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When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 09-01-06 02:58 AM Link | Quote
Time - 12:00 AM Midnight
Location - Sim-Battle City

Sim-Battle City... a place where fighters from across the universe, and possibly from other timelines come and visit the city, famed for battles to test one’s strength and abilities in combat.

Many people here and known and quite famous, and several veterans have simply vanished without a trace, while everyday new heroes and villains are born. Today, would be much... much... different...

* * *

Sonance wore a light pink lab coat, and she seemed to also be wearing small framed glasses, as she finished her final touches on a small blue rabbit like virus.

The dors hissed as they opened, and a figure walked inside. "Mistress... our army is ready to invade the city," said a smooth calm voice.

"Alright Scarface. Thank you." The one called Scarface immediately bowed and left.

"Those hunters will soon learn that war can have a harmful effect on others..." She giggled to herself, as her eight viruses came to life..

* * *

"Are we ready to deploy?" asked a deep commanding like voice. Scarface nodded.

"Yes we are. Soon this city shall be under our control. Launch the Pantheon Army!"

From the small commanding room, the two watched as a large army of blue standard off-thee-shelf Navis with only a single red robotic eye for a face marched out towards an open portal, which led to the outskirts of Sim-Battle City. The ones that led them towards their destination we’re the standard models. Behind them we’re the heavy-duty models like Pantheon Fists, Pantheon Hammers, or Pantheon Launchers. Behind them we’re heavy-artillery vehicles such as Assault Buggies equipped with Vulcan Guns in the back passenger seats, armored tank vehicles in white, blue, and crimson variant colors, and other assault vehicles.

Jets hovered over them, along with the fleet of Pantheon Fliers and Pantheon Aces.

"Well, such a large army. They we’re a lot bigger than your last one Scarface."

Scarface frowned behind his mask. "Don’t remind me Shadow."

About Scarface, he was also known as the Warrior of Deceit. The Rebellion virus was a foot taller than the Maverick Hunter David Lee Abbott. His entire body was covered in black with silver running along his shoulders, the tops of his boots, down the sides of his body reaching down to his legs, and along his feet and gauntlets. His hands were composed of five long claws segmented into fingers, the tips crimson red. On the backs of each hand were sets of three cables infused into his being. His features were covered by a fearsome black mask with only a pair of narrow visored slits on each side for his eyes. On his belt he bore the image of a red serpentine V, and on his left chest was Sonance’s Navi Emblem. New features that were added into his mainframe were shoulder pads which looked like Punk's Screw Crusher, three large spikes jutting out from the band of gold metal lining the outer edges, the main part black with crimson stripes in a star formation. Also his long jet black hair comes out from a hole in the back of the mask helmet which reaches down past his legs.

"Epsilon, you don’t have quarrels on being revived, do you?" Shadow asked his old comrade.

Epsilon, known as the Warrior of Power. A very large supervirus. His head which was protected by a black helmet and a red crescent blade coming from the front center of the helmet and reaching out close to the back almost seemed dwarfed by his immense body, which were supported by his large armored legs with rocket boosters under the soles of his feet, spikes lining around the shins. His arms were large, ending with a pair of three-fingered hands armed with large deadly claws, two short white spikes between his knuckles. His face gave off the image that he also wore a mask, but closer inspection revealed that it was merely a visor connected to the helmet, orange in color shielding his red eyes. His face also is a dark skin tone. The red serpentine V was tattooed across his large black and dark purple chest, the tops near each shoulder meeting together at his abdomen, and the icon of Sonance was emblazoned over the center point of the red serpentine V. New features presented on Epsilon are the large shoulder pads draped over his shoulders with three sets of cables coming from the top and ending at the front, which currently his entire body -- save for the bottom of his feet, was covered in a tethered brown cloak.

"No I do not. I am grateful that I have been brought back, so that I may bring fear into the worthless humans once again."

Shadow smiled. "So, where is the Warrior of Lust?"

"Ferham? She went with the army to destroy this Sim-Battle City and take complete control of it," Scarface explained.

"I take it you still don’t like her much."

"I always despised that woman in the past..."

"Well, with the arguments you two had in the past, you make it sound you we’re an old married couple." Scarface growled a bit at that.

* * *

The beautiful young woman known as Ferham floated high as the Pantheon army marched towards the awaiting city.

She has beautiful green hair that floated around her as if she was underwater and a crown-like halo floating over her head. She wore purple clothing and dark violet boots. Her green nails seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, as does her radiant green eyes. Like Scarface, she also bore the red V serpentine head on her belt. New features she had on her are the large metallic violet pink wings which are shaped after that of a Phoenix which both wings on the back had Sonance’s emblem printed on, and wing designed crests floating on either side of her crown-like halo. She also held in her right hand a silver cylinder with an emerald embedded at the bottom.

"Well... this city and its human inhabitants will have no clue what hit them. Soon this city shall fall to its knees..." The dominatrix like supervirus hushed in a seductive tone, as she watched the first shots rang out upon reaching the city limits.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 09-01-06 10:51 AM Link | Quote
Somewhere in the outskirts of the city, something twitched.

"Ungh... no more pineapples... they're going to eat your brains... wait, don't! Don't eat that elephant! AHHH!" screamed a slumbering person, as sleep finally stopped interfering with his vital functions, and allowed him to wake up.

Two eyes blinked, as they saw the upside down world, and their owner scampered to what seemed to be the ground, surprised. "What the..." he spoke, as he saw everything seem odd. The branch he was holding onto was hanging upwards, the leaves of the tree on the ground, and the roots on the air or ceiling.

He blinked again, his eyes confused, before he rubbed a hand over his head. No juices out yet, but his hair was all raised... of course! Why hadn't he realized it yet?! "I'm upside down!" he said, getting up...

And thus, allowing gravity to take its course and pull him to the ground.




A few moments later, he was up already, and noticed the odd city lights. Laughing in his own manner, he began to run at it, excitedly.

Yes, Jack had managed to reach Sim-Battle City. Let's hope it doesn't get leveled to the ground.


Since: 07-17-06
From: my computer

Last post: 6369 days
Last view: 6352 days
Posted on 09-01-06 11:37 AM Link | Quote
OOC: Am i alloud to enter or is this one privet
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 09-01-06 04:32 PM Link | Quote
Hopefully others like Kirbynite or Grey, or some of the other better RP veterans could join in, since the city is liable to be burned to the ground by a massive army of enemies.


Mass panic and chaos swept the innocent crowds of the city, as tanks and other assault vehicles rolled in and began attacking the buildings, the jets swooping overhead and bombing other parts of the city. Pantheons of all different models attacked several of the fleeing humans, or begin destroying buildings, property, and what not.

Even Grey's office, the Sim Battle Annex, the Cafe, or the Acmlm's Board building wasn't safe as a large army of Pantheon Fists and Pantheon Launchers invaded the insides and began destroyign everything from the inside out, starting fires from the explosions the raged across the famed city. It was total chaos, and there on the outskirts of the city, Ferham watched amazed.

"Hmm... this city once it has fallen, will remain ruined for centuries." Ferham and the others have learned of the city's reputation for having many many different fighters coming form all across the universe. So, why not have a universal domination.

* * *

"Our troops we're not met with any resistance. At this rate the city shall burn to the ground in less than twelve hours," Epsilon noted.

"You'll never know boys. There's certian people who I know won't stand up to this injustice spreading across the city. I am sure there would be a few people that would oppose our little army. And I am sure the EXE Maverick Hunters will soon learn word of it when they come to a city that has been burned to the ground." Shadow grinned darkly.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 09-01-06 05:08 PM Link | Quote
As he walked inside the city, Jack was more curious by the whole aspect of the city than anything else. It was so new and cool...


A nearby explosion, however, distracted him from the distracting thoughts, and he ran towards it, his mind working back to its normal patterns... which were somewhat like this:

1-There's an explosion.
2-Explosions mean fights.
3-Fights mean people get hurt.
4-People getting hurt means Jack feels sad.
5-Jack feeling sad means no toast.
6-No toast = bad.

Thus, he was going to see if he could stop people from getting hurt, by running straight into where the enemies would be.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 09-10-06 06:04 AM Link | Quote
"Hmm... Kirbynite, Grey, and those other veterans are not coming?" Sonance frowned. She hoped to see if the city would be defended.\

If not, then it wouldn't matter much, once it has been burned to the ground, then she can use the ruined city as a secondary extenstion of her other base in the cyberworld.

Of course, there's not much people who HAD such experiences being in the cyberworld, except using Dimensional Areas to combine the real world with the cyberworld.

"Hmph... ohh well. Ferham, you will go around and seek out any resistance fighters. If you find any, do not hesitate to destroy them."

"As you wish Sonance." She minimized Ferham's window and brought up several others, which had other views of the entire city. Her army was doing well, causing total chaos and destruction, the innocent citizens of the fair city fleeing from their imminent destruction and death... she enjoyed it very much.

* * *

Most of the armored tanks rolled through teh streets, cars left in the path crushed and flattened, and any human foolish enough to hide in the cars we're flattened to death.

The jets above kept an eye for intruders who use flight, while the ground forces scouted for ground resistance. Ferham kept a sharp eye out for anybody who would interupt their invasion.

"Hmm, those EXE Maverick Hunters don't keep an eye on the city because in our world, this place doesn't exist... which means I won't be able to fight my old enemies again. Oh well, atleast I'll have fun." She flashed a seductive smile.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 09-10-06 06:48 AM Link | Quote
Jack stopped, as he watched the sheer carnage that was happening ahead. Wrecked cars, tanks, apparently much trouble... "YAY! Let's see who I should help!" he said, grinning, before he noticed that one of the tanks was about to smash a car... with people inside. "Well, that solves it. For now..." Pulling out a card from his pocket, he raised it to the skies. "Let's see what happens!"

The card, portraying a spherical field around a sleeping girl, shone briefly in the sunlight, as he pointed towards the car. "Defend yourselves!" In instants, the tank was stopped, as it smashed onto an invisible force field, that had surrounded the car. Similar fields were being formed around the people that were running away, as well.

Of course, this meant that they'd probably go after him...
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 09-10-06 08:22 AM Link | Quote
Three of the tanks all turne dtheir turrets and fired epxlosive shots towards the intruder, while Pantheon Fists and Snipers from the tall buildings tried to headshot the poor man.

* * *

"We found our first resistance fighter Sonance, but he seems very weak."

"Oh well, kill him before he alerts anybody else."

"As you wish."

* * *

"Send in five more tanks to surround the man, then attack," she commanded one flyer. The Pantheon nodded as it began to relay the order to five other tanks in the immediate area to converge to Point J12-14.

* * *

"Schwa has vanished so he may not know of the iminent destruction of the famed city. And I think Grey or any other famous veterans know that I am laying waste and destruction to their city..." She smiled, "perfect.."
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 09-10-06 02:17 PM Link | Quote
The shells collided onto him, but his skin was barely singed, and his head wasn't harmed by the shots. As he got up, he laughed. "Oh, so now I should get serious? Okay then! TRANSFORM!"

A bright light enveloped him, sending a shockwave that would have sent anything at ground level spiraling away, as his skin began to glow. His hair became electric blue, a white aura surrounded him, and odd tattoos covered his skin, glowing in the same blue tone. Electricity seemed to crackle around him, the cards scrambled from his pocket before sticking to his belt, and as he raised a hand, a lance made of the aura materialized into it.

Pulling out another card, this one with a large sword portrayed in it, he pressed it against the lance, and it flashed before growing much longer. "So... come on!" he asked, before rushing at the nearest tank and ramming the spear through it, probably causing it to explode.
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