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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - NNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNN NN stupid alarms New poll | |
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Double metal axe

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 01:24 PM Link | Quote
ok... it's official. this alarm clock is NOT waking me up. two times in a row i have relied on it to wake me up in the middle of the night and it's FAILED to do just that. i need to find a new one that is louder. wish i would have asked for christmas...

does anyone have any suggestions?

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 01:28 PM Link | Quote
Mobile phone?

Are you possibly turning it off in your sleep? Move it to the other side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off.

I use a number of alarms to get me up. I use:
  • a program called Alarm Clock 2 on my Macintosh,
  • A clock radio
  • My mobile phone
  • My Nintendo DS
at varying volumes and at varying locations around my room.

I frequently disable one of these in my sleep, but another kicks in to wake me up.

Double metal axe

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 01-07-07 01:32 PM Link | Quote
i'll try distancing my clock... but that can be annoying because now i'll have to walk to take off my glasses. that's a good suggestion.
using a program to wake me up sounds like a good idea too, but i don't want to wake up the rest of my family, so that's probably out(even though my computer is still 2 flights of stairs below them). i'll give it a shot anyways.
no phone, so that's out.
and i have a ds, i can try using the alarm on that. do you have to leave it flipped open or what?
thanks for the fast response. :o

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 01:38 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by jeff
i'll try distancing my clock... but that can be annoying because now i'll have to walk to take off my glasses. that's a good suggestion.
using a program to wake me up sounds like a good idea too, but i don't want to wake up the rest of my family, so that's probably out(even though my computer is still 2 flights of stairs below them). i'll give it a shot anyways.
no phone, so that's out.
and i have a ds, i can try using the alarm on that. do you have to leave it flipped open or what?
thanks for the fast response. :o

I leave mine flipped open, yeah, but that way it also doubles as a clock I can check in the middle of the night. Unfortunately it also likes to tell me how many hours till the alarm goes (ie, how many hours of sleep I have left... disappointing when I'm having trouble sleeping) But you might find that a good thing....

The DS isn't very noisy though I find. It just irritates me a little... and with me and getting up, every little annoyance counts.

The Adventure of Link
Perfect Member

Since: 11-18-05
From: Olympia, Washington

Last post: 6351 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 01:50 PM Link | Quote
As for alarm clocks, may I suggest Clocky?

If that isn't in the picture, try setting multiple in different places. Or just hit the snooze button.


Since: 09-20-06
From: UK

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Posted on 01-07-07 01:57 PM Link | Quote
Do you have to set your alarm every night before going to bed?

My mobile phone allows me to set a recurrent alarm for any given day of the week. This means I don’t have to worry about setting the alarm the night before (or being woken up early at the weekend)



Since: 05-07-06
From: Iowa

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Posted on 01-07-07 04:05 PM Link | Quote
I'd have two suggestions. One would be to make sure you set an alarm that is extremely annoying, and that you want to smash with a large hammer cartoon-style. You'll be so utterly annoyed that you'll have to get up. Second, distance the clock, because if you have to get up and walk to the clock, chances are you'll realize you're awake, and that you need to be up and not sleeping. At least, that's what I do.
Guy Perfect

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-07-07 06:28 PM Link | Quote
When I absolutely need to wake up, I schedule a task on my Windows computer to run a sound file at the designated time. I just pick one of the tunes out of my music library and set it to play, configure the media player to repeat it forever, and set the speakers at a volume such that I could hear it from any depth of slumber. And since I have to get out of bed to get to the computer, it's as effective as can be as an alarm.
Snow Tomato

Snap Dragon

Since: 12-31-05
From: NYC

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Posted on 01-07-07 07:05 PM Link | Quote
I have to have my alarm on the other side of the room from me, so I have to get up in order to shut it off. Otherwise I'd snooze the days away.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 01-07-07 09:20 PM Link | Quote
If you can run a speaker from your computer to your headboard or nightstand, it can wake you up without being loud enough wake the rest of the household. Plus, you would still have to walk across the room to shut it off.
Took the board down in a blaze of glory, only to reveal how truly moronical ||bass is.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Henderson, Nevada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 09:57 PM Link | Quote
My alarm doesn't wake me up, regardless of when I go to sleep or what time I'm trying to wake up It's loud enough to let everyone else know it's going off, but all they do is usually come back here and shut it off after it's been blaring for 15 minutes or so. Ironically, they don't wake me up either...

I've managed to sleep through an entire half hour of it, too

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 10:30 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Shadic
As for alarm clocks, may I suggest Clocky?

If that isn't in the picture, try setting multiple in different places. Or just hit the snooze button.

I like the idea of Clocky, but I've never seen anywhere that actually SELLS it. That site doesn't appear to either. It just appears to have been a concept idea.... I would have hoped after about a year or so it would be available by now

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 01-07-07 11:28 PM Link | Quote
Kind of like another I say that someone made, it shoots out a ping-pong ball, and won't shut off until he retrieves it and puts it back in. Apparently, he outsmarted himself by buying a pack of ping-pong balls to set next to his bed.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-07-07 11:42 PM Link | Quote
My alarm clocks don't really do the job; they wake me up but I generally just go back to bed afterward. I have one next to the bed that has a rather annoying little beeping sound, then it plays the radio 5 minutes later. 5 minutes after that my DS on the other side of the room goes off. I leave the lid open just enough that it goes into sleep mode, that way the speakers aren't muffled so it's louder. If all that doesn't do it, after another 5 minutes, the clock atop my TV goes BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP at a ridiculous volume, sure to wake up just about anyone (except maybe Xk). The real problem, as I mentioned, is not going back to sleep afterward.

If I really need to get up I set a batch file to run at whatever time; it starts Winamp and plays whatever cool/loud song I choose at the time, on repeat, slowly turning the volume up. (Kirby music works good for this. ) After 5 minutes it plays Bananaphone, then just gives up and stops. This has the added bonus that to turn it off I have to actually get up, turn the monitor on, grab the mouse, open the Task Manager, and terminate the script and the second Winamp instance it launches (even though Winamp is set to allow only one instance ) because for some reason they're invisible when run this way. It also has the internal speaker going so I can't just shut the stereo off.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-08-07 02:54 AM Link | Quote
Usually I wake up well before I need to go anywhere (i.e. work) but I also have a pretty loud alarm clock above my bed. It does the job, trust me.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Mass

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Posted on 01-08-07 05:12 AM Link | Quote
You should get an alarm that doesn't go EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN I suppose. </lawl> My alarm is loud and fucking obnoxious. It goes,
Later tomorrow I will record its dream killing, jump out of bed and let dresser corner meet eye, "hurry up wheres the fucking Buzzer + Off buttons!?", and "SHIT THAT WAS THE RADIO + ON BUTTON" sexiness.

If you don't understand that last part, basically it has a Radio and Buzzer button. If you hit the Radio button, the Radio alarm sets, and the Buzzer button sets the Buzzer alarm. But, to turn them off when they go off, you hold in the currently alarming button and hit the off button on the other fucking side of the clock. This done in the dark causes many problems, as you will constantly hit Radio + On, Buzzer + On, and Radio + Off. I never use Radio, so of course I have a 1/4th chance in the dark of hitting the wrong thing.

And heres the best part of my clock alarm! When you first hold down the Buzzer button and start pressing the plus and minus buttons to change the time it goes off, if turns the buzzer on the minute you hold in the buzzer button. So if you go by the time it currently is while setting the time, the alarm fucking goes off. Not good for late night alarm setting. Theres a way around, you have to hold in the Buzzer button, hit Off, then start setting the time.

I swear, this clock was designed by douchebags.

(edited by Sonicandtails on 01-07-07 11:12 PM)

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 01-08-07 03:33 PM Link | Quote
Do you have a stove with a timer on it? That thing is really loud!



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 01-08-07 06:46 PM Link | Quote
Does the clock get you up? Yes? Good.

I know it might scare the piss out of you but at least it does its job. Some people just sleep right through quiet alarm clocks or have a knack for hitting the Sleep button in their sleep.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 01-09-07 02:52 AM Link | Quote
Yes, I've been known to turn off the alarm, fall asleep again, then wake up two hours later and ask who the hell turned off my clock. Or someone would wake me up, I'd fall asleep, wake up later and ask why they didn't wake me up. My memory takes a few minutes to start up in the morning.

I like loud alarms because they pretty much scare me awake to the point I'm not going back to sleep soon, but I tend to panic and start mashing all the buttons, pulling the plug, throwing it across the room etc because I can't remember how to shut it up.


Since: 01-01-07

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Posted on 01-09-07 03:23 AM Link | Quote
i have a clock i would like to suggest. its a ceiling projector alarm clock. this can be a good or a bad thing. here are the reasons this clock will wake you up for sure:

-its extremely loud
-it projects the time on the ceiling, making you feel guilty if you hit the snooze button
-the clock must be turned away from your bed, if it is at the foot of your bed, to project the time on the ceiling. this is preferred so you have to actually move to shut it off/hit snooze
-because the clock is facing backwards (but the time is still projected correctly on the ceiling) it will take you longer to shut the damned thing off. but this is good, since there is a Lock mode like on iPod that stops you from accidentally changing the time settings. made specifically for people that are hard to wake.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - NNNNNNNNN NNNNNN NNNN NN stupid alarms |


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