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Since: 11-18-05
From: Germany

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 12-03-06 02:33 PM Link | Quote
I had another idea for a custom sprite. It's not really a request (because I don't need it), but it could be helpful nevertheless. What's with a custom sprite that acts exactly like a vertical Fireball (Sprite 33), but it is compatible with Yoshi? I would like to see that.


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-03-06 08:56 PM Link | Quote
All you'd have to do is remap the vertical fireball and move around the graphics.
Shouldn't be too hard, and I'd wager the address for the tile it uses is somewhere in the ROM address thread.
Critical Phlogus

Red Goomba


Since: 11-17-06

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Posted on 12-04-06 06:08 PM Link | Quote
Ok let me be blunt.

Big Cannonballs from Bowser battle in SMW that interact with layer 1 FG tiles instead of the castle wall sprite.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-04-06 06:26 PM Link | Quote
If you want unused RAM areas, open a memory viewer and start looking. Big blocks filled with 0x55 are those that have yet to be used at all by the game, so are probably safe to use; just play through a few parts of the game with a write breakpoint on them and make sure it never hits. Blocks of zeros tend to be cleared each time a level loads; these may not be truly unused, but rather part of a table. If the table never gets big enough to overwrite them, then you can probably use them safely.

Make sure you check which bank you're in too.


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

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Posted on 12-05-06 01:18 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Kailieann
All you'd have to do is remap the vertical fireball and move around the graphics.
Shouldn't be too hard, and I'd wager the address for the tile it uses is somewhere in the ROM address thread.

The vertical fireball's kind of a special case, though. Its graphics are stored with Yoshi instead of in the normal place for enemy graphics, so it's a lot trickier to remap. If anyone does figure out how to make the vertical fireball compatible with Yoshi, might I suggest making it so that Yoshi swallowing it gives him fire breath?


Since: 09-09-06
From: The Phazar Temple

Last post: 6369 days
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Posted on 12-05-06 07:17 PM Link | Quote
Couple of ASM and custom block ideas:
I've been doing lots of work on my hack lately, and I have a cool idea for the Special World. In a DKC2-ish sort of way, the game won't let you through unless you have a certain number of Dragon Coins (I'm thinking 30 per level). Is there any way to make this "tollgate system" with ASM hacking?

Also, I plan to have instant kill electricity (think Anikiti here) that can be turned off with a custom block in some my "underground base" levels, and acid that becomes harmless and swimmable with the Starman (or else it damages you).

Sorry, I don't know ASM at all, and I'm not quite ready to learn it yet. Just how hard can working with a hex editor be? And it's not really a request, since my hack is still very early (World 1 levels partially done) and don't need it right now.

NOTE TO IMPATIENT HACK PLAYERS: Don't expect a demo for at least a couple of months. I am a perfectionist and this is my first hack. (God, now I sound like icegoom.)

Not quite as active as before.
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Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-06-06 01:50 PM Link | Quote
Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist

Well, graphics-wise, you could use the On/Off block Exanimation controls for the graphics, and try finding an On/Off kill block. If you can't find one,
PHA LDA $1401 'I *think* this is the ON/OFF register, I can't remember
BNE End 'If off, don't kill Mairo
JSL KillMarioRoutine 'I can't remember the address
PLA 'Pull A
RTS 'End


Since: 08-01-06
From: USA

Last post: 6348 days
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Posted on 12-08-06 05:56 PM Link | Quote
Custom Block request: A Block that activates the Blue Pow flag when hit from above, and then turns into the next block in Map16.


A block that creates a block (the block I explained above this) on top of it when Mario hits it from underneath. (Like SMB3's POW Switch)

(edited by KPhoenix on 12-08-06 05:04 PM)


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-08-06 07:57 PM Link | Quote
The second request would almost definitely require a sprite, somewhere, because block code cannot be activated unless a sprite is touching it directly -- which means Mario would have to hit the tile where the new block appears, not the tile below it.

Any way I look at it, you'd need a custom sprite in there somewhere.

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 12-08-06 10:38 PM Link | Quote


The thing that climbs vines in SMB2. Would be pretty nice to have for my hack, if anyone cares enough to make it...
Raccoon Sam

Boomerang Brother
Custom Title

Since: 11-20-05
From: Correct

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Posted on 12-09-06 08:42 AM Link | Quote
I assume it would work.
Just a bit of tinkering with the Vertically Climbing Koopa.
You know. Make him 16x16, standable, and all that.

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 12-09-06 06:09 PM Link | Quote
... And make him faster when falling, and make it so he can climb on vines too, rather than just cages.

(edited by Pac on 12-09-06 05:12 PM)
Critical Phlogus

Red Goomba


Since: 11-17-06

Last post: 6368 days
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Posted on 12-09-06 08:02 PM Link | Quote
Cleft from Paper Mario.

When Mario approaches it, the cleft will chase Mario sliding back and forth. Mario cannot jump on it because of its spikes. Mario can hurt it with fireballs and cape swing or he can kill it by luring it into a pit.
Raccoon Sam

Boomerang Brother
Custom Title

Since: 11-20-05
From: Correct

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 11:53 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Pac
... And make him faster when falling, and make it so he can climb on vines too, rather than just cages.

I assume MAP16 would do the trick.
Just make the cage tile look like a vine.

Then again that'd allow Mario to punch...

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 12-10-06 12:56 PM Link | Quote
I've considered that, but Mario can climb of the edge of the vine, but not off the cage.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 02:56 PM Link | Quote
Is it possible to make a block that creates Sprite 2C (Yoshi Egg- Red/Blue/Yellow, depending on X-position) when hit from below? I don't like the fact that you can only get a Green Yoshi from a Yoshi Block, and I'd like to have a Block spawn a Baby Yoshi of different colors (Think SMA2, where after you made the Baby Yoshis grow up, you could get them from blocks that normally spawn Green Yoshis by simply being Super (Yellow), Fire (Red), or Cape (Blue) Mario/Luigi). Would this be possible? If so, how would it be made in code?


Since: 11-18-05
From: Germany

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6357 days
Posted on 12-10-06 03:31 PM Link | Quote
I'm sure that can be done with some simple Hex-edits. But you have the Rom-Map on SMW central which is very helpful for that. The easist way is to replace an existing sprite from SMW with sprite 2C in your case.

On the Rommap on SMW-central you have all these "Sprite that comes out of question block whatever" etc so you could choose one of the blocks which you don't need (maybe the blocks with the koopa-shells coming out) and replace the value at the adress via an Hex-editor.

A few weeks ago I tried that with the poisoned mushroom. I decided to replace the directional coins, because I needed the koopa-shell-blocks in the hack, but haven't used directional coins so far.

If you do something like that, make sure to change two values. For example if you are on Yoshi, it would be cause glitches, if still an egg with Yoshi comes out of the block. So in that case, a 1up should appear or whatever.
But that shouldn't be a big problem. In my example with the poison mushroom, I noticed, that still directional coins are coming out of the block, when Mario is on Yoshi, so I had to change the value for that as well, and that wasn't really a hard thing to do.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 12-10-06 04:39 PM Link | Quote
Do the addresses work on both Green Shell blocks? Also, I think that 1-Up Mushroom is too much. I don't want to limit Yoshi, so I'd rather make it a simple coin. Thanks for reminding me about that!

Edit: Uh-oh... The Yoshi Block (Map16 Block 126) spawns Sprite 2C (according to SMWCentral's ROM map), the same sprite I want to spawn... Fortunately, there's also an address that tells what sprite pops out of that egg normally and what pops out when you have Yoshi. ...You know, since I have no idea how normal Blocks can spawn a coin that automatically gives you a coin, I had to choose Sprite 21 (Moving Coin) as the sprite that pops out of the Block when Yoshi is present. If it works like I think it works, I'll see if I can find another block I'll never use and replace its sprite with the Moving Coin, and use it in a level with Wario Land ExGFX. Hey, Wario Land GFX, Wario Land blocks.

Anyways, I'll see if this works (Though I doubt it). One last question: How do I change the description of the block?

Edit2: Nevermind about that. It didn't work. It still spawned a Green Yoshi... Is it possible to make the Yoshi Egg into a Custom Sprite, so it can replace a certain sprite and I can place it in a block?

(edited by pikaguy900 on 12-10-06 03:54 PM)
(edited by pikaguy900 on 12-10-06 04:02 PM)


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 12-11-06 10:22 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Pac


The thing that climbs vines in SMB2. Would be pretty nice to have for my hack, if anyone cares enough to make it...

I wouldn't mind having a vine-climbing enemy, either. The electricity sprite can move up and down on a vine so long as you stick no enemy blocks at the top and bottom to keep it from falling off. I spent a little time copying pieces of code from other rideable sprites to try to make rideable electricity, but fumbling blindly, I haven't figured out how to make a sprite that will properly assemble...



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 12-12-06 12:12 PM Link | Quote
Gah. This is one of my weirdest ideas ever: A block that prevents Mario from Jumping (That includes the Spin Jump) as long as he's standing on it. I want to pass it off as a "magnetic block", ALMOST like the ones in MvDK2, where you couldn't make the Mini-Marios jump while they were on magnetic blocks. I don't know what else to describe this block as, 'cept maybe a block that holds Mario down by making him super-heavy.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - ASM hacks / Custom Blocks / Custom Sprites Requests |


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