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10-05-24 09:23 AM
0 users currently in Approval Request Forum.
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Since: 01-07-07
From: The world that never was, FL

Last post: 6480 days
Last view: 6479 days
Posted on 01-08-07 01:31 AM Link | Quote
I work in flash animation for fun, and often use character sprites from various games for the NES.. some I rip myself, some i have to give other's credit for. i can find just about any rom and I've been using lunar magic for about a year. i wiped a hard drive (with my roms and all my flash work) so i'm struggling to get back on my feet. I am mainly looking for the ability to give my opinion on forums (just nice to tell people information i'm constantly getting) and to ask for a few spriting favors of course.

(edited by ||bass on 01-08-07 11:07 AM)
(edited by ||bass on 01-08-07 11:08 AM)


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6438 days
Last view: 6438 days
Posted on 01-08-07 01:33 AM Link | Quote
Your request seems fairly reasonable.

Your layout does not.


Since: 01-07-07
From: The world that never was, FL

Last post: 6480 days
Last view: 6479 days
Posted on 01-08-07 01:35 AM Link | Quote
yeah.. uhhh... i need to fix that. it was all i could think of.

(edited by ||bass on 01-08-07 11:06 AM)
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6438 days
Last view: 6438 days
Posted on 01-08-07 01:50 PM Link | Quote
Not only is it completely illegible on my scheme, but you have numerous redundancies and it's very poorly constructed. Were it actually constructed as to be what I can only presume you want it to be (curse me for piecing it together!), it would be... Well.. That's not a good background, to put it as lightly as I can. I am not really sure how you can actually be good at any trade tangentially related to aethetics yet make a layout like that
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Approval Request Forum - I need approval |


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