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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Story Forum - Maverick Uprising - the Prologue New poll | | Thread closed
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The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 09-08-06 10:40 AM Link
(OoC: Yes, it's supposed to be posted in it.)

A dark room, completely lightless, save for the uncountable monitors that were set up in front of a strange man. Tall and bulky, what little one would be able to see of him was hidden underneath a hood and cloak.

"How are our projects going?" he asked, as he stared at the various screens ahead. The eight figures in each of them, barely visible due to the lack of lighting, slowly typed out instructions, which appeared on the screens. Slowly, he began to shift his body into a more relaxed position, which seemed to indicate he was pleased. "So, it can begin soon... very well. The distraction may begin, then..."

Then, after sending a last message, he watched as each screen went dead, leaving him in the shadows... and began laughing. A cold, insane laughter...


"The Maverick Hunters Headquarters, the home of the biggest annoyances ever..." Daedalus muttered, as he and Zekt walked towards it, in their normal clothing.

"Don't worry... our plans will work out. It's a guarantee... they'll fall for it." The boy snorted, as he heard his companion try to encourage him... but ignored it.

"Certainly... well, let's go in, then, shall we?" he asked, as they were now in front of the entrance. Zekt opened the door for them, and they walked through.


Since: 11-16-06
From: Amestris

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-29-06 03:36 AM Link
Originally posted by The Letter H
(OoC: Yes, it's supposed to be posted in it.)

((Umm... I wanna join, but your description is somewhat cryptic... I'd have no idea where to start ))

(edited by Kyo_Starr on 12-28-06 10:05 PM)
Ogama Dobe


Since: 11-15-06
From: The Darkness of my Soul

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-30-06 02:47 AM Link
This is like the Megaman X stuff if you have ever played that game Kyo_Starr. I've got the collection for 'cube so I can show you sometime so you'll have a better idea.

A young Reploid with dark black armor and gold trimmings walks past the Maverick Hunters HQ thinking if he should go in. His helmet was adorned with three golden horns protruding from the center. Long black hair hangs from his helmet and his eyes are dark to match. An energy sword hangs from his hip. With a shrug he walks into the building, he was going to see if the Maverick Hunters were half of what they were cracked up to be.


Since: 03-02-06
From: AB, Canada

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 12-30-06 04:50 AM Link
Deeper within the base, Reploids continued walking back and forth down a hallway. Behind a sheet of pane glass on one side all that could be seen was a larger officer Reploid, ivory white with bulky spherical shoulders, sitting at a long black table with a viewscreen flipped up in front of him. Nothing could be heard from the outside; all that could be seen was the superior mouthing commands at the recipient, which kept throwing out crude salutes and was very obviously apologizing for dear life.

Cleaning within the base, or any other large building for that matter, was typically automated and done by preprogrammed robots at certain times of the day. Being within a military compound, however, meant that there was a more serious demand for cleanliness. A handful of Reploids were designated to be on call for 'accidents' to be cleaned up post-haste, as they could be drug out of the closet, so to speak, faster than said lesser robots.

The human concept of 'latrine duty' had finally made its way into the HQ.

And thus, a tall, slim, deep green Reploid, with no other distinguishing features besides a pair of matching boots that looked like they weren't build to defend their host from much besides mud, stuck his finger into the puddle he crouched over.

"Organic superlube."

He looked around again, finding himself in an underground corridor that stretched off into infinity both ways. No leaking pipes, no broken wall conduits, just a spot of grey slop on the floor and no excuse for its existence other than a badly-thought-out prank.

Grumbling to himself he plucked a scoop-looking device off his waist, which began to make a dull humming noise as he started rubbing it against the ground.
Ogama Dobe


Since: 11-15-06
From: The Darkness of my Soul

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-31-06 02:29 AM Link
The young Reploid with the black hair walked up to the front desk at the Maverick Hunter HQ and inquired as to where he could join. He was directed down the hall to a pair of large doors. He stood in front of them and took a deep breath, then stepped inside.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 01-04-07 10:29 AM Link
OoC: Okay, people, I imagine what you're expecting... and, unfortunately, this thread is not only not going the way I wanted, but it's rather useless. So... I'd like it to be closed and you Mega Man fans to come into the other thread I'll make.

...yeah, that's it. I'll tell you more there. Sorry for the mess.


Since: 03-02-06
From: AB, Canada

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 01-04-07 06:43 PM Link
Schweiz oder etwas
[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 01-05-07 03:08 PM Link
Harsh words, Ulty. This thread has been closed by request of the original poster.

The flower that blooms in adversity is often the brightest and most beautiful of them all, H. Watch more Disney movies.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Story Forum - Maverick Uprising - the Prologue | Thread closed


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