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Xeo Belmont


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 10-30-06 01:18 AM Link | Quote
So, anyone here playing this game? I haven't played it yet, but I just wanted to point out something funny about the PC version ... it require's, -NO CD KEY-.

From there, its $10 for the monthly fee.

So basically a friend of mine bought it and spread it around (so for $10 I'll be playing this). I've been pretty hyped about this being a big fan of PSO and all, and I'm hearing a ton of good stuff about this one.

I'm going to assume you either:
A) Loved PSO and want to play this.
B) Hated PSO and dont' want anything to do with this.

Always seemed like a love it or hate it thing.

(edited by Racer Xeo on 10-30-06 12:18 AM)
Cara Zeltina



Since: 05-11-06

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Posted on 10-30-06 09:34 AM Link | Quote
It is a love or hate thing.. And I did love PSO while it lasted, but frankly I am standing somewhere in the middle ground concerning this new game. I mean.. as nice as PSO was, it honestly wasn't worth the continual fee, since the game itself was.. short, very short. The only lasting quality was the "collect the items" aspect, and after a long time of doing that.. I can honestly say it wasn't worth the time and money invested when looking back on it..

Sure, the game was an entertaining time waster with a good group of friends too, but again.. it was very small of a "game" itself. Wasn't out of the question to go from start to finish (on all episodes) in one night, assuming you had a full party whom knew the levels inside and out already. (And that included pretty much everyone really.)

I really was hoping PSU was going to go into a more MMO-standard direction when I first heard it announced.. but since that time, it doesn't seem like it has turned into anything but a glorified version of PSO. And although there is nothing wrong with that per'se.. it still is somewhat lackluster compared to what it could be I think. Mind you though, I haven't played it, and I haven't seen any reviews for it.. You're free to enlighten me if you think I'm wrong, but I get the impression this is "PSO2" more than a new game in the PS universe.

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Since: 12-05-05
From: Camineet, Palm

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Posted on 10-30-06 08:57 PM Link | Quote
Was PSO in the Phantasy Star universe (in the broad sense)? It felt quite disconnected to me (not to mention throwing out the ending of PSIV alltogether)... I always thought of it as something like an FF-style sequal- with some shared elements (Darkfalz, seal, etc.) but not a storyline sequal.

Anyway, I was never able to really get into PSO (probably because I never was able to play it online), so I most likely won't be getting this one at all.


Since: 05-11-06

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Posted on 10-31-06 12:15 AM Link | Quote
Game doesn't seem worth $10/month when you consider that you can pay $5 more and play something like WoW.
Cara Zeltina



Since: 05-11-06

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Posted on 10-31-06 03:59 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Imajin
Was PSO in the Phantasy Star universe (in the broad sense)? It felt quite disconnected to me (not to mention throwing out the ending of PSIV alltogether)... I always thought of it as something like an FF-style sequal- with some shared elements (Darkfalz, seal, etc.) but not a storyline sequal.

Anyway, I was never able to really get into PSO (probably because I never was able to play it online), so I most likely won't be getting this one at all.

As I recall, there some kind of explanation on Falz, or a theory at least that stayed inline with the previous PS games.. I don't remember much concerning though, since it has been years now.. However, I do believe it was meant to be in the same universe.

Even if not though, it would be nice to see a broader MMO-esque game in the (or a) PS universe.. I can't say I really care much for another PS dungeon crawler. (That's pretty much what PSO was..) And yea, if you never played PSO online than you really couldn't enjoy the game very much.. It got boring as hell offline because it was repetitive.. That's what I was trying to say above, because the replay value only lasted when friends and item trading was present.. There really was nothing else that would merit playing it so long.

In any case, PSU admitingly has me curious, but not enough so to buy the game and pay a monthly fee for it.. (More emphasis on the latter than the former, really.)

I would consider trying it out though if there were a trial period of some kind I could use to evaluate the game.. After checking their site though, I see no such option. A pity.

(edited by Cara Zeltina on 10-31-06 03:07 AM)
Xeo Belmont


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 10-31-06 12:55 PM Link | Quote
Well, you didn't look around enough then. Obviously you'd need the game somehow, but with the 30 day sign up you get 15 days free beforehand.

I cancelled my subscription though because I could never connect, and spent quite sometime troubleshooting. Then tried connecting at a few friends houses and it still didn't. Not a huge shame though, since I now have FFXII to play.

(edited by Racer Xeo on 10-31-06 11:57 AM)
(edited by Racer Xeo on 10-31-06 11:57 AM)
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 10-31-06 03:51 PM Link | Quote
I want to try it, but I don't have a credit/debit card I can use anymore.

It apparently is pretty good, but I'm going to wait four or five months until it's standardized and used to sever load.
Cara Zeltina



Since: 05-11-06

Last post: 6418 days
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Posted on 10-31-06 06:59 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Racer Xeo
Well, you didn't look around enough then. Obviously you'd need the game somehow, but with the 30 day sign up you get 15 days free beforehand.

I cancelled my subscription though because I could never connect, and spent quite sometime troubleshooting. Then tried connecting at a few friends houses and it still didn't. Not a huge shame though, since I now have FFXII to play.

30 day signup? 15 days free? Doesn't sound like a trial to me, sounds more like a "free-bonus" for having registered an account with them, and that means I'd need to give them some form of payment info first, right? And sure, you could cancel before they start charging you, but meh. That's still not what I meant when I suggested a trial offer..

A real trial offer would be something where you could download the game (perhaps a demo'ed version with only online support, whatever) and can signup for something like a week or two week long free period to evaluate the product and decide if it is worth buying\subscribing to. It really is a good way to hook people into the game after all.. And besides, some of us are a little reluctent to signup for stuff only to need to cancel it later. (even if I played an actual trial and loved the game, I probably wouldn't end up subscribing right then and there, so I'd definitely not just let it start billing me past those first 15 days..)

I did some checking, and apparently they bill you "immediately" after signing up.. Those 15 days are "extra free days" and not a totally free period.. I guess they just don't start the monthly billing clock until after those 15 days are past.. so.. yeah..

(edited by Cara Zeltina on 10-31-06 06:07 PM)
(edited by Cara Zeltina on 10-31-06 07:11 PM)

Knuckle Joe
too much high power man

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-08-06 09:21 AM Link | Quote
I'm playing it a bit. got a 20 Android Hunter.

It's good. Needs more content but I like it a lot.
Took the board down in a blaze of glory, only to reveal how truly moronical ||bass is.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Henderson, Nevada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-09-06 02:03 PM Link | Quote

PSU is kind of like PSO but with "missions" instead of "levels". It retains a lot of similar concepts, but the party limit was upped to 6.

The HUD sucks. Your HP bar is roughly 2 pixels tall at 800x600 -- which makes keeping track of it an impossibility. (or at least, damn hard)

I agree with the more content thing, but then again... well, wait. I've heard that since PSU cannot use the PS2 harddrive, they can't really save new data -- meaning that people on the PS2 basically hold up the rest of us. Just a rumor, but makes sense. =P

Xeogred: What actually happens? I had a few problems getting it to run as well, but I eventually figured out the problem. If you can tell me what's going on, I can try helping.

And by the way, the game itself is practically free -- there's no CD keys at all, so you can pretty much copy it/give it away all you want, heh.

Though, there are some, er, interesting "features":

The only thing that changed between these two is just the shirt type (2 to 13 or something -- the actual values escape me). The proportion setting stayed the same, despite what I'm sure you're thinking... of course, the same thing happens in RO too (pointlessly changing bust sizes for no reason), but it's just kind of amusing to notice.

Of course, I have my own fair share of weird bugs... but my laptop has been known to do this with almost any program (even emulation, sadly).
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 11-09-06 06:02 PM Link | Quote
I'm... "getting" it right now. I get my own debit card in about a week, so I'm ready to waste a few days for $10.

Knuckle Joe
too much high power man

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-10-06 03:34 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Xkeeper

PSU is kind of like PSO but with "missions" instead of "levels". It retains a lot of similar concepts, but the party limit was upped to 6.

The HUD sucks. Your HP bar is roughly 2 pixels tall at 800x600 -- which makes keeping track of it an impossibility. (or at least, damn hard)

I agree with the more content thing, but then again... well, wait. I've heard that since PSU cannot use the PS2 harddrive, they can't really save new data -- meaning that people on the PS2 basically hold up the rest of us. Just a rumor, but makes sense. =P

Xeogred: What actually happens? I had a few problems getting it to run as well, but I eventually figured out the problem. If you can tell me what's going on, I can try helping.

And by the way, the game itself is practically free -- there's no CD keys at all, so you can pretty much copy it/give it away all you want, heh.

Though, there are some, er, interesting "features":

The only thing that changed between these two is just the shirt type (2 to 13 or something -- the actual values escape me). The proportion setting stayed the same, despite what I'm sure you're thinking... of course, the same thing happens in RO too (pointlessly changing bust sizes for no reason), but it's just kind of amusing to notice.

Of course, I have my own fair share of weird bugs... but my laptop has been known to do this with almost any program (even emulation, sadly).

The missions and everything are all there in the game itself already (offline mode has moatoob and beyond). Its just a matter of them being unlocked.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-10-06 10:11 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, but why wouldn't you have more content available out of the box for online since that's the mode most people buy the game for anyways? Seems counter-productive to just unlock the areas little by little.
Lordly? No, not quite.

Since: 11-17-05
From: Kansas

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 11-11-06 09:48 AM Link | Quote
It keeps people playing longer. Practically every MMORPG does that.
Took the board down in a blaze of glory, only to reveal how truly moronical ||bass is.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Henderson, Nevada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-11-06 03:44 PM Link | Quote
The problem is, there's only so long people are willing to wait.

(and judging from the forums there, most people are beginning to get very fed up.)



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-11-06 04:23 PM Link | Quote
I think there's a difference between "just enough content" and "not enough content".

And I think people are thinking the latter right now. There's no use sitting on the content if players are unhappy.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Phantasy Star Universe |


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