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Since: 11-02-06
From: Florida, US

Last post: 6406 days
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Posted on 11-20-06 07:45 PM Link | Quote
Surprised someone hasn't made it yet.

All of those who got it/ got a chance to play it, what did you like the most? The least?

I personally have no major complaint except that when I was playing at my friend's house, the sensor bar was a bit too low, but that's no the Wii itself.

I bought a Wiimote so I could play multiplayer with my friend, but it's torture because I have to look at it and think of the Wii I'm not playing.


Since: 09-18-06
From: The Wind Fish's Dream

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-20-06 08:00 PM Link | Quote
I don't own one and won't till around X-Mas or after.

The only experience I had was with the Excitetruck demo, and if you read my thread here, you'll know how it was. But don't take this like it's for every Wii. It's probably just a bad system or something.
Xeo Belmont


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 11-20-06 11:18 PM Link | Quote
Well, I tried to bump the Wii Launch Games / VC Games thread to keep it going, but I guess I'll just copy and paste my post here.
Originally posted by Racer Xeo
Guess I'll bring this topic back up a bit.

So, who got a Wii? Who's loving it?

I still think VC games seem a bit pricey, but then again I own just about everything available to download right now. I think once I start seeing more rare games or games I don't have I'll change my mind.

I didn't pre-order anything. I just camped out at Best Buy around 7:00 AM with a few friends, 2 hours before they opened (I guess they open an hour early on launch days). What's sad is, at around 8:40 or so some guy came walking up to our line (there were about 80 people, 73 got a Wii), holding a Wii in his hands. "Okay, who has cash and doesn't want to wait in line?" Looking around I just saw people disgusted, annoyed, and some that thought it was hilarious. He basically got flamed by a few people, and people laughed at him because we just had a mere 20 minutes to wait before we got our own. He stood around kind of dumbfouned for awhile but then the GM of the Best Buy came out and basically told him to take a hike.

I just hope he didn't buy a Wii to just try and sell, because now that its out all over ... then again, he had it coming.

(edited by Racer Xeo on 11-20-06 10:18 PM)



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-21-06 12:32 AM Link | Quote
I need to FIND a demo unit, never mind a Wii at this point. I need to... sample it. Like a fine wine.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

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Posted on 11-21-06 01:57 AM Link | Quote
Like I said, if I don't get one for Christmas, heads will roll.



Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 11-21-06 04:45 AM Link | Quote
I played Excite Truck at Gamestop for a full two hours, and never had more fun playing a game, even though the gameplay isn't that deep.
Nintendo has developed a strange sort of digital heroin. I can't put it down, even if the game isn't ridiculously amazing (granted, it's a fun as hell game).


Since: 05-09-06
From: Virginia

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Posted on 11-21-06 09:17 AM Link | Quote
I tried the Wii for the first time at an anime con, it was actually yesterday. They were playing Wii Sports' Tennis, it was sort of difficult at first because I didn't know how to move the character or swing the tennis racket but the characters moved automatically and how you swing your tennis racket was depended how you flicked your wrist w/ the controller. Overall, the Wii is pretty good and unique (I think Nintendo has always had uniqueness then other consoles.)

Buzz Blob
Wii have Wii

Since: 11-17-05
From: Norway

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-21-06 11:36 AM Link | Quote
DVDBoxoffice has been saying "Order will be processed shortly" since launch. Let's hope I don't have to wait TOO long.


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 11-21-06 06:24 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Clockworkz
Nintendo has developed a strange sort of digital heroin. I can't put it down, even if the game isn't ridiculously amazing (granted, it's a fun as hell game).

That's Nintendo. They're your pusherman, and have been for about 20 years now.

How else do you think they could get away with releasing what, internally, is just a spiffed-up version of their last console, slap something that, in anyone else's hands, would probably be regarded as gimmicky at best (and was the first time anyone tried it, in spite of an on-screen proclamation of someone Loving the Glove) on there as the big selling point, not really come out with mind-blowing realism in graphics... and STILL have people bowing down on both knees, begging for more of that sweet, sweet Wiiahol? If it wasn't for getting everything right, any other company who tried this would probably get laughed out of the business.
Took the board down in a blaze of glory, only to reveal how truly moronical ||bass is.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Henderson, Nevada

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 11-21-06 06:35 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Clockworkz
I played Excite Truck at Gamestop for a full two hours, and never had more fun playing a game, even though the gameplay isn't that deep.
Nintendo has developed a strange sort of digital heroin. I can't put it down, even if the game isn't ridiculously amazing (granted, it's a fun as hell game).

Kind of like Excitebike. Stupid, pointless, repitive, but strangely fun and amusing.

At least, in B mode, A mode sucked.
Schweiz oder etwas
[12:55] (Dr_Death16); I swear, the word drama needs to be stricken from the dictionary, for I've heard it so many times, it will permanently be imprinted on my brain

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kingston, Rhode Island

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-24-06 03:13 AM Link | Quote
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have something to say about Kirbynite's act of bravery on this night... Let it be known that on the day after thanksgiving we should all be rooting for Kirb to get his Nintendo Wii after a long night of camping out in front of Best Buy on BLACK FRIDAY.



KirbHasSomeEffinBalls.mp3 (113134b) - views: 53

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-24-06 06:19 AM Link | Quote
Aww, that's a such cute voice.


Also at this point I'm starting to doubt if I ever get one this christmas. xD The europe release will be intresting... considering that only Wii is release here and PS3 won't be released until spring. XD

Phan Phan

I'm sick of being bogged down by homework!!

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 11-24-06 08:52 AM Link | Quote
I was fourth in line... and they only had two.

I think I give up, yo.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-24-06 03:33 PM Link | Quote
Oh yeah, I have a question for anyone having it.

How well does it play on a small TV? I'm talking about a TV that probably would be equilant to a 19 inch monitor.
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 11-24-06 04:22 PM Link | Quote
It's fine. It doesn't point to the screen itself...

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 11-24-06 06:03 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, but heh... I think you needed to keep a certain distance for max reaction or something.

Eh, it should be fine. As long i'm not next to it...

(edited by Ailure on 11-24-06 05:04 PM)

Nintendo Fanboy Local Mod
Affected by 'The Golden Power' +

Since: 11-17-05
From: Ada, OK, USA

Last post: 6357 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 11-24-06 06:25 PM Link | Quote
Yes, I got a Wii. Barely. It's a long story. You can read it here.

Overall, it's great. I mostly been playing Wii Sports and Zelda, which are fantastic, so I'll wait to give my impressions on my other games until I've spent some more time with them.

Since: 11-18-05
From: South Florida

Last post: 6347 days
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Posted on 11-25-06 08:03 AM Link | Quote

...so I pull up to work at 6:10am and there is a line in front of my store. Some people even have blankets with them. I walk up to my door and say, "If you're here for the Wii, I do not have any." Oh priceless!! Its called call the store before hand!!!! Yea, I may sound mean, but it was just too funny. There were only two people there for the Ps3 and, well, I only had two 20 gig Ps3 to sell.

You know, I had a chance to buy a Wii but I'm gonna wait a while to get one.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-25-06 07:28 PM Link | Quote
Did you say it in a slightly sad business voice? :\

At least the two guys who wanted PS3's went home happy.

ZOMG Wii is teh pwn


Since: 11-18-05
From: The Mushroom Kingdom a.k.a Buffalo, NY
Wii: Yes

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 11-26-06 12:07 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperHacker
Like I said, if I don't get one for Christmas, heads will roll.

Won't that happen to us all?

Must... Have... Wii... NOW!!!!
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