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Since: 01-01-07

Last post: 6367 days
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Posted on 01-15-07 05:26 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Corius

I'm completely stumped on what to do here. The hint says to bomb jump it, but I just don't see how to do that -- the moles are in the way. Can anyone help me?

Umm. Magic hammer? ...
If your talking about the ones on the other side of the cliff, bomb jump to the northwestern/northeastern part of the platforms. What i did was put the dash button on turbo and floated over the entire thing.


Since: 10-08-06
From: Albany, NY

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 01-15-07 08:12 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Alastor
I'm stuck until I can find the hookshot. I've gotten past the parallel tower, yes, but I need the hookshot to get one of the keys needed for the blue path...

If you're referring to the Dark world one in the icy beach cave where you hookshot through spikes to the chest...
you can use the X function to see where to walk through the wall to get to the chest. You can actually return from getting that chest without using the book of mudora, and the path works both ways. You don't get the hookshot in the second quest, at all, ever.

Corius: Directly underneath the lone mole on the left is an area you can stand on even though it looks like empty air. So, knock in the left 2 moles from the group of 4, then dash jump over to the area under the leftmost mole, then knock that in. Then you can bomb jump across the rest of the pits.

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6361 days
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Posted on 01-15-07 03:38 PM Link | Quote
Got an email today from one of our scripters...

Originally posted by Dr. Floppy @ hotmail
After a weekend of plugging away, I'm happy to report that the script insertion is roughly 50% complete. Moreover, I've become proficient in the game's text format, to the point of it showing up in my dreams...

The workweek starts tomorrow (Arizona is 16 hours behind Australia), but I'll still be able to devote at least a few hours per day to the project. The only minor bad news is that it'll probably be another week before 5thHerring and I can start playtesting. We should be done by the final week of January.

Despite this slight delay, I think you'll be very pleased with the end result. Screenshots are (of course) available upon request.

Thank you for your patience,

~ Dr. Floppy
That's about it for the scenario/text/monologue whatever you call it. Also I've just finished remodeling the guardhouse and intro caves, not sure about these going in v1.1 through, I would prefer fixing the rest of the dungeons aswell.


Since: 01-15-07

Last post: 6378 days
Last view: 6367 days
Posted on 01-15-07 05:40 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ICheatAtGolf
Umm. Magic hammer? ...
If your talking about the ones on the other side of the cliff, bomb jump to the northwestern/northeastern part of the platforms. What i did was put the dash button on turbo and floated over the entire thing.

... <sarcasm> Really? The Magic Hammer? ... </sarcasm>

Seriously though -- I can't get an angle for a bomb jump (due to the moles on the next platforms ... not the ones on the current one) and the turbo dash button has never worked for me. I was just curious as to what Orochimaru or Euclid had to say about it.

Originally posted by roadsarepoison
Corius: Directly underneath the lone mole on the left is an area you can stand on even though it looks like empty air. So, knock in the left 2 moles from the group of 4, then dash jump over to the area under the leftmost mole, then knock that in. Then you can bomb jump across the rest of the pits.

Thanks roads -- I'll go try that right now.

EDIT: I got it. Thanks a lot!

EDIT2: Sadly, I don't have the Big Chest Key or anything, so I have to figure out how to get back. o.o

(edited by Corius on 01-15-07 11:42 AM)
(edited by Corius on 01-15-07 11:44 AM)
(edited by Corius on 01-15-07 02:40 PM)


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-15-07 11:15 PM Link | Quote
I have the blue tunic, and the boss in Rauru's Ruins is doing the same amount of damage as when I was still in the standard green tunic. Is this intentional?



Since: 01-16-07

Last post: 6353 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 05:07 AM Link | Quote
Im looking for the goron bracelet. I'm not seeing any unexplored rooms in Din's Catacombs. The rooms Ive been to:

1. Entrance. Go north
2. Floor Tiles. Go north/downstairs
3. Room with unlit torch. Go south
4. Mini-boss, 3 jumping worms. Go East
5. Spike maze. Go north
6. Only room with 2 paths. 4 orange mini caterpillars. Go West
7. Two mummys and one mini caterpillar. Light all 4 torches, go back east
8. Same as 6. Go North
9. 2 Mummies. Go North
10. Boss Room.

Ive read several posts about Din's Catacombs, and cant find the rooms they refer to. Where is the Goron Bracelet?
Black Telomeres



Since: 10-12-06

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 08:13 AM Link | Quote
I forget what room the big chest room is connected to, but you're missing one of the bombable walls. It's behind one of those.


Since: 01-14-07

Last post: 6374 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 09:36 AM Link | Quote
Spoiler (goron braclet): If your still looking, bomb the wall on the left, near the top, in that long room, where those things shot those stone balls at you. There is mulitple cracks in the wall but one is real. Took my a bit to find it.
Black Telomeres



Since: 10-12-06

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 10:23 AM Link | Quote
To get to the magic cape, you have to pass an area that looks like you need the magic cape to get past it. Discuss.

Waddle Dee

Since: 12-03-05

Last post: 6370 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 10:23 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by pikaguy900
?!?! I, for one, like the fact that there's no map or compass. It returns the feel of the Z1 overworld

What are you talking about? There's no compass for the overworld, and even Zelda 1 had a map and compass for the dungeons. And those dungeons were much smaller and simpler.
Originally posted by pikaguy900
If you have no clue where everything is, you spend more time searching. This usually leads to you finding something you hadn't planned on finding, but it's good anyways (like a strong item or something).

Having a map helps you keep track of where you've already searched, and where you need to come back to later on, and how to get there from here. If you can't help yourself from heading straight for the boss, that isn't the map's fault.

This game needs an automap.



Since: 01-16-07

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 11:33 AM Link | Quote
Have played through till the end of the Parallel Tower, missing one of the 6 keys, which I have absolutely no idea where to get. I think it is somewhere in the tower but I can't find a way to get it.

One thing that annoys me, is that you can't get some of the items if you've already got another item before. Why does it have to be like that? I don't wanna play through the whole game just because I had one item "too much"... :O

If there are no maps in the dungeon, why do you have to have a map in the overworld? It's WAY more useful in the dungeons. It's quite pointless in the overworld to be honest. When I first came to the parallel worlds the map said that the first crystal was in the parallel tower, so I went there just to find out that I couldn't do a thing all, hmm...

About bugs reporting. If you want I can upload some Snes9x movies that shows a few of them. In one place in the parallel tower is a "secret path", if you go there it will cause the same effect as if you enter a room by holding L+R.
Another spot in the Parallel Tower makes Link freeze. It's the room with the hidden path that you can see by lighting a torch in the previous room. Walk down the whole way to the wall and Link will freeze.
I've also got one extra heart piece. I got it quite early during the game. And then suddenly, it was there again. I have 20 hearts + a heartpiece.

To end: This is a nice hack! It could be improved with some things, but it isn't a "half made" hack. Nice job.



Since: 01-16-07

Last post: 6353 days
Last view: 6353 days
Posted on 01-16-07 04:23 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by tabsaid
If your still looking, bomb the wall on the left, near the top, in that long room, where those things shot those stone balls at you. There is mulitple cracks in the wall but one is real. Took my a bit to find it.

There is no such room in Din's Catacombs. Or atleast I can't find it. There aren't any enemies that shoot stones, and the only long room has no bomb-worthy spots on the left at the top. This is really frustrating. Its not a big dungeon, theres only one room where you can chose a different path, and it dead ends in the next room. Which of these rooms is it?

1. Entrance. Go north
2. Floor Tiles. Go north/downstairs
3. Room with unlit torch. Go south
4. Mini-boss, 3 jumping worms. Go East
5. Spike maze. Go north
6. Only room with 2 paths. 4 orange mini caterpillars. Go West
7. Two mummys and one mini caterpillar. Light all 4 torches, go back east
8. Same as 6. Go North
9. 2 Mummies. Go North
10. Boss Room.

(edited by SupaFupa on 01-16-07 10:25 AM)


Since: 10-08-06
From: Albany, NY

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 06:31 PM Link | Quote
SupaFupa: Looks like you've got a lot of dungeon left to explore. I believe in the spike maze room, the south wall is bombable (or maybe the east one? I dunno, but there are two ways out of that room).

BlackTelomeres: Yeah I was wondering about that cape thing too, especially since I didn't have the Cane of Byrna when I did that part. I pretty much had to take the hits and luckily had a fairy to keep me from getting killed. I don't know what that was all about.



Since: 01-16-07

Last post: 6353 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 07:04 PM Link | Quote
Well, I figured out Din's Catacomb and got the goron bracelet. Now Im stuck on the boss for farore's island. Ive bombed the mask off, but after that, I can't hit him. How do you beat this guy?
Trip Dering


Since: 07-12-06

Last post: 6377 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 07:27 PM Link | Quote
Try the Spin Attack. or your hammer.


Since: 01-16-07

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Posted on 01-16-07 07:47 PM Link | Quote
I'm stuck in the third castle. I've gone through the maze a number of times, and can't for the life of me find the big chest key. Any help?



Since: 01-16-07

Last post: 6353 days
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Posted on 01-16-07 08:12 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Trunkers
I'm stuck in the third castle. I've gone through the maze a number of times, and can't for the life of me find the big chest key. Any help?

After you switch from blue blocks to red blocks, go back to the first room, where there are three doors on the north wall. Take the far right door upstairs. You have to light the 4 torches on this floor. One in this room, one in the room to the south, and two in the room east of that one. Once you have all the torches lit at the same time, a chest appears in the room with the red/blue switch and two torches.
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-17-07 12:27 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Black Telomeres
To get to the magic cape, you have to pass an area that looks like you need the magic cape to get past it. Discuss.
You actually need the mirror shield. Skillful/lucky maneuvering to block lasers through the first corridor is all you need... Or you can run through and just take the two hits. At that point, just go up, turning around to block lasers until you're not getting fired at anymore... And just walk forward from there to block the next set of lasers. You shouldn't take more than three hearts total.


Since: 01-17-07

Last post: 6372 days
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Posted on 01-17-07 12:44 AM Link | Quote
But where do I get the mirror shield? I have finished every dungeon and found every big chest.. hm, wait, i didnt found it in naboorus hole.. dont tell me it is in there..^^
btw: sheiks hideout was the first one i tried.. it was very, very frustrating, but i even got the cape with using some savestates and one red potion^^
now im heading for the parallel tower, this will be another great experience i guess^^
i love his hack.. but where is the mirror?? do i get it in the tower? do i need it at that time anymore? im confused^^
Black Telomeres



Since: 10-12-06

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 01-17-07 01:40 AM Link | Quote
Nabooru's hole is funny. I'm saving it for last since it requires no skill at all, only either A. the faq pic or B. dumb luck.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking-Related Releases - Zelda: Parallel Worlds *Released!* |


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