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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Sprite Tool, public test release New poll | |
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Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-26-06 06:10 PM Link | Quote
Actually, Bowser's balls drop to a certain height then roll away. They wrote it that way since Bowser himself is a moving Mode 7 layer, so they had to make the balls and floor out of sprites.



Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-27-06 02:29 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Actually, Bowser's balls drop to a certain height then roll away....
I couldn't help but laugh at this comment. I honestly have nothing to contribute to this conversation whatsoever; just browsing and saw this, and laughed, and commented, and moved on.


Do continue.
Mr. Saturn

Bronto Burt

Since: 03-28-06

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Posted on 11-29-06 01:49 PM Link | Quote
A question about those Shooters, can you set them to fire, say, Koopa shells, and they'd act like they'd just been thrown by Mario or kicked by a Koopa? Or will it just shoot out a stationary shell?

A few ideas of my own:

Dr. Mario Viruses. They'd act like SMW goombas, but they'd only be destroyed if they were thrown into another virus of the same color (i.e. only blue ones can kill blue ones, yellow kills yellow, red kills red.) You could even possibly make some kind of Pill that'd work the same way, but is just a holdable item.

Also, a "Greedy Trap" that would essentially be a enemy that hides in the ground, with a false item right over it (be it a coin, powerup, or 1-up) and, when Mario gets this item, he instead gets bit by a giant Piranha Plant, or an antlion, or something. (he wouldn't get the powerup, of course, because that'd defeat the purpose of the enemy)

Of course, I'm not as well-versed in coding as I'd like to be, so I have no idea as to how possible these are.



Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 11-29-06 02:30 PM Link | Quote
At first, I thought you meant a Coin Purse enemy, that hops away, and when you stomp it, you get coins and stuff.
I wonder if I can make that now, actually...
*goes to work*

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-29-06 05:29 PM Link | Quote
Hm, for Fire Bros, why not just have them spit a custom sprite which looks and acts like Mario's fireball, but hurts him instead of enemies?
Critical Phlogus

Red Goomba


Since: 11-17-06

Last post: 6368 days
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Posted on 11-30-06 12:57 PM Link | Quote
Bowser statues that shoot lasers when approached. Just like the ones in SMB3.
Critical Phlogus

Red Goomba


Since: 11-17-06

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Posted on 12-03-06 02:02 PM Link | Quote
Sorry for bump. Ive changed my mind. Blockhopper. A sprite that uses blocks to disguise itself. Its like a Thwimp but it can be destroyed by a spin jump.



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 12-12-06 07:55 PM Link | Quote
Umm... Has anyone fixed that problem with the Donut Block where it turns into another block if you jump off it before the Sprite falls away? I don't know what Map16 tile it is because it's one of those unused blocks after 0x200. Can anyone fix this? How do I fix it?
Critical Phlogus

Red Goomba


Since: 11-17-06

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Posted on 12-13-06 01:23 PM Link | Quote
I was having that problem as well. Did you insert the donut block as it was specified in the .asm file of the sprite?



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 12-13-06 03:12 PM Link | Quote
Well, the Sprite Tool readme says to insert the block wherever you want, then open up the asm file in Notepad and edit the number to the Map16 location of the block in hex. I have it at E3B, so shouldn't I replace what WAS there with $0E3B? Or what?

Edit: I figured out the problem. Changing the ASM file does NOTHING- The Donut Block is still hardcoded to Map16 Tile 0x534. If you placed the Donut Block custom block somewhere else, you can simply place the GFX there and tell the game to make it act like whatever Map16 tile you set the block to in BlockTool. Simple as that.

(edited by pikaguy900 on 12-13-06 02:18 PM)
Critical Phlogus

Red Goomba


Since: 11-17-06

Last post: 6368 days
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Posted on 12-15-06 07:45 PM Link | Quote
>.< Oh I never knew that!

A new sprite request (if people are reading)

Giant Buzzy Beetle. A 32x32 sprite that has a large shell and when its kicked, it uses only one animation frame for its sliding.


Since: 07-03-06

Last post: 6361 days
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Posted on 01-19-07 05:25 AM Link | Quote
I hate to bump an old thread with something relatively pointless, but it is sprite tool related.

Does anyone have files for the custom palettes needed to make some of the sprites look right? Several of the sprites that came with sprite tool apparently require custom palettes. If someone could either post said palettes or show me what colors need to be edited I'd appreciate it. The sprites that have problems are as follows:

frost goomba (uses a different palette from standard)
albatoss (just the beak)
spiny (edit for smb2 look)

Alternately, if someone knows how to tell what palette a given custom sprite will use I could probably figure the rest out myself. Thanks in advance!

And thanks again to Mikeyk for the amazing program!


That should show what I'm getting currently.

*edit 2*
thanks a lot icegoom!

*edit 3*
they're all working, thanks again!

(edited by x1372 on 01-18-07 11:27 PM)
(edited by x1372 on 01-19-07 09:04 AM)
(edited by x1372 on 01-19-07 02:41 PM)


Since: 03-06-06
From: United States

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 01-19-07 08:02 AM Link | Quote
I believe those sprite graphics are ripped directly out of Super Mario All-Stars, so their colors are arranged to work with that game's palettes instead of SMW's. You could use All-Stars savestates to find out what the exact colors are, but you'll still need to manually input them into a custom palette in Lunar Magic.

You can use the following images to help you make your palettes if you want. Open them in a paint program, eyedropper on a color, then open the windows color picker to see the RGB values. Open Lunar Magic's palette editor and manually copy the RGB values over. This is pretty labor intensive, so if you don't want to match the All-Stars palettes exactly, you can just try mixing your own colors on the spot. As long as you have a color that's the general correct tone in the right spot, the sprites should look fine.

Starting with the Goomba:

The palette's arranged like this: transparency, white, black, three shades unused by the goomba, three peachish orange shades for its body, a yellow for the shine on its feet, three brownish orange shades for the head, then three more unused shades. This thing could be pretty easily recolored to use SMW's standard yellow palette if you wanted to go at it with the fill tool in a tile editor.

The Frost Goomba's palette would be made by changing all the browns into blues.

SMB2 enemies:

Albatoss, Tweeter, and Porcupo all share the same red palette: transparency, white, black, three shades of red, three shades of peach, dark brown, three shades of purple, then three shades of yellow.

And Bowser:

The palette I'm using here is just me eyeballing it instead of using an actual All-Stars palette because I'm too lazy to play to Bowser and make a savestate... Anyway: transparency, white, black, three shades of green, two unused colors, two shades of grey, three shades of red, three shades of orangey yellow.

To bring this back to sprite tool, I've been trying to make a grey snifit. I've got him to stand still, always face Mario, and fire at a much faster rate than the red or blue snifits, but I haven't figured out how to get him to hop up and down as he fires. I tried copying the code for Birdo's hop over, but couldn't get that to work. I then tried using some of Ninji's jumping code, but so far I've only gotten him to hop for a split second. (It just looks like a little jitter unless you watch him in slow-mo) It'd work better if I had some idea what I was doing, I guess...
Knight of Time

Red Tektite


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada

Last post: 6351 days
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Posted on 01-19-07 09:31 PM Link | Quote
Meh, I wish I could have posted this much sooner, but being a college student, I had to find the "right" time to do it, which I suppose would be now.

Anyway, would it be possible for someone to make diagonal versions of the Turn Block bridges, one for each of the two diagonals only, and one for both diagonals, alternating with either diagonal first, please? They could be really handy in vertical levels, for when the player may need to jump to the lowest part of one of these, when expanded.

Thanks in advance, as always.
Ribo Zurai



Since: 09-09-06

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 02-06-07 07:18 PM Link | Quote
I having problem with the Spritetool... When the insert ends, and the message saying "Sprites inserted sucefully", the sprites insīt inserted! When I saw on the guide the sprites donīt appear on LM, them, I inserted the ExGfx, inserted sprites, and started the game. But I just saw the origirnal sprites "disfarced" of pure rubbish! What I doing of wrong?



Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6355 days
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Posted on 02-06-07 10:18 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ribo Zurai
I having problem with the Spritetool... When the insert ends, and the message saying "Sprites inserted sucefully", the sprites insīt inserted! When I saw on the guide the sprites donīt appear on LM, them, I inserted the ExGfx, inserted sprites, and started the game. But I just saw the origirnal sprites "disfarced" of pure rubbish! What I doing of wrong?

You have to insert the sprites manually, and put 2 or 3 in the extra info box.

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 02-06-07 11:14 PM Link | Quote
I can finally show you the reason for my inactivity:

Normal and Upsidedown Giant Piranha Plants

The green ones behave normally while the red ones ignore Mario even if he's near or over the sprite. There are also hdma versions of the sprite.

Sideways Giant Piranha Plants

Same as the sprites above but horizontally.


Has a cannonball that goes horizontally and another that bounces on the ground.
Knight of Time

Red Tektite


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada

Last post: 6351 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 02-09-07 11:30 PM Link | Quote
Nice new sprites you got there, Davros.

Anyway, I have an important question I need to ask.

How do you change what index (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4) a custom sprite uses?

Reason I'm asking, is that I'm working on a brand new level (a cave type level with green acid that acts like lava, and Blarggs recoloured through ExGFX to be the same colour as the acid), and I found that the tilemap for the Sledge Brother custom sprite, which is one I plan to use at least once in this level, conflicts with the tilemap of the Blargg enemy. Normally, I'd overwrite tiles of other enemies that can go along with Blarrgs (e.g. Buzzy Beetles, Swoopers, Spike Tops), but since I may want to use those enemies as well in the level I'm working on, I was hoping I could have the Sledge Brothers be under SP3 instead of SP4. Would this kind of change be possible?

Thanks in advance.

So much for unlimited power. :P


Since: 03-16-06
From: Maquila Beach

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 02-10-07 08:32 AM Link | Quote
All you need to do is change the tilemaps and graphics of the sprites.

For example, this is the tilemap of the Sledge Brother on SP4:

dcb $A6,$A9,$E0,$E1,$A6,$A9,$E3,$E4,$A6,$A7,$E0,$E1,$A6,$A7,$E3,$E4
dcb $A6,$A9,$E0,$E1,$A6,$A9,$E3,$E4,$A6,$A7,$E0,$E1,$A6,$A7,$E3,$E4

To use the tilemaps on SP3 change it's values to:

dcb $26,$29,$40,$41,$20,$23,$43,$44,$20,$27,$40,$41,$26,$27,$43,$44
dcb $26,$29,$40,$41,$20,$23,$43,$44,$20,$27,$40,$41,$26,$27,$43,$44

The graphics must be placed in SP3.
Ribo Zurai



Since: 09-09-06

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 02-10-07 07:21 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by 16BT
Originally posted by Ribo Zurai
I having problem with the Spritetool... When the insert ends, and the message saying "Sprites inserted sucefully", the sprites insīt inserted! When I saw on the guide the sprites donīt appear on LM, them, I inserted the ExGfx, inserted sprites, and started the game. But I just saw the origirnal sprites "disfarced" of pure rubbish! What I doing of wrong?

You have to insert the sprites manually, and put 2 or 3 in the extra info box.

I donīt understand.
How manually? And witch extra info box you is speaking?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Sprite Tool, public test release |


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