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Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 12-21-05 09:29 PM Link | Quote
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

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Posted on 12-21-05 09:37 PM Link | Quote
Difference between watching TV, is that you aren't forced to do it. It is illegal for a kid to not be in school, it is not illegal or a violation of your rights to leave the room because you don't like something, it wouldn't put you in a bad situation and in fact would put you in a better, more comfortable, situation.

If you don't like what's on T.V. don't watch it. I can't say the same about school. (I'm 16 by the way and this was talking about introducing it into a public school district, which makes me think elementry, middle, and high school. Like little kids have a strong hold on their beliefs anyways.)

Yeah, I've pointed out the prime differences to the situation, one is a violation of my rights that is reasonably unavoidable, the other is just a violation of what you want to watch.

Sure, that is possible, but I'm not saying that evolution shouldn't be there. What I was commenting on was that the big-bang theory doesn't explain anything. Sure, God could have used that method, but even so it still comes to this [if you don't believe in God]. What made the explosion? Then some people say it was matter [or whatever]. What created that? How did that get there? Hmm?

How did God get there in the first place? How did this superior being come into existance? Was it just always there!? Maybe matter and energy were too!!!

They aren't forcing you to believe in ID, they are introducing the topic or/and pushing towards it, but isn't that was advertisments do? TV is violating my right to decide by slowly brainwashing me by their ad's some might say and they would be right to a certain extent. When one hears anything enough they start to think more about it. Those that are weak minded just go with the flow, while it makes the strong minded to think about it more.

I'd have to take a test in it, and have you ever tried to take a test when you believe every single thing is an absolute lie? It would be unfair to me because I wouldn't want to believe it.

Again, change the channel and don't listen to commercials, I sure as hell mute the T.V. and just ignore them flat out. You have a way to avoid it, students wouldn't, that is the big difference.

Now, if there was an elective curriculum, that was completely at the choice of the student, about learning the different theories of the universe, sure teach it, that'd be great.


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6721 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 12:54 AM Link | Quote
"Here is an example, though it is on a whole different issue."

That said that I noted that it was different than school. It was only an example, trying to lead others to use thier minds to think of others on their own without me holding their hand. It was the first example to come to mind when I was writing the post. *shrugs*

"How did God get there in the first place? How did this superior being come into existance? Was it just always there!? Maybe matter and energy were too!!!"
Sure, maybe matter was, but who made it happen? These things don't just "happen". I'm sure you've heard of the Watch Maker theory. If there is something, there has to be a creator. No matter how many times I smash something it won't make something greater, it will degrade. Sure, you can "smash" [combine] things to make something useful, but it is simply another seperate piece of matter and for that piece to become anything it needs a creator [or if the word creator bothers any of you, use the word master].

"I'd have to take a test in it, and have you ever tried to take a test when you believe every single thing is an absolute lie? It would be unfair to me because I wouldn't want to believe it."
Um...I've taken many tests believing that what they said was total bull ****, but I did what they wanted me to put anyways. However, in many cases, when it came to such questions, I've been able to have it in essay form and the teacher wanted our opinions on such things. To get graded well, we had to back up, as best as we could, our beliefs.

Examples of classes? Well...hmm...maybe an American Government class or Psychology or Philosophy class? [you fill in the class you want, again these are just examples that come to my mind that I remember having such "issues" in, as in they wanted me to answer a question and even though I had evidence to proove they were wrong, I had to answer "wrongly" to get a correct answer]


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 12:58 AM Link | Quote
"Sure, maybe matter was, but who made it happen? These things don't just "happen". I'm sure you've heard of the Watch Maker theory. If there is something, there has to be a creator. No matter how many times I smash something it won't make something greater, it will degrade. Sure, you can "smash" [combine] things to make something useful, but it is simply another seperate piece of matter and for that piece to become anything it needs a creator [or if the word creator bothers any of you, use the word master]. "

Alright Aquinas, without resorting to the 5 Proofs of Existence prove to me that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the creation of matter and energy through constant particle annihilation at the beginning of the universe. In fact, prove to me why it is impossible for the universe to have come into spontaneous existence. Quickly! Time is awasting! The sun has only so much hydrogen to burn for a few billion more years, because that's how long its going to take you to come up with an answer. And I'll be dead and won't care anymore. And you'll still be wrong.


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6721 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 01:42 AM Link | Quote
For those that don't care to listen to logical reasoning or have the inability to do so themselves, I leave for the world to feast on. *walks away*



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 02:36 AM Link | Quote
You're really bad at this.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-22-05 02:53 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Arwon
You're really bad at this.

Originally posted by Lordlazer
For those that don't care to listen to logical reasoning or have the inability to do so themselves, I leave for the world to feast on. *walks away*

Vandalism is not tolerated


Since: 11-17-05
From: IL, USA

Last post: 6420 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 02:59 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bookworm
Originally posted by Arwon
You're really bad at this.

Originally posted by Lordlazer
For those that don't care to listen to logical reasoning or have the inability to do so themselves, I leave for the world to feast on. *walks away*

Originally posted by Arwon
You're really bad at this.


i'm a pixie !!!


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6605 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-22-05 06:47 AM Link | Quote
Christianity is a religion. You learn creationism in your religion class.
Evolution is the biggest and most accepted scientific theory right now. You learn evolution in your science class.

It's really quite simple.


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 01:57 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by max
Christianity is a religion. You learn creationism in your religion class.
Evolution is the biggest and most accepted scientific theory right now. You learn evolution in your science class.

It's really quite simple.

Bookworm said: "Oh, but it's a THEEEEEORY! It's not a fact!"

Unless it's as close as we can humanly get:

1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena."
6. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.

So what did we learn from this thread?

* Creationists are funny.

...that's about it, really.

(edited by drjayphd on 12-22-05 12:59 PM)
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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-22-05 03:55 PM Link | Quote
Give me sources for you examples, where they have been tested and the test was successful, nothing accounting to micro evolution; the proven fact of evolution.


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 12-22-05 04:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bookworm
Give me sources for you examples, where they have been tested and the test was successful, nothing accounting to micro evolution; the proven fact of evolution.

You seem to be unclear on the concept. The scientific definition of "theory" does not require one to be proven as fact to be accepted as such. Or were you looking for sources for my statement that creationists are funny?

At this point, you are grasping for anything that could potentially maybe possibly have a chance of, in some strange way, disproving science. I'm not done with this thread, but the great majority of people are through with ID.


Since: 11-18-05
From: A room

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-22-05 05:33 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bookworm
Give me sources for you examples, where they have been tested and the test was successful, nothing accounting to micro evolution; the proven fact of evolution.

Micro-evolution postulizes to macro-evolution. There is no quantum leap in logic where the next leap is the leap home. If it happens on a microbiological scale then why can't it happen within larger creatures? Plz xpln.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Cymoro Gaming

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 06:06 PM Link | Quote
Let's switch up the context a bit. :D

Originally posted by Bookworm
Give me sources for you examples, where they have been tested and the test was successful, nothing accounting to micro creationism; the proven fact of creationism.

Now, see, there's no proof of creationism ever happening. Ever. Sure, some twelve-odd people (maybe more) a few thousand years ago said that we were all poofed into existance, but this was during a simpler time, where there was no real proof that this stuff was real.

Now, if you want actual full-scale complex organism evolution, take a look at Darwin's Finches. There were some finches on one of two islands, which had berries. Their beaks were designed to eat berries. Now, on the other island, the main food was nuts. If the finches were to go over there, over time (generations of Finches), they would evolve shorter beaks to eat the nuts easily. When they went back to the other island, they would evolve longer beaks.

That's how the game is played; Spin is spun back, and then a punch of fact to the face is liberally applied.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-22-05 06:32 PM Link | Quote
The natural Glenpool mutation happens all the time, all that's needed is an eye for discovery.

Thanks for the back up drjayphd. The scientific definition of "theory" does not require one to be proven as fact to be accepted as such. In such as you all see ID as a theory...

I don't remember if I brought this up before, but Mount St. Helens, and the mini Grand Canyon effect.

Ko mitaka kobalu ta logic.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Cymoro Gaming

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 06:53 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bookworm
Ko mitaka kobalu ta logic.

Sorry, quick aside: If you're going to make snide comments or insults in another language, please just feel free to say it in English anyway. It doesn't make you cooler, nor does it make your argument more valid. The most it really does is make you look like an ass trying to be smarter. So please, refrain from it. Thanks.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 12-22-05 08:08 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Cymoro
Originally posted by Bookworm
Ko mitaka kobalu ta logic.

Sorry, quick aside: If you're going to make snide comments or insults in another language, please just feel free to say it in English anyway. It doesn't make you cooler, nor does it make your argument more valid. The most it really does is make you look like an *** trying to be smarter. So please, refrain from it. Thanks.

There is not accurate translation to date of the language; it is mostly used to express what English can not.

Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6691 days
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Posted on 12-22-05 09:49 PM Link | Quote
Bookworm, is that by any chance from a conlang you've devised?
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 12-22-05 10:51 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bookworm
The scientific definition of "theory" does not require one to be proven as fact to be accepted as such. In such as you all see ID as a theory...

No, I see it as complete bullshit with no foundation what-so-ever. It's not even logical.

Also in complete english to completely describe you in the rudest way possible...

You are a complete dumbass that has no clue what you're talking about and is just reaching for strings and ends, you're trying to defend something that doesn't need to be defended because it doesn't matter to anything. If ID is shot down, what happens? Nothing.

If evolution is shot down, what happens? We're reverted back to an illogical and completely based off faith answers.

Vandalism is not tolerated


Since: 11-17-05
From: IL, USA

Last post: 6420 days
Last view: 6364 days
Posted on 12-22-05 11:18 PM Link | Quote
In related news:

ABC reports that "Evolution named 2005's top scientific breakthrough".

To various Bookworm posts: LOLlerS8eS!11

Solidfying the original sentiments of the thread and answering the previous insane thread titled something like, "Does your insane cult allow you to not hate science and fact??"(... or something like that, I can't remember off the top of my head) is the following excerpt:

Originally posted by a rational human being
"I think what arouses the ire of scientists (about intelligent design) is � the notion that it belongs in the same universe as scientific analysis," Kennedy said in a telephone interview.

"It's a hypothesis that's not testable, and one of the important recognition factors for science and scientific ideas is the notion of testability, that you can go out and do an experiment and learn from it and change your idea," said Kennedy. "That's just not possible with a notion that's as much a belief in spirituality as intelligent design is."

(edit: blah, BB code)

(edited by Gavin on 12-22-05 10:22 PM)
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