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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - What are the limits to using Level Enders for Custom Bosses? New poll | |
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Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

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Posted on 01-02-07 12:41 PM Link | Quote
OK, so I had my first idea for a custom boss fight. I set it all up, enemy in the final room of the first castle, with a Level Ender sprite to finish things off once he's dead. So I play through the castle, kill the final enemy, things fade to black, and then nothing. The game freezes up. This hasn't happened when I've used the Level Ender in other places, so this puzzled me.

The castle's level 101. I figure maybe the game's hardcoded to only end the original castles with the official boss battles. I stuck a Goal Sphere in the middle of the castle, and that allowed me to pass the level just fine, so I'm even more confused. I finally moved the whole level over to level number 12E, and the Level Ender works fine there. (It plays the No Yoshi intro instead of the castle intro, though...)

So I guess I'm asking what triggers the cinema scenes after castles. Are they just hardcoded to occur after you beat a Koopa Kid in one of the original castle levels? I've never tried sticking a Koopa Kid battle in a normal level before. Would that trigger a cinema scene? The original castle levels be used as normal levels so long as you don't use a Level Ender sprite to clear them, right? I don't really care all that much about having a cinema scene after clearing a world, I'm just curious about which levels I can use for what...
Raccoon Sam

Boomerang Brother
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Since: 11-20-05
From: Correct

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Posted on 01-02-07 01:08 PM Link | Quote
I do remember trying to put a Koopa kid in a normal level. Worked fine, although he was invisible. I could hit him and all that.
But that was years ago, so I don't remember if it triggered the fight or not. Sorry.
Took the board down in a blaze of glory, only to reveal how truly moronical ||bass is.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Henderson, Nevada

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Posted on 01-02-07 01:14 PM Link | Quote
(     the topic     )     * that post


Since: 11-18-05
From: Germany

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Posted on 01-02-07 04:58 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by icegoom
So I guess I'm asking what triggers the cinema scenes after castles. Are they just hardcoded to occur after you beat a Koopa Kid in one of the original castle levels? I've never tried sticking a Koopa Kid battle in a normal level before. Would that trigger a cinema scene? The original castle levels be used as normal levels so long as you don't use a Level Ender sprite to clear them, right? I don't really care all that much about having a cinema scene after clearing a world, I'm just curious about which levels I can use for what...

You can set the castle sequences after the bosses in the Owerworld editor. Go to "Owerworld" --> "Change Boss sequence levels" and set it to the right level number. But the sequence will only appear, if you really have a boss fight in the level. If you try to set up a sequence like that in a level without a boss in it, the cinema sequence will not appear.


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

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Posted on 01-02-07 05:46 PM Link | Quote
Oh, wow, how did I not see that? Guess I'm too dense to find anything that doesn't have a big shiny icon... OK, ignore the idiot. I still don't understand why the Level Ender makes the game freeze up if used in a Boss Sequence level, though.

Link's Awakening

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 01-02-07 06:20 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by FPI
You can set the castle sequences after the bosses in the Owerworld editor. Go to "Owerworld" --> "Change Boss sequence levels" and set it to the right level number. But the sequence will only appear, if you really have a boss fight in the level. If you try to set up a sequence like that in a level without a boss in it, the cinema sequence will not appear.

Yeah. And the cinema won't appear if Big Boo is the boss defeated. Strangely, if Reznor is the boss, it will work fine. I haven't tried Bowser, although I'm sure it would just play the princess rescued sequence, then cut back to the map after it's over.



Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 01-02-07 06:53 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by asdf

Yeah. And the cinema won't appear if Big Boo is the boss defeated. Strangely, if Reznor is the boss, it will work fine. I haven't tried Bowser, although I'm sure it would just play the princess rescued sequence, then cut back to the map after it's over.

That's a giant "Yes" to the Bowser sprite.
Spoiler (My reasoning to the "Yes"):Ever played "Super Mario in The Castle? Remember the boss? Beating the boss at the very end triggered the Princess Rescued sequence, BUT NOT the Credits. THAT is determined by the Castle Sequences. But remember that after you beat that boss, you got sent back to the map, where you opened "Hard Mode".

Why isn't Big Boo Boss counted as a sprite that can trigger the Castle End Sequences? Isn't the requirement for triggering those simply activating the Normal Exit of the level in question? Or is it the sprite itself that tells the game to activate that castle end sequence if it was defeated on the same level as a Castle End Sequence is set to?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - What are the limits to using Level Enders for Custom Bosses? |


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