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Bullet Bill


Since: 11-25-05

Last post: 6443 days
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Posted on 10-14-06 03:04 PM Link | Quote
I'm glad to see this isn't dead either, I actually almost forgot it...
but only ALMOST.
I'll try it out immediately

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
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Posted on 10-14-06 04:13 PM Link | Quote
Spread the word!



Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6456 days
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Posted on 10-14-06 05:32 PM Link | Quote
I hope you haven't given up on this... Is it already complete?

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
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Posted on 10-14-06 06:01 PM Link | Quote
Far from release hell I just put basic door editing in it. And as for me not giving up. I'm taking a break
The Skull

Struttin' On In


Since: 01-25-06

Last post: 6567 days
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Posted on 10-15-06 11:28 PM Link | Quote
Looks good Interdpth. Obviously alot of work went into it. Once this thing has a bit more development, and the event system is atleast mapped so we know what the limits of the editor are, perhaps I'll throw together a hack.

Hey, I have a question. I don't know if this is the right place to ask it, as it isn't 100% MZME related, but I have a text-wrap problem in certain programs. I don't know how it happened, or why, but it is very evident when I launch things like MZME, or try to print things. Perhaps I am missing some important dll files, or they have become corrupt. Since Interdpth coded MZME, perhaps he, or someone else here, knows if it is a VB problem I am having or an OS problem.
Here is a bit of the problem: (Note the Edit, Layer and View control text seems to be acting like it's formating is being overriden)

To the mods: If this isn't an appropriate place to ask such things, I appologise.

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-16-06 12:22 AM Link | Quote
It's your screen size it's too big right click your desktop choose properties click the screen resolution tab, change the size to 1024 x 768 and it'll look better
The Skull

Struttin' On In


Since: 01-25-06

Last post: 6567 days
Last view: 6567 days
Posted on 10-16-06 12:54 AM Link | Quote
Thanks mighty Interdpth, however not even common sense can save me now!
Edit: I found a Windows help forum and resolved the issue. Video card evidently didn't update appearence settings unless I toggled numerous unrelated settings.
Again, I appologize for derailing this thread.

(edited by The Skull on 10-16-06 12:01 AM)
(edited by The Skull on 10-16-06 09:38 PM)

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-17-06 04:03 PM Link | Quote
Right click again, properties, Appearence, Font size, make sure it's normal or just change it.

If anyone would like to talk to me about MZME if they would like to help in anyway

AIM : interdpth
msn : kittyhacker@hotmail.com




Since: 08-10-06

Last post: 6456 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-17-06 04:52 PM Link | Quote
If you haven't done it already, will you/are you going to make an option to add new maps and rooms to the ones already in there? I'm sure there are people who would like to make more areas than the current maps allow, so why not allow us to create entirely new maps and rooms? You know, add maps and rooms to the current amount of Maps and Rooms, to make a bigger and/or longer hack. Currently, we only have Brinstar, Norfair, Crateria, Kraid, Ridley, Tourian, and Chozodia to edit (unless there's a "DEBUG" map). What if someone wants to use those areas plus Maridia and the Wrecked Ship (from Super Metroid)? If they can't make new maps and rooms, they'd have to take away rooms from a map that already can be edited and use the Kraid and Ridley maps for the Wrecked Ship and Maridia. Having Kraid's Lair on Brinstar's map and Ridley's Lair on the Norfair map makes the game shorter. Having them on their own maps makes it longer, and it allows the hacker to use more rooms for Brinstar, Norfair, and any other area they want to make larger.

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-17-06 05:07 PM Link | Quote
I dunno depends on if my hack will need them. What you are asking is a big proposal, I have to move banks of information over usually about 50*(size of header)

then have to find space for the maps it's a big hassal, users should learn to do that on their own. The game has 6 areas. there's a little less or more then 50 rooms per area, that's alot of space. The minimap part requires some amount of ASM hacking, there was room for 4 extra minimaps, but nintendo took them out and they all point to the same space.
The Skull

Struttin' On In


Since: 01-25-06

Last post: 6567 days
Last view: 6567 days
Posted on 10-17-06 09:21 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by interdpth
I dunno depends on if my hack will need them. What you are asking is a big proposal, I have to move banks of information over usually about 50*(size of header)

then have to find space for the maps it's a big hassal, users should learn to do that on their own. The game has 6 areas. there's a little less or more then 50 rooms per area, that's alot of space. The minimap part requires some amount of ASM hacking, there was room for 4 extra minimaps, but nintendo took them out and they all point to the same space.

You know, I have never done any real rom hacking. (Minor Hexing to experiment with stuff, but nothing at this scale) but I never understood how hard it was to add rooms/increase rom size. Is there a maximum capacity that the CPU will read to and then decide the rom is too big or something? If so, theoretically couldn't some hardcore coding tell the emu/cpu/etc to just "keep going" or "reference another file" or is that the "big proposal" you spoke of.

Btw, I got everything working and played around with the editor a bit. Saving doesnt seem to work at all (Except editing music, which crashes the game, and editing room 0 area 0, which crashes the game on startup. Granted I don't know anything about the game's internal coding so I dont know what the editor cannot do/or cannot do easily) but it looks as if the editor, when finished, will be pretty powerful.

I'd offer to help, but seeing as I can't even get my own computer, which I have been using for three years, to work right I don't think I am qualified.

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-18-06 12:21 AM Link | Quote
Ok, well found out the problem it was in the saving clip data area it's been fixed, I need some new beta testers as the other ones kind of vanished on me

Since: 10-05-06
From: IL, USA

Last post: 6565 days
Last view: 6565 days
Posted on 10-19-06 10:02 PM Link | Quote
do you think you could whip together somesort of projectile, and item editor. that would be awsome. and paint type editor would be sic too, definately add hotswapping between editing programs like paint n stuff.

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-20-06 09:35 PM Link | Quote
Item editor, later the other thing what?

And right now current MZM hacking progress i'm trying to get the lava and water code in ATM

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-21-05

Last post: 6449 days
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Posted on 10-30-06 10:33 PM Link | Quote
sweet! lava control is a must in an editor!! I can't wait
Raccoon Sam

Boomerang Brother
Custom Title

Since: 11-20-05
From: Correct

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-31-06 02:45 AM Link | Quote
I was wondering, since as a Mac user I Can't open up EXEs, perhaps you could release some information or documentation?
I'd love to see some text tables. Translations ahoyhoy.

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-31-06 09:23 AM Link | Quote
There are no text tables as far as I have seen. The only one's i've seen are ASCII and they're for SRAM and the credits. Here's all the information I got have fun

These notes were based off the original findings from Jigglysaint I then took what I learn and finished the rest of the stuff. More to come next update finished door notes and add item notes

Data room size = 0x3c

Room Headers start at: 0x340AD4

Total number of rooms: 329

Pointer table for it at 0xNONE

Pointer table for Tileset entries 0x33DFDC I'll just load these according the rooms Tileset number And uncompress on the fly! =D

Structure for Room Headers
Private Type RHeader
bTileSet As Byte 'Tileset Used
bBg0 As Byte 'is Foreground on?
bBg1 As Byte' is Level on?
bBg2 As Byte' is Background on?
lBg3 As Long' Is bg3 on effects?
lForeground As Long' Pointer to RLE compressed Foreground Pointer
lLevelData As Long' Pointer to RLE compressed Level Data
lBackGroundObjects As Long'Pointer to RLE compressed Background data
lClipData As Long'Pointer to RLE Clipdata
lBackgroundImageTSA As Long'Pointer to RLE image data
bEnemyIndex As Byte'Jiggly explains further down
bSwitch As Byte
bSeperator1 As Byte
bSeperator2 As Byte
lEnemy1 As Long
bEnemy1Sprites As Byte
bDunno1 As Byte
bSeperator3 As Byte
bSeperator4 As Byte
lEnemy2Sprites As Long
notsure As Long
TileTablepnt As Long 'Pointer to Tileset Formula = (TileTablePnt - &h8000000)+(btileset*16)
bSeperator5 As Byte
bMiniMapRoomX As Byte'X byte for Minimap
bMiniMapRoomY As Byte'Y byte for minimap
bSeperator6 As Byte
bTide As Byte
bEffect As Byte
bMusic As Integer'Music
End Type
Private Type gTileData
Nothing As Long
gTiles As Long
pTiles As Long
BackgroundTSA As Long
MainTSA As Long
End Type

Applies to lForeground
Applies to lTilesPnt, And lClipdata;
|Level compression is RLE 2 different types Why I have no clue |
|Any how the compressions are like this |
| |
|if the first byte is 0x00 - 0x7F Then the game repeats the next byte that many times |
|The other type of compression is 0x80+ folled by the tile/clip |
|The way it works is subtract 0x80 from the first number then repeat that |
|the tile that many times oh and by tile I mean the ID |
Applies to lBackgroundObjects

Door data: 0x33E614
I'm guessing the struct is 0x8 bytes

struct Door{
char SomeByte;
char Room//?
char DoorCanOpen;
char DoorLeadssomeplace;
char Dunno;
char Dunno;
char Room;//Actual Room!


MiniMap Areas:
Total bytes:10272 I think
Palette: 0x411360, make the first value 0 to get it right.

Minimap Banks

Halts are in every 16 vblanks
8193ADC - Theme song is held here

Memory Notes
30013BA-Something to do with Scrolling
30013B8-More to do with scrolling
3000BF3-Controls the option menu
2034000 - Minimap Decompressed data
6001800 - TSA data kept here from the RLE i'd guess
3005450 - Did something really weird scrollwise, didn't update at all
300009C - Foreground controller
30013F0 - Sprite thingie
202D800 - Decompressed Level Data goes here.

Music Data
0xc Bytes
Table starts - 808Cf70
Pointer to table -822c23C

Scroll Banks

(edited by interdpth on 10-31-06 04:11 PM)

Bullet Bill


Since: 11-25-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 10-31-06 12:54 PM Link | Quote
Good to see progress again!
Rising Lava sure is a challenging thing.
And, does this actually not belong in ROM Hacking-Related Releases?


Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6463 days
Last view: 6448 days
Posted on 10-31-06 02:30 PM Link | Quote
I see you still haven't figured out the enemy data and event switches yet. It should be enemy1 pointer Long, enemy index byte, event switch, then: Enemy pointer 2 Long, enemy index 2 byte, enemy switch 2 byte, then: Enemy final Long, Enemy index final byte.

So that means there are 3 enemy pointers and indexes. The first enemy pointer changes to the second when the first switch is activated, and the second enemy pointer changes to the third when the second switch is activated.

Also, the start of room 00's header pointers is at 75FAC4

MZM rapist


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6443 days
Last view: 6443 days
Posted on 11-01-06 05:20 PM Link | Quote
Ok here's the latest one I have things to jiggly for clearing thanks up,
This look right?

Oh and Jiggly would you mind providing the bytes for the door again?
Private Type RHeader
bTileSet As Byte
bBg0 As Byte
bBg1 As Byte
bBg2 As Byte
lBg3 As Long
lForeground As Long
lLevelData As Long
lBackLayer As Long
lClipData As Long
lBackgroundImageData As Long
bWaveSpeed As Byte
bSwitch As Byte
bSeperator1 As Byte
bSeperator2 As Byte
lSpritePointer As Long
bSpriteIndex1 As Byte
bEventSwitch As Byte
lSpritePointer2 as long
bSpriteIndex2 as byte
bEventSwitch2 as byte
lSpritePointer3 as long
bSpriteIndex3 as byte
TileTablepnt As Long
bSeperator5 As Byte
bMiniMapRoomX As Byte
bMiniMapRoomY As Byte
bSeperator6 As Byte
bTide As Byte
bEffect As Byte
iMusic As Integer
End Type
Before and After pics!

Old Decompression:

New Decompress:
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