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Star Mario
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Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-14-06 12:43 AM Link | Quote
Any chance of a GIF showing the rainbow cycling?



Since: 08-10-06

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Posted on 12-14-06 02:46 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ZTaimat
Thing you can make the rainbow look like it's 'curving'?

What do you mean?

Originally posted by HyperHacker
Any chance of a GIF showing the rainbow cycling?

Only if I knew how to do such a thing. Seriously, I have NO clue on how to animate a GIF.

Edit: Onoez.... Now I'VE lost my mind! XD I've been playing Mega Man 4 and Mega Man 5 (Game Boy) since yesterday. Well, I'm a big Mega Man fan, so... Let me just say this real quick-like: I recently started a "Cosmoship" level (SPACESHIP?! XD), one that will be in my Rainbow Road world. I want it to be the very last level in my hack, but I may not do that. We'll see. Well, last night I came up with an idea. It just now spawned this:

O_o Worse yet, for testing, I called the level "OMG WILY SHIP". XD I've REALLY gone overboard this time!! Wily's taken over the Mushroom Kingdom, not to mention MY MIND!!! Oh yeah, by the way... THOSE WILY INSIGNIAS WILL BE PERMANENT! :o Does this mean that you'll face off against Dr. Wily at the end of this hack instead of Bowser? You'll just have to wait and see!!!

Edit2: Well, I'm *finally* started on the slope tiles for my Rainbow Road GFX. Actually, I'm done with them (I'm only doing Normal Slope and Steep Slope, by the way). All I'm doing now is making those "connector tiles". I'm almost done making those, but... Man, it WILL be hard for me to release these if I choose to. I'm having to squeeze each 8x8 tile into unused spots because the tiles are so big! O_o Plus, in order to make each tile fit, I've had to move some of the tiles (including the tiles that take up the entirety of a single 8x8 tile, which in turn make up the 16x16 tile that you see between each "connector piece") to the location where the background is located!! To prevent these tiles from interfering with some backgrounds, these tiles are found in a new ExGFX file. But... I made another copy of that ExGFX file for the "Cosmoship" interior BG. Since these slope pieces are to be put at FG3, I'm going to have to copy some of them to that file. Oh well. It's not that big of a deal.

...Okay, NOW I'm done with the tiles. I'll insert them now, and actually BEGIN working on Rainbow Road 1. Wish me luck! ...Oh yeah, I'll show a few screens soon.

(edited by pikaguy900 on 12-14-06 07:08 PM)
(edited by pikaguy900 on 12-15-06 04:08 PM)



Since: 03-04-06

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Posted on 12-15-06 05:44 PM Link | Quote
This is a hack I'm looking forward to.

I like your overworld, but like SNN said, I'd change the Castle to something else. Maybe the pipe from the overworld in SMB3? It'd be fat enough that it might be able to work.

Levels look fun, and I love the atmosphere on the Rainbow Road and Wily levels.

Although I don't know how to make a GIF out of a program either, however, if you use SNES9X you could go to File -> Record AVI and make a really short AVI at low quality and upload it somewhere. I bet someone else has a better idea, but like I said, I don't know how to do the .GIF recording thing I see people doing around here occasionally.

Looking good though, keep it up.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6357 days
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Posted on 12-15-06 06:26 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by quaker3332
This is a hack I'm looking forward to.

I like your overworld, but like SNN said, I'd change the Castle to something else. Maybe the pipe from the overworld in SMB3? It'd be fat enough that it might be able to work.

Levels look fun, and I love the atmosphere on the Rainbow Road and Wily levels.

Although I don't know how to make a GIF out of a program either, however, if you use SNES9X you could go to File -> Record AVI and make a really short AVI at low quality and upload it somewhere. I bet someone else has a better idea, but like I said, I don't know how to do the .GIF recording thing I see people doing around here occasionally.

Looking good though, keep it up.


I thought of replacing the Castle with a Pipe, but I figured it wouldn't look right when the time came to destroy it. Then again, why would Mario destroy a castle after beating the boss inside? Maybe I WILL make it a pipe. Or, maybe I'll make it a normal level and you won't know when you've reached the Boss level until you do.

I use ZSNES, and I only use Snes9x only when it's the only emulator I can play a hack on (Like Super Metroid: Redesign), so no thank you.

Please, don't call that ship a Wily level- Call it a Cosmoship level (Get it? Cosmos= Space, so that word means Spaceship! XD) instead!



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6357 days
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Posted on 12-19-06 09:07 PM Link | Quote
Eh. Here's a simple update...

First off, new screens are coming SOON.

I just finished Silver Pipeline 1, so... Yay. I got SO sidetracked with my other ideas, I not only forgot to work on this level some more, but I also decided to go ahead and place one of the worlds I was working on RIGHT AFTER SILVER PIPELINE!!! What is it? Peppermint Fields! It'll feature Peppermint Blocks and even a Peppermint Castle hidden deviously somewhere in the level... And the best part is, YOU WON'T KNOW WHAT LEVEL IT'S IN UNTIL YOU FIND IT! But reaching it is worth the trouble... You'll gain something REALLY good there (And I might make it be revealed on the map if you can get through it and actually hit an exit... ), so try finding it!

Anyways, just so you know, yes, Dr. Wily WILL be in this hack... and he's the very first antagonist you find! In MOST worlds, you'll face off against some of Dr. Wily's menacing creations, especially in the Castles. The bosses of Castles will usually be some of his most powerful robots, like Fire Man and Gemini Man. And just so you know, that's not ruining the hack... BECAUSE I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU WHO THE FINAL BOSS IS!!! WAHAHA! Is Dr. Wily the final boss, or could it be someone else? Who knows?!

Okay, so... Silver Pipeline won't go like you'd expect. Once you reach Silver Pipeline 3, you'll find that you need to activate the Green Switch in order to continue, so you take a different exit, which leads to *gasp!* the Green Switch. Duh. Well, activating that allows you to get to another secret... What it is, I cannot say... But know this: Once you beat Silver Pipeline 1, don't think you're done with it forever. For once you leave, you'll find that... YOU'LL BE RIGHT BACK.

Now, a simple explanation of those "Peppermint Blocks". Well, they're just blue blocks with a red-and-white center (Peppermint- I'd say "Candy Cane", but when I think peppermint, I think red and white). Well, you only find them in Ice levels, so what do you think they are? They're Blocks that are destroyed by Fireballs, just so you know... You'll find them all over Peppermint Fields 1 and EVERYWHERE in Peppermint Castle (the one hidden in a certain level, not the one at the end of the World. ... Now, here's an update on the worlds!

World 1: Silver Pipeline
World 2: Peppermint Fields
World 3: ???
World 4: ???
World 5: ???
World 6: ???
World 7: ???
World 8: ???
World 9: Rainbow Road
World S: ???

10 Worlds so far, but wait! Aren't there only 7 Castles (not counting Bowser's Castle)? That's right, so what's at the end of World 8? Maybe a passage to Rainbow Road? Or a passage to the Special World? Or could it even be the final area? No, that can't be, because I previously stated that the final level might be in the Rainbow Road world... Hmmm.... (Think about it for a minute- You'll get it. )

Ugh... Screens soon. Especially of my very fun "Peppermint Secret". Heh heh heh...

Edit: Okay, screens are ready. I have 4 Screenshots to show you tonight:

Part 3 of Silver Pipeline 1. It's mainly you vs. Pipes and Piranha Plants. You must use these SMB3 Elevators to get across TWO large chasms and a Muncher pit. (Oh yeah, and I just found out that landing on one of those blocks causes all Message Blocks in the level to mysteriously VANISH. Oh well. I'll leave that block there anyways. I have nowhere else to put it because the main part of the level uses Venus Fire Traps, which use the Message Box GFX! ) The Message Box tells you what the block is and it also tells you that you just passed the midway point... See, to get the SMB3 Waterfalls, I needed to get rid of the Midway Point tiles. I did so, but to use Midway points now, I now have to use the custom block Invisible Midway Point. Passing into the pipe alcove containing that message box and SMB3 elevator makes you pass by 6 of these blocks (so you also pass it when you come out of that pipe. The midway point is set at a pipe, which leads right back to that alcove...).

OMG! Wily's left a message for Mario! Lesse... It says:

"Muahahaha! You'll never get this key, Mario! Give up now!
-Dr. Wily"

Onoez... Now how will mario trigger the secret exit? Maybe he doesn't at all?

"WHAT?! HOW DID MARIO BREAK INTO MY SECRET STORAGE FACILITY FOR THE KEY?! Grrr... Now he'll be able to reach me!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" -Dr. Wily left that note for me... XD If you want to know how to get in there, you need to... *gets kidnapped by Dr. Wily*

Ahhh... It's Peppermint Secret! No, I didn't waste my time there.... By the way, the ground isn't slippery. I don't find that to be a good idea for outdoors. Does anyone have any good ExGFX I can use for my Peppermint Fields levels that is snow-covered ground? I think that'd look a lot better. Oh yeah, those blocks are my Peppermint Blocks! I give a free Fire Flower here, because you NEED it to get all the treasures. And don't think you can get them without any hassle from enemies... Muahaha... By the way, the time limit is only 100 seconds. Because of this (and because there's no exit), this level can be exited from the sides whenever you wish. Just take what you want and go!

GASP! It's Peppermint Castle!!! What level could it be hiding in??? Note/b] This level is still under construction, so there's really nothing here. ...Yet....

(edited by pikaguy900 on 12-19-06 09:18 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Hack Preview: Super Mario World: Pipe Panic (Tentative Title) |


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