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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - lol, hoax email "virus" New poll | |
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Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-20-06 02:03 AM Link | Quote
And the winner of the "omg nobody can be so stupid as to believe this..." award goes to the following hoax email virus forwarded several times to us today:


Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!

If you get an email along the lines of "Osama Bin Laden Captured" or "Osama Hanged" don't open the attachment.

This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel.

Be considerate & send this warning to whomever you know.


You should be alert during the next days:

Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it.

It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which "burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts.

It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend, do not open it and shut down your computer immediately.

This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.

This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus.

This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.

Oh no! My Zero Sector!! It's burning the C of the whole Hard Disk! Let's call Microsoft and CNN!

Whyyyy are people so dumb???

For the record, there WAS an email that linked to a page with a virus (trojan actually) in 2004. Said Trojan was weak as piss, did no damage and was BALEETED by all AV very quickly. It was a joke.

The above nonsense has spread more than the original "threat"

(edited by Tarale on 09-20-06 01:04 AM)

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 09-20-06 02:07 AM Link | Quote
WTF is peoples' obsession with getting other people to forward junk mail around at random as much as possible? There's no way they can even tell if it's working.
Simon Belmont
Except I'm totally fucking hyped about Dracula X: Chronicles.

Since: 11-18-05
From: Pittsburgh

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Posted on 09-20-06 02:08 AM Link | Quote
remind me to send out emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden and a cure for cancer.

I mean

banned by request


Since: 11-17-05
From: Gone.

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Posted on 09-20-06 02:08 AM Link | Quote
I remember getting this e-mail several months ago. Looks like it's making its rounds again.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 09-20-06 02:11 AM Link | Quote

...And proceeded to call my brother on the phone and tell him he's a freaking idiot for believing it.

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-20-06 02:13 AM Link | Quote
I just love the wording of it. Things like the "Zero Sector" which is apparently "where the vital information is kept".

And things that "burn" your "whole hard disc C"

And other pseudo-computer terms

Throw in a few "respectable" names like McAfee, Microsoft and CNN.... (note you'll not find any information about this at McAfee, Microsoft or CNN.... ) and you seem to have the makings of a great piece of scaremongering that will make IT analysts laugh, and everyone else forward like crazy




Since: 05-07-06
From: Iowa

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Posted on 09-20-06 03:05 PM Link | Quote
I think I got an email like this from an idiot friend. I opened it like usual, noticed it was a forward and deleted it after the first few lines. I missed out on valuable entertainment.

I need help finding my Zero Sector of my C drive... I've never seen vital information before.


Since: 02-25-06
From: Newfoundland

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Posted on 09-20-06 05:25 PM Link | Quote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LIKE OH MY GOSH
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THERE WAS THIS THING
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AND IT DOES SOMETHING
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AND IT EATS YOU
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FLASH ANIMATION HERE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50 PICTURES
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YAHOO MAIL ADD
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LIKEOMG SIMENASD

Yeah it's not fun.

Also OH NOES it must also attack the tubes! (someone was going to say it )


Since: 11-17-05
From: Texas

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Posted on 09-20-06 06:30 PM Link | Quote
Whenever I see forwarded emails like this, I usually delete them without reading it.

Forwarded junk mail usually annoy me, especially when you get a junk email saying that you should forward this mail to 10 different friends in X minutes or else you'll be cursed for life. I've gotten several of those types of junk emails and I don't feel cursed at all.

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

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Posted on 09-20-06 06:34 PM Link | Quote
Might be someone who confused boot sector with zero sector or something. If the boot sector fails on a HD, it won't simple boot but usually the data can be saved.

...I seen grownups sending thoose around, it's usually the computer illiterate.
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 09-20-06 06:37 PM Link | Quote
Oh, the viruses are hoaxes? I opened the described things on my other computer and I was worried that that my hard drive had a hole burned in it with a torch and that my zero sector was deleted and that all my vital information was gone. Whew, I sure dodged a bullet there.

Star Mario
Finally being paid to code in VB! If only I still enjoyed that. <_<
Wii #7182 6487 4198 1828


Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
My computer's specs, if anyone gives a damn.

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 09-20-06 08:09 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Ailure
Might be someone who confused boot sector with zero sector or something. If the boot sector fails on a HD, it won't simple boot but usually the data can be saved.

...I seen grownups sending thoose around, it's usually the computer illiterate.

The boot sector is sector #0. Nobody I know calls it Zero Sector though. That sounds more like a level in a video game than a computer term.
And yes, that sector holds the boot code and partition table, so if it's deleted, your computer might find booting up difficult and the drive will appear to be empty. It's pretty easy to recover from though.

Also, I have my email configured to pipe all messages beginning with "Fw:" or "Fwd:" to the trash.



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-21-06 12:25 AM Link | Quote
You'd think that in 2006, people wouldn't be falling for this stuff.

10 years down the line, we're still going to see this crap.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 09-21-06 12:54 AM Link | Quote
Yeah, my brother still insists it's real.

sdfldkfjdkjgf I'm going to lose my mind D:

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-21-06 01:41 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Danielle
Yeah, my brother still insists it's real.

sdfldkfjdkjgf I'm going to lose my mind D:

Well, that's when you screw with his head and tell him that by forwarding on that email, he's already infected his Zero Sector, and that it is only a matter of time before his computer will crash.

Thankfully, you know the solution (but it's very very complex) and you'll fix it for [insert monetary reward or other reward here]

(edited by Tarale on 09-21-06 12:41 AM)

Mr. Shine
I just want peace...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Sweden

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 09-21-06 02:17 AM Link | Quote
Tarale, you probably came up with the solution for thoose mails. Next time I get one of thoose, I do what Tarale said. Sometimes you can find a whole backlog of e-mail addresses in thoose mails.

Or maybe I should try spreading one of thoose hoaxes, with a rude message in it.

(edited by Ailure on 09-21-06 01:17 AM)

フクト オン フォニクス

Since: 11-17-05
From: Chicago!

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Posted on 09-21-06 02:23 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by HyperHacker

The boot sector is sector #0. Nobody I know calls it Zero Sector though. That sounds more like a level in a video game than a computer term.
And yes, that sector holds the boot code and partition table, so if it's deleted, your computer might find booting up difficult and the drive will appear to be empty. It's pretty easy to recover from though.

Sector 0 is the master boot record (MBR), not the boot sector. The MBR contains the partition table, which tells where all the partitions begin, and each partition contains a boot sector.

On some types of disks (like compactflash or SD cards), the MBR is omitted and the first sector is actually indeed the boot sector. This means those types of media can only support one partition. Sometimes a camera will format a card to include an MBR though.

Both the MBR and boot sector are important. The MBR says where all the partitions are, and if it gets wiped out, you lose all drives, but you can still slowly search the hard drive for possible boot sectors, and restore the partition table from there. The boot sector contains information about the parameters of the filesystem, and links to the root directory. If that gets wiped out, it's harder to guess what the old content was before, unless it was using the default parameters, and the root directory may be findable.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 09-21-06 09:47 PM Link | Quote
Well, the most harmful hoaxes are like this:

"There's a very dangerous virus that will activate on (Insert next week's date here) and will delete all your files. To check if you're infected try saving any kind of file (txt, bmp, rtf, etc.) with the name 'Con', if it doesn't let you save it (because it says reserved to a dispositive or something) you are infected."

Actually that happens on all computers v_v' and then it would continue with:

"This virus cannot be deleted by any antivirus to date, you have to do it yourself. Go to (Insert path here), and delete the file (Insert important system file here)."

It must be a file that damages the system but still allows the user to fordward the message.

"Please check if you can save files with the name 'Con' on other computers and forward this mail to all your friends."

I just made that up, but I'm pretty sure it would work as a destructive hoax, people check that they cannot save a file with the name "Con", go bananas and delete everything you tell them.

It may need a few tweaks for optimun kickage, but I'm posting it so you don't fall for something like that...



Since: 06-15-06
From: California

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Posted on 09-21-06 09:57 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Uly
It may need a few tweaks for optimun kickage, but I'm posting it so you don't fall for something like that...

... Most people here won't even get close to almost falling for that. Ask yourself: "Would someone actually take their time to warn an anonymous user about a virus?"

Most of the time, no. But whatever. It doesn't hurt to try to help, I guess.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 09-21-06 10:08 PM Link | Quote
Well, yeah, the mail would go to the thrash without even being read, but there's always a n00b or 2 around that would fall for it, and that would've read my message. I was trying to make a generic message, like "If you find taskmgr.exe running on the background, you're infected!"... :o
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - lol, hoax email "virus" |


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