the sprites in S&K and S3 respectively, just not both together. Just edit the sprites in each, and then combine the two ROMS into S3&K using the proper utility. It should be all set then.

Sonicresearch.org usually has all the needed utilities, but the sites under construction right now. However, I do believe that all the needed utilities can still be found at sonicology.fateback.com.

Edit: Or to make this easier...

Sonik Sprite - http://sonicology.fateback.com/downloads/utilities/soniksprite.rar
And I'm not sure, but Hacking Wiz Pro I or II should have a program to combine S3 and S&K cartidges. Esrael's editor does, but that also adds a whole bunch of unnescesary hex to your hack. Still, Sonic hackers use it, so your choice.

(edited by Metal Knuckles on 12-29-05 10:11 AM)

Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-31-05 11:02 PM Link | Quote
Awsoume thanks for that, im useing sonik sprite and it sort of works but theres some bits that are shaded gray and the sprite wont change >.<
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 12:04 AM Link | Quote
Ah, I do believe this is my area of expertise. One of the few, anyways.

In SonikSprite, there are three kinds of areas in the picture box. Pink boxes, which are the edges of the tiles, grey boxes, which are reused areas, and blanks boxes (aka not grey or pink), which are editable.

What SonikSprite (refereed to from this point on as SS for my convenience) does is take all the tiles from the ROM, like TLP or Molester. So all the information it contains is basically what Shyguy already showed:

The program takes this information and arranges it in the correct order, making it easier for editing. However, when arranged to for the image, the tiles do not always form a regular four sided box. With some images, such as Sonic laying down, tiles are not used at the top of the image. So pink boxes are put in place of the missing tiles, to show that the area is unused information, aka no tiles. No tiles to edit, no changes to the ROM. Not happening. Nadah. Yoink.

Also, some tiles are reused in different images for one character, which brings the grey boxes into play. If you look at some of the later Sonic running sprites, you'll notice the grey boxes appearing over his head. This area can not be edited from that selection, because it is taking the head tiles from a previous running sprite. To edit that part of the image, go back to where it takes the tiles from, edit the image there, and it should be edited when you go back.

You might have to go searching for where some of the tiles are taken from in the grey boxes, so it might be useful to just remember them before you edit them. Just something that helps me out.

All the other areas are just regular tiles, and are fair game to edit as long as you keep it in the correct palette range. And SS already takes care of that, even when you edit the palettes. So it's really just a case of learning to check back and forth between different sprites, seeing what tiles connect what images, and making them so they each correspond with eachother.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 01:24 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Metal Knuckles
Ah, I do believe this is my area of expertise. One of the few, anyways.

In SonikSprite, there are three kinds of areas in the picture box. Pink boxes, which are the edges of the tiles, grey boxes, which are reused areas, and blanks boxes (aka not grey or pink), which are editable.

What SonikSprite (refereed to from this point on as SS for my convenience) does is take all the tiles from the ROM, like TLP or Molester. So all the information it contains is basically what Shyguy already showed:

The program takes this information and arranges it in the correct order, making it easier for editing. However, when arranged to for the image, the tiles do not always form a regular four sided box. With some images, such as Sonic laying down, tiles are not used at the top of the image. So pink boxes are put in place of the missing tiles, to show that the area is unused information, aka no tiles. No tiles to edit, no changes to the ROM. Not happening. Nadah. Yoink.

Also, some tiles are reused in different images for one character, which brings the grey boxes into play. If you look at some of the later Sonic running sprites, you'll notice the grey boxes appearing over his head. This area can not be edited from that selection, because it is taking the head tiles from a previous running sprite. To edit that part of the image, go back to where it takes the tiles from, edit the image there, and it should be edited when you go back.

You might have to go searching for where some of the tiles are taken from in the grey boxes, so it might be useful to just remember them before you edit them. Just something that helps me out.

All the other areas are just regular tiles, and are fair game to edit as long as you keep it in the correct palette range. And SS already takes care of that, even when you edit the palettes. So it's really just a case of learning to check back and forth between different sprites, seeing what tiles connect what images, and making them so they each correspond with eachother.

And they all lived happily ever after.

THANX!!!!!!, Thats so dam helpful, appreciated. I guess if i just edit every single sprite in the end ill have gotten which gray bit comes from where anyway. Doing that now. Again thanx

PS. Is there a way to copy and paste in sonik sprite cause i made all my sprites in photoshop and i want to paste them in but i think im gonna have to redo them all gain >.<

(edited by m3gaman on 01-01-06 12:29 AM)
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 02:24 AM Link | Quote
No way to copy and paste in SS, but if you export all of the sprites, you can edit them (I prefer MSPaint) and then import them back into the ROM as you see fit.

Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 05:11 AM Link | Quote
Ok heres my main problem When i use yy-chr.exe i have the problem of it not showing the correct colours.

I used megaman on nes as an example as i could easily find a full sprite to show my problem.

As you can see megaman is green here, as is every single rom i try to edit. I could not find knuckles because every part of him is a shade of green. I figure i must be doing something wrong as the knuckles above was the correct colour.

(edited by m3gaman on 01-01-06 05:57 AM)
(edited by m3gaman on 01-01-06 06:02 AM)
(edited by m3gaman on 01-01-06 07:33 AM)


Since: 11-20-05
From: C:\My Documents\ShadowTails\My House\My Room

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Posted on 01-01-06 12:15 PM Link | Quote
Its alittle off topic, but try the readme first... it tells you how to work YY-CHR.
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 01:39 PM Link | Quote
Ah, the eternal color problem.

Sonik Sprite, which is meant to edit specific games, can tell where the colors to use are. Hence, whatever these colors -are-, it'll use them and Sonic, Tails and Knucklehead will be blue, brownish and red respectively.

Tile Layer, YY-CHR, Tile Molester... they all meant to edit -any- game. Hence, they can't tell what the colors are supposed to be and you get default colors. But the actual graphics data is the same.

Fortunately, if -you- know -where- the colors are, Tile Molester can be told these locations and you can even edit the colors from TM. Don't forget to save a palette bookmark
Metal Knuckles


Since: 12-21-05
From: New Hampshire

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 02:56 PM Link | Quote
Megaman, use TLP to open the ROM, and download this:


This is a group of palette files for different Sonic games, and included are the palettes for main characters in Sonic 3/&K. Open that palette while the ROM is loaded, and the tiles should go to the correct palette.

Also, for editing the palettes throughout the entire game, download ChaoSaxPal:


Since: 12-28-05
From: Geelong, AUS

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 01-01-06 09:18 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Metal Knuckles
Megaman, use TLP to open the ROM, and download this:


This is a group of palette files for different Sonic games, and included are the palettes for main characters in Sonic 3/&K. Open that palette while the ROM is loaded, and the tiles should go to the correct palette.

Also, for editing the palettes throughout the entire game, download ChaoSaxPal:


Thanks muchly

Originally posted by Kyoufu Kawa
Ah, the eternal color problem.

Fortunately, if -you- know -where- the colors are, Tile Molester can be told these locations and you can even edit the colors from TM. Don't forget to save a palette bookmark

When you say, know where they are. What does that mean exactly i keep reading having to find where the sounds are or the sprites are but i dont get what is ment by this.

(edited by m3gaman on 01-01-06 09:39 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking - Changing Sonic 3K Sprites |


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