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Buzz Blob
Wii have Wii

Since: 11-17-05
From: Norway

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-24-06 04:04 PM Link | Quote
It's awesome.

Including WiiSports with the console is a brilliant move by Nintendo - this game truly shows what the Wii is capable of, and how much fun one can have with the console in way that will not be possible on anything else for a long time. The Tennis game has to be one of the greatest pick-up-and-play multiplayer games ever, and while I didn't have access to a manual of any sorts, it's easy enough to figure out. Moving the wiimote right, left up and down initiates forehand, backhand, lob and drop shots (are those the correct names? Not really into tennis here), while the characters move towards the ball on their own. Only real problem I had with it is that these guys move at an annoyingly slow pace, slowly making their way towards a ball they have no hope of getting. Argh.
The game obviously shines in multiplayer, and if you're not playing with 4 players, I advice giving all 4 players manual control - the computer teammates are no fun to play with.
Moving on, we have Baseball, where everyone had a real problem hitting that damn ball - strikes and fouls occurred constantly, and you pretty much have to swing the bat on instinct - not much of a pick-up-and-play game, newbies will have a hard time with it.
Bowling, on the other hand, was way too easy, very few rounds ended with pegs still standing, and nearly half the throws ended in strikes. A moving cursor would work nice, or no cursor at all, anything to make it somewhat possible to miss the pegs.

....Zelda review upcoming, stay tuned. Posting this from an internet cafe that's closing now.

(edited by Adamant on 10-24-06 03:05 PM)



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 10-24-06 11:03 PM Link | Quote
How'd you get to play it? You lucky son of a...

You got the shot names right.
FreeDOS +

Giant Red Koopa
Legion: freedos = fritos

Since: 11-17-05
From: Seattle

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 10-25-06 02:49 AM Link | Quote
I'm assuming you work at a game store and they let you take home hte Wii early?

Buzz Blob
Wii have Wii

Since: 11-17-05
From: Norway

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-25-06 04:48 AM Link | Quote
No, but I mod the official norwegian Nintendo forum, and that job comes with cool perks such as this.

However, while I did get to test the Wii, I also had to spend 19 of the last 27 hours on a train (as the Wii was located on the other side of the country), and that was considerably less fun.

I forgot to mention Boxing, which was incredibly hard to control. Again, I didn't read any manual, so I probably missed the finer points, but I had a really hard time hitting the other guy. And unlike the baseball, the boxer is standing pretty much still.

So, Zelda. It was... well, interesting, though the controls do take some time getting used to, since you need to shift between the analog control and the wiimote at times... aiming is done with the wiimote, but you turn Link while aiming with the analog stick. Aiming upwards, however, is done with the wiimote. Uh. Swordfighting also involves swinging the wimote, and was somewhat hard to get a feeling for. Nontheless, it was still easy enough to quickly get out the bow and fire an arrow in the face of a boss while he's rushing towards you.
Item management is simple enough, you press a direction on the D-pad to equip it, and then, if the item is useable (ie not the Iron Boots), you press B to use it.
The camera, however, is an ass, and I hope the fix it before release. You can't control the camera itself, and it's not very cooperative when following Link around, preferring to move as little as possible instead of staying behind him. By pressing the C button, you enter first person view, which, when exited, centers the camera behind you. Of course, this is cumbersome as hell, and hopefully will be fixed.
As for fishing, here's a tips, Nintendo: When making a demo, try to make it somewhat more playable - searching out the ONE fish you put in that massive ocean of yours is not fun (neither is that "hit the switches in the correct order, and no, we won't give you any hints as to what that order is" puzzle you put in the dungeon demo, but luckily it can be skipped with the hookshot/craneshot/whatever you called it). The fishing itself works nicely enough, though, but much like Baseball on Wiisports, the Wiimote has some trouble registering me moving it backwards to throw the line (and to a lesser extent, when tightening the line as you pull a fish in).
And yes, in case anyone were wondering, you DO look like an idiot while moving the nunchuck in circles to reel in the line. Fun, though.
Oh, and it's physically impossible to not exaggerate your movement to the extreme, no matter what Nintendo says. Twisting the wiimote a tad to the right might have the same effect as swinging it like a real racket while playing Wiisports Tennis, but you will always be doing the latter. Always.

Only got to test Trauma Center for about five minutes (we only had 5 controllers, and they were mostly used for 4-player Wiisports Tennis and Zelda), and since I haven't played the DS original (shame on me, I know) I can't compare it to it, but at least I can say that the control is very good, and much better for this kind of games than an analog stick. The Wii will be perfect for console conversions of computer games dependant on a mouse (like realtime strategy games and point-and-clicks, and possibly even online RPGs (though the lack of a keyboard will pose a problem) - here's hoping for a Lucasarts compilation and a Myst collection).

Wario Ware was also available, but I didn't personally test it (due to the lack of controllers, as mentioned above - the only time a saw a controller connected to it, I was explaining Zelda's controls to a reporter), but it looks as brilliant as in the videos we've seen.

I got some pictures, but I have no clue how to get them from my cell phone to a computer, so those'll have to wait a couple decades until I figure out.

(and yes, I am aware that I'm writing like an ass here. I've had very little sleep the last 48 hours.)

(edited by Adamant on 10-25-06 03:50 AM)


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-25-06 08:13 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Adamant
Oh, and it's physically impossible to not exaggerate your movement to the extreme, no matter what Nintendo says. Twisting the wiimote a tad to the right might have the same effect as swinging it like a real racket while playing Wiisports Tennis, but you will always be doing the latter. Always.

Well, DUH. I could've told you months ago that that's half the fun.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-25-06 09:48 PM Link | Quote
You should have taken it, along with the pre-release copies and make tons of money on e-bay. But yeah, was it obviously a pre-release copy or not? It's kinda worrying hearing about minor stuff that seems obvious, such as the camera for Zelda.

Buzz Blob
Wii have Wii

Since: 11-17-05
From: Norway

Last post: 6343 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 10-25-06 10:20 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, it was a beta console - no operative system or anything, just a machine that played whatever Wii game you put in it. The Nintendo of Europe representative claimed the operative system hadn't even been completed yet (and thus, there aren't a single complete Wii anywhere yet), though I'm not completely sure of that - it's not that long before launch.
Zelda was also a demo, similiar to the one shown at E3, which you've seen a dozen videos from, I bet, but this one had the new controls I described in the review, while the E3 demo had wiimote-control for firing the bow, while the sword was swung with the press of a button.

Trauma Center seemed like the complete game, as for Wiisports, I think the finished will use Mii characters created on the Wii, while this version let us simply choose from 6 predetermined Miis. Again, never got to try Wario Ware, so I don't know. I'll pass on the questions.

(edited by Adamant on 10-25-06 09:22 PM)
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - First-hand Wii impressions |


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