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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Long distance relationships: Yay or nay? New poll | | Thread closed
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Red Goomba

Since: 10-27-06

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Posted on 11-14-06 04:53 PM Link
Alright, just want to get a feel for the crowd around here do you think long distance relationships can work out? Why or why not?

I myself I have to say yes, as I'm in one currently, and nearing our two year annaversery (Spelling?), and I love her more than i ever thought I'd love someone. The thing I can see deterring most people however, is the amount of trust needed for one to work. (Not to mention the fact we really only see each other about two weeks out of the year.)

So what's everyone's take on this?



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

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Posted on 11-15-06 01:44 AM Link
They're poison. Most people recognise this, but they keep happening with even people who think they're a bad idea, because the alternatives are even worse.
Squash Monster



Since: 11-18-05
From: Right next to myself.

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Posted on 11-17-06 04:21 AM Link
I'm going to have to vouch for the long-distance open relationship.

Long-distance relationships are just like normal relationships but without the physical closeness and intimacy.
The type of relations you're allowed to have with other people in an open relationship amount to pure random physical intimacy.

It's the best you can possibly get if the person you love most lives way out of the way.

(edited by Squash Monster on 11-17-06 03:22 AM)
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

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Posted on 11-17-06 03:22 PM Link
Long-distance relationships suck only if you're incapable of travel, if you ask me... I should know.


Since: 09-18-06
From: The Wind Fish's Dream

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Posted on 11-17-06 07:44 PM Link
I agree with Kyoufu that these kinds of relationships suck ass. My last girlfriend moved away and we never saw each other after our "last day" together. We didn't think a long distance relationship would work at all, so it was the end. Never go into it, for if there is no seeing each other, there really is no solid romance.
Kyoufu Kawa
Intends to keep Rom Hacking in one piece until the end

Since: 11-18-05
From: Catgirl Central Station

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Posted on 11-18-06 08:48 AM Link
The chats are fucking hot, though. Pun intended.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 11-18-06 08:34 PM Link
In my opinion, if the relationship is expected to last indefinately as long-distance it is a horrible mistake. If there will come a day in the foreseeable future where one of you will be willing to move to be closer, then its not so bad. But only if you get to meet each other in person at least once in awhile until the day comes that you can be together all the time. Also you better meet her in person before claiming she is your GF. And she better be fucking special to make you wait alone until one of you moves. I dont believe in that open relationship shit, whats the point of having one at all if its open?


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 11-18-06 11:14 PM Link
I think it really depends on who the people are in the relationship. If it's an untrustworthy or impatient person, they're not going to be in it for very long before losing their mind. But if the two people can really commit and trust each other, and work to see each other in person, then why not?

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

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Posted on 11-19-06 04:04 PM Link
Been there. Done that. Not worth it.

End of story.



Since: 08-10-06
From: Altoona, Iowa

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Posted on 11-19-06 08:06 PM Link
Never tried it, never will. I prefer knowing that she will be close. Or at least in the Des Moines area. I'm not saying that Long distance relationships are bad, or that they couldn't work, but it's just not for me. None of my past girlfriends have ever moved, so I don't know how that would feel, but I s'pose it could work for some people.

Knuckle Joe
too much high power man

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 11-19-06 08:24 PM Link
they only work if both parties are willing to make it work.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Out of ice cream and PB. Would KILL for a milkshake right now.

Since: 06-17-06
From: LoozeeAnna

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Posted on 11-20-06 02:52 AM Link
LDR's usually don't work even if both parties are committed to it. They are SO hard... And they hurt.


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

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Posted on 11-20-06 09:09 PM Link
Seeing as I'm kind of in one, I think I have to technically say yea (almost an hour and a half away, but thankfully we both have cars and driver's licenses, neener neener) but yeah, you have to be serious if you want it to work in the long run. Aaaaaand we're not, so who knows what the deal is. (shurg)


Since: 09-18-06
From: The Wind Fish's Dream

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Posted on 11-20-06 09:25 PM Link
Look, long distance FRIENDSHIPS are ok, but love can't happen over the internets. Trust me. I was in love once (almost got laid too), but after she moved to damn California, we never spoke again. Look, if you don't see each other, its like talking to an imaginary friend, except she/he is real.
Black Lord +



Since: 11-17-05
From: Where indians still roam...

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Posted on 11-20-06 10:42 PM Link
Originally posted by Lakithunder
Look, long distance FRIENDSHIPS are ok, but love can't happen over the internets. Trust me. I was in love once (almost got laid too), but after she moved to damn California, we never spoke again. Look, if you don't see each other, its like talking to an imaginary friend, except she/he is real.

You weren't in love if you are exclaiming that you almost got laid. That's called lust.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 11-20-06 10:59 PM Link
What BL said. And it certainly wasn't love if her moving causes you to never speak again. Jeeze.


Since: 11-21-06
From: Eagle Mt. Utah, USA

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Posted on 11-21-06 03:35 AM Link
I had one awhile ago, and had the means to travel to her. But you know how gas racks up moolah, that wasn't the reason for our departure from one another. We had some differences and saw it fit to depart. If you have a job, some green, and a car, then your in luck. If your one of those weired peoples that thinks some girl loves them through a chat program, be careful, it could be a man in his mid 40's hahaha

Anyway my morale of story here is this, I only see a fit long distance relationship if I can actually physically meet/date her.

Sword Maiden
Retired Admin

Since: 11-17-05
From: Nerima District - Tokyo, Japan

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Posted on 11-21-06 04:17 AM Link
Hate to say it, but between the two people involved it can be a relationship no matter what the terms are. If both people want it, then both people accept it as such. There's really nothing that can discern what a relationship is or isn't in other people's eyes. It doesn't necessarily have to be one that's physical. That's one of the major points of one: two people are in their own world and nothing else matters.

Which, if used right, could explain any relationship or any claim to a relationship worldwide. I'd rather have one that's physical, though...but honestly, I haven't seen too many that would qualify for a good one locally.

Course, I'm picky about a lot of stuff. That's probably why I'm not in a relationship right now...but given the chance to do something long-distance...sure, I'd do it. There better be a point to doing it though.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 11-21-06 05:30 AM Link
Originally posted by Valcion
they only work if both parties are willing to make it work.

And as long 3rd parties dosen't mess it up too.

Besides Long distance relationships tend to have... instability for some reason from what I seen. :/ But it can probably work if you can get serious about it, and eventually move together to the same geographical location.
Xeo Belmont


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 11-21-06 11:39 AM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
I think it really depends on who the people are in the relationship. If it's an untrustworthy or impatient person, they're not going to be in it for very long before losing their mind. But if the two people can really commit and trust each other, and work to see each other in person, then why not?

This is how I see it.

If you're 14 or something around that then I'd just say forget it. But if you're older, more mature and liable to go places on your own (thus able to visit each other) I'd say it could be done.

I'd like to think I've had a few chances to have a somewhat serious relationship with some girls online, but I never went for it. For me personally, I've alwaya had this small belief that I'd much rather meet a girl in person, and live somewhat close to them. Its just the type of person I am or what I believe I guess. I'd rather be able to meet them up at the mall or something, then chat with them all day long. But I'm not saying long distance relationship's "can't" work, just not the kind of path I'd like to follow personally.

I dunno.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Femine's Corner - Long distance relationships: Yay or nay? | Thread closed


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