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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Hardware / Software - Running an Apache server on Windows XP Pro... New poll | |
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Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 09-22-06 11:18 PM Link | Quote
Hello everybody.

I have run a web site off of my computer for about a year now using Apache. Everything's worked great until just now.

I moved about four weeks ago and have been without internet access until last night. I've been trying to get my web site back up since then but haven't had much luck. I'm using a new hub (as opposed to the old wireless router) and thought I had everything changed for the new setup, but I can't quite seem to get it to gel like it used to.

I can, for example, view my web site by going to the local IP (, which leads me to believe that Apache is running fine, but when I try to access it from my WAN IP ( I get nothing.

I'm using a D-Link hub with port 80 forwarded. I'm not sure if I forgot something somewhere or what, but if there are any other webmasters out there willing to help me it would be GREATLY appreciated.


(edited by PSlugworth on 09-22-06 10:19 PM)



Since: 08-15-06
From: Connecticut

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-22-06 11:39 PM Link | Quote
It's possible that your router is going berserk at having the outgoing and incoming requests be the same IP - whenever I try to go to my IP locally, I just get my router setup page.

Anyway, I can't connect to your external IP either. Perhaps you should look into a service such as No-IP or DynDNS.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 09-22-06 11:42 PM Link | Quote
Sounds silly but sure it's forwarded to the right IP and that your computer actually have the same IP.

Otherwise it might be a case of your ISP blocking port 80. You can try to forward a random port, then reconfig apache to that port then try externally. If that works then port 80 is blocked, otherwise I dunno. :/

My DSL modem had some stupid but dangerous bug where trying to access exteranlly would lead to the Modem's setup page. xD It also stopped external port 80 requests to go into the local network. Thankfully this was fixed with a firmware update...

(edited by Ailure on 09-22-06 10:43 PM)

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 09-22-06 11:53 PM Link | Quote
Per your suggestion, I tried to forward to another port, and set Apache to listen in for the same, but had no luck.

Whatever it is is obviously router related, but I'll be God damned if I can figure it out.
FreeDOS +

Giant Red Koopa
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Since: 11-17-05
From: Seattle

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Posted on 09-23-06 01:15 AM Link | Quote
Can you access your server via proxy?

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 09-23-06 01:42 AM Link | Quote
Assuming I'm doing it correctly... nope.

Sledge Brother
Liberated from school...until MLK day

Since: 11-17-05
From: In Hearst Field Annex...

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Posted on 09-23-06 02:31 PM Link | Quote
Although this is risky, why don't you try to stop the firewall of your router temporarily and try. If you are able to reach your server, then there is something of how you are configuring your router to do forwarding.


Since: 09-08-06
From: St. Louis, MO

Last post: 6454 days
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Posted on 09-23-06 05:05 PM Link | Quote
Well, this probably isn't the problem you're having since you have DLink not Linksys, but when I was setting up my Apache server on XP Pro here my router kept reassigning the IP for the port forwarding. I'd check and make sure that the router keeps all the correct settings after you set everything.

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 09-23-06 08:03 PM Link | Quote
Well, now that you mention it, I just rechecked it and it doesn't even ask what computer it should be forwarding the port for. It doesn't even say "port forwarding," it says "applications," but it sounds by the description to just be their way of dumbing it down for computer illiterate-types.

It lets me set what port set to "trigger," what port to set for "public," but that's it. Curiouser and curiouser...

There's another option for "virtual server," but I'm not going to screw around with that since apache should be able to handle all that anyway. I wonder if the D-Link people would be any help...

Also, as far as the firewall suggestion, there is a firewall setting on the router, though there's no way to disable it for some reason. It's set to default as:

Action: Deny
Source: *,*
Destination: LAN,*
Protocol: IP (0),*

I don't know if that means it's blocking all incoming traffic to all LAN IPs (which wouldn't make sense) or what, but like I said, I can't find any way to turn that default off.

(edited by PSlugworth on 09-23-06 07:03 PM)
(edited by PSlugworth on 09-23-06 07:08 PM)
(edited by PSlugworth on 09-23-06 07:08 PM)

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 09-26-06 02:16 AM Link | Quote
Here's a fun update: Adding my computer as a/the DMZ also has no effect. What the hell?

Edit: I think the problem might lie within me needing to update the firmware, but D-Link, those clever bastards, have removed all the firmware updates from their web site to force you to buy their newer routers as replacements. Oh, joy of joys.

(edited by PSlugworth on 09-26-06 02:28 AM)


Since: 07-14-06
From: Melbourne, FL

Last post: 6349 days
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Posted on 09-26-06 02:54 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by PSlugworth
Well, now that you mention it, I just rechecked it and it doesn't even ask what computer it should be forwarding the port for. It doesn't even say "port forwarding," it says "applications," but it sounds by the description to just be their way of dumbing it down for computer illiterate-types.

It lets me set what port set to "trigger," what port to set for "public," but that's it. Curiouser and curiouser...

There's another option for "virtual server," but I'm not going to screw around with that since apache should be able to handle all that anyway. I wonder if the D-Link people would be any help...

Also, as far as the firewall suggestion, there is a firewall setting on the router, though there's no way to disable it for some reason.

The firewall on the router shouldn't be a problem if the ports are forwarded properly. Would you mind sharing the model number of your router with us?

On the D-Links I've messed with (who buys these?), when you log in, you are taken to the device information page. There's an "Advanced" button to click. If not taken to the "Virtual Server" page, click on the "Virtual Server" link/button.

What you see depends on your version of the router. Service/public/private ports should be set to 80, and the Server IP/Private IP should be set to your computer's IP on the network ( D-Links usually require that you restart them before the port forwarding takes effect.

Make sure that the system you're running the server on isn't blocking any connections; and that your computer's IP hasn't changed.

If your ISP is blocking connections from port 80, just change the port to something else (like port 25). You'll have to set your domain to use that port, though.

(edited by Zidane on 09-26-06 01:54 PM)

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 09-26-06 07:24 PM Link | Quote
Ha ha, who buys these things? My roommate's father, I guess. If I wasn't so cheap I'd just go out and buy something a little more up-to-date, but for now I'll see if I can muddle through this. Ah, that I could only go back to running it off of my wonderful, no-nonsense Netgear router.

For your reference, it's a D-LINK DI-604, I think revision A.

My computer is set to only use the .222 IP address, and all the other computer should just be randomly selected from the low-100 range, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I think I've tried the solutions you suggested, but I'll give them a run-through one more time just in case. Either way, thanks for your help!


Since: 07-14-06
From: Melbourne, FL

Last post: 6349 days
Last view: 6351 days
Posted on 09-27-06 04:55 PM Link | Quote
Hm. Very strange... It should work! ;.; I don't suppose you just so happened to miss something like the port forward not being enabled or the schedule not being set to "always?"

I can only think of one other way that you could try... If your host is blocking connections from port 80, change it to something like "3724." You'll then want to open "httpd.conf" in whatever text editor you like to use. On my system, "httpd.conf" is located at "apache\conf." Search for the line "Listen 80" (near the top of the file). Change "80" to whatever port you used instead of "80," like "3724." I forgot to mention that when you use a different port, you got to change the port Apache is bound to. XD

Red Paragoomba

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 09-27-06 11:52 PM Link | Quote
Yeah, thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately I think I've tried just about everything, it seems like.

Luckily, I have come across at least one solution.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Hardware / Software - Running an Apache server on Windows XP Pro... |


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