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Since: 11-12-06
From: South Carolina, USA

Last post: 6365 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 12-10-06 07:02 PM Link | Quote
Since I can't seem to edit the thread name or attachment of my first thread, I'm making another one. I hope that's allowed. Anyway, I finally finished all of World 2, and I'm eager to shall it with y'all.

In this demo, you'll be able to move on past the Brass Egg Castle and visit an entirely new island - Drought Valley. Can you get the Tin Egg of questionable value?

There are nine brand new levels for you to play through. I'd really appreciate any feedback you can give: what I'm doing right, what I'm doing wrong, what needs a little tweaking, etc. It's the only way I'll be able to improve. And it doubles as motivation to keep on working.

You're probably going to have to restart your game, so I'm sorry for any inconvenience. There have been some minor changes to the previous levels... *coughnewsecretpathcough* ...so it shouldn't be too boring. There's also a pseudo Star Road that you can reach, but you can't play it yet.

And here are some screenshots to give you a preview before the download. Hope you like what you see.

Comments and criticism, please.

Edit: There is a glitch in this version where the Yellow Switch Pallace doesn't go flat after being beaten. Sorry for the inconvenience, this has been fixed for future releases.


SM Treasure Hunt Demo2.IPS (275429b) - views: 79

(edited by Joshua368 on 12-12-06 10:04 AM)

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 08:18 PM Link | Quote
Looks nice, but there's some places where tiles don't fit together well. Cement blocks in the water, red triangles, and water hovering over a gap between the logs are the first I see.


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 08:47 PM Link | Quote
Yup, there are holes in the scenery all over the place. You really ought to patch them up with some Map16 and simple ExGfx.

Your levels are fiendishly designed. Nothing too tricky in world one, but I'm having to use savestates on top of savestates in world two. Getting Baby Yoshi through the Nursery was pretty tricky. (swimming with an item sucks) There was a weird glitch the first time I got Yoshi to the end and had him grow up: he was unable to get hit by or eat any of the Koopas. It didn't happen when I tried again and I was able to find the secret exit.

Shining Beacon was a really great idea, but was kind of frustrating to play. The shell kept getting blown up by Bob-ombs or I'd accidetally stomp it with Yoshi. (I finally just ditched him)

I haven't figured out how to get to the key in the Treasure Cavern, and the Desolate Manor has me stumped. I got to the section with Boo Snakes thinking I was nearing the end, then the door took me back to the P-Switch room. Arrgh!

So yeah, this game is kicking my ass. You have some really ingenious levels, but I'm not having that much fun playing them because when it comes down to it, I kind of suck at videogames. I'll comment more if I can figure out how to get past this Ghost House.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Texas

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 08:53 PM Link | Quote
Not bad, I enjoyed this hack. It was challenging but not to the point where I had to abuse save states. Just wanted to add a couple of things to Hyperhacker's post.

The turn blocks don't go with the ledges because they leave a nasty gap after you destroy them. I suggest moving the turn blocks away from that ledge.

The diagonal rope just doesn't go with the mushroom ledges.

Buster Beetle

Since: 05-07-06
From: The CS

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Posted on 12-10-06 09:21 PM Link | Quote
Sea Urchin Beach was strange...
-Some of the dolphins near the beginning had a habit of disappearing.
-The starman halfway through the level disappeared when I swam under the land to go back and get it.
-And, I was really glad I had a fastforward key on that small room with the urchins floating around... because they go REALLY SLOW.


Since: 11-12-06
From: South Carolina, USA

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 09:50 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, sorry about the gaps around the blue water... I have almost no exGFX experience, and my previous attempt ended pretty badly, so I'm kind of nervous about using it. I might try filling up the gaps sometime... and I'll replace those turn blocks in front of the hill with question blocks.

The small holes never really bugged me too much, personally.

I was worried if I made the levels too hard... expecially the ghost house. I have an ten-year-old little brother who tests all my levels, so I usually try to see if he can beat them without save states. A hint: If you reach the four-door hallway, you're near the end, but you'll have to be careful or you'll go back to start.

And for Boourns, those first two are simply a glitch that was in the original game, where if you make a sprite get unloaded while watching its respawn point, it'll disappear. Nothing really I can do there. Revisiting its respawn point should bring it back.

(edited by Joshua368 on 12-10-06 08:53 PM)
(edited by Joshua368 on 12-10-06 11:40 PM)



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 12-11-06 05:30 PM Link | Quote
For those gaps, you don't need ExGFX experience for that- You can either square out the blocks more (so there's no gaps between them), or just simply add some dark blue to the spots where the "invisible" black is (the first black). It's as simple as that.

I happen to like hard things, so I'll give this a whirl. The only problem is, I tend to use savestates a lot. You don't know how many times I've made a savestate just for ONE LITTLE JUMP. What's worse, I make them while playing SMAS, because I can. Make me play it on an SNES, though, and I'll play through it without savestates. ...I've done it all my life, after all.


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 12-11-06 10:29 PM Link | Quote
Stupid icegoom still hasn't found his way throught the Ghost House.

I'm not that annoyed by small holes between, say, pipes and water, but those huge gaps behind the smiley ramps look pretty bad to me. They'd be really easy to patch up with ExGfx: Make a custom palette and stick the brown of the dirt at the end of palette 7. Copy the smiley ramp tile, paste it over a bush tile, then fill in the transparent space with the dirt's brown. Save it as an ExGfx file, insert it, make new Map16 tiles set to act like 1B4 and 1B5, and put them in the level with direct Map16 access. No more holes.


Since: 11-12-06
From: South Carolina, USA

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 12-12-06 12:35 AM Link | Quote
Ghost House: Look at the far wall of the beginning room. Look past it. That's where you need to go... and you'll have to use the four-door hallway to get there somehow.


Since: 07-03-06

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Posted on 12-12-06 02:08 AM Link | Quote
wow. I have to say, I'm REALLY liking the puzzles in this hack. The ghost house puzzle was especially amusing, nearly ran out of time finding it. I definitely like that this hack focuses more on puzzles than on insane dexterity, though honestly the spelunking level's secret exit was a bit weak. Additionally, in the "baby yoshi" level you can actually hit the first exit without going through the main level with a well timed jump beween the note blocks.

Additionally, I like the "1 well hidden moon in every level" idea. I was considering that for my hack but several levels just didn't feel right that way.

As people said, the holes in the scenery are a bit of an issue, but frankly I think your level design more than makes up for it. I'm no expert on graphic editing either, you can focus on that after all your levels are complete.

Another note, if you aren't going to destroy the switch palace, at least make it so that there's somewhere to go after the switch is hit or something, dead ends suck. On the same note, make a way to kill yoursefl at the beginning of the level if you screw up.

I may have more comments later, need sleep now. Great start with this hack by the way.


Since: 11-12-06
From: South Carolina, USA

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 12-12-06 09:56 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by x1372
Additionally, in the "baby yoshi" level you can actually hit the first exit without going through the main level with a well timed jump beween the note blocks.

Yeah, I know. But it's pretty difficult. And I figured it doesn't matter because it doesn't really do anything. So basically, if you can squeeze through, you deserve the reward of walking back to the shipwreck.

Originally posted by x1372
Another note, if you aren't going to destroy the switch palace, at least make it so that there's somewhere to go after the switch is hit or something, dead ends suck. On the same note, make a way to kill yoursefl at the beginning of the level if you screw up.

What do you mean? The switch pallace does destroy itself after you win... or at least it should. I hope I didn't break it... Yeah, I think I know what I accidentally did. Sorry about that.


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 12-12-06 10:10 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Joshua368
Ghost House: Look at the far wall of the beginning room. Look past it. That's where you need to go... and you'll have to use the four-door hallway to get there somehow.

Got it now. I'm not particularly a fan of having to duck and repeatedly jump to make it through a small space as big Mario. I ran out of time in there the first time and had to do the level over. Really, that Ghost House could probably do with a higher time limit.

The dam level was neat. I liked being able to change between a flooded side and a dry side with the doors. Too bad you can't bring objects through doors, or even more could have been done with that concept.


Since: 11-12-06
From: South Carolina, USA

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 12-13-06 12:52 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by icegoom
Got it now. I'm not particularly a fan of having to duck and repeatedly jump to make it through a small space as big Mario. I ran out of time in there the first time and had to do the level over. Really, that Ghost House could probably do with a higher time limit.

Yeah, I'm going to tweak that part to make it both easier to figure out and easier to slide under.

Glad you liked the dam level though.

(edited by Joshua368 on 12-13-06 01:27 PM)
(edited by Joshua368 on 12-13-06 11:57 PM)


Since: 11-12-06
From: South Carolina, USA

Last post: 6365 days
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Posted on 12-14-06 12:56 AM Link | Quote
Okay, so I took some "creative liberties" and popped holes into the hills, solving the problem of the evil gap behind the triangles. And thus I push learning exGFX back further (as these were the only ones that bugged me as well). You may also refer to this solution as the quitter's way out.

On a side note, I've also fixed the following problems:

> Turn blocks in front of hill in Monty Moleville - replaced with question blocks
> Ropes not going with mushroom platforms - the ropes now connect to stone blocks
> Ghost House being too difficult - modified ending so it has much less ducking, this also made it a little bit more noticable.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Ontario, Canada

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 12-14-06 05:05 PM Link | Quote
Oh, those new holes in the ground look nice. They remind me of the crossections from YI, and actually add some detail. If you were to make the holes big enough, you could probably put some coins or other objects in there that won't glitch with the ground itself.

The rest of it is looking good so far.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Super Mario's Treasure Hunt - World 2 Demo |


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