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10-05-24 08:51 PM
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Since: 12-30-06
From: In front of my PC

Last post: 6479 days
Last view: 6444 days
Posted on 01-08-07 05:30 PM Link | Quote
Hello, i got in rom-hacking about 3 years ago. Now, i go to start with Super Mario World hacking, because i play hacks several times, and, of course i'm really impressed about the hacks. I'm from Chile but i can talk in Spanish and english without problems or a translator.
Game is over.

Since: 09-13-06
From: Wastebasket 800

Last post: 6440 days
Last view: 6438 days
Posted on 01-12-07 05:48 AM Link | Quote
Sorry, but your post did not fulfill the minimum content requirements to be considered outlined in the sticky threads in this forum. Please make a new request after reviewing them.
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Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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