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Since: 08-10-06
From: Altoona, Iowa

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Posted on 08-27-06 12:51 AM Link | Quote
do cats have manners? my cat doesnt eat anything that isnt in his bowl and he drinks his water by putting his paw in it then licking it
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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 08-27-06 12:55 AM Link | Quote
Well my cat has good matters. She eats nicely, drinks till there not a drop left, is very kind and pettable, and the best of all is she is NOT lazy.

Bullet Bill

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 08-27-06 01:01 AM Link | Quote
A black cat almost walked across the road in front of me tonight. But then it turned and didn't. At least that cat had manners...

But to answer your question more seriously.. I have no idea about cats. But our, or make that my parents, dog seems to have manners in that he feels ashamed if he has to take a piss or shit inside. (You can' let a dog out lik e a ca.t..)

Uh, this waSN
T qa good answetr at all..


Since: 02-25-06
From: Newfoundland

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Posted on 08-27-06 01:04 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by LizardKing

Uh, this waSN
T qa good answetr at all..

Er... Right....

My sisters old kitten was not well mannerd..
And it used my back as a scraching post... without asking me ._.
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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 08-27-06 01:08 AM Link | Quote
All I have to say is that most cats are "spolied" as in they do "stuff" like scratch DarkDave's back without permission. But my cat is unlike others, she does not do this stuff, maybe cause shes from Peru? A country in South America, maybe cats act different there?

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 08-27-06 02:05 AM Link | Quote
It comes down more to training than manners. I doubt the cat really puts that much thought into being polite. Of course, all of them have their quirks... A couple of mine won't eat anything from people's hands, only off of the counter and whatnot. Of course, one of mine also will only eat cheese if it's a certain kind, but we think that's because her previous owner spoiled her prior to leaving her out in the hurricane to die.

And my cats only do the "dip paw in and then lick" thing with things they aren't supposed to be drinking--namely, unattended glasses of milk.

Star Mario
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Since: 11-18-05
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Posted on 08-27-06 03:17 AM Link | Quote
My cat makes an effort to poop in some out-of-the-way spot if she can't get into her litterbox for some reason. Besides that, heck no. She scratches the carpet and bangs on my door (seriously ) all hours of the night.

The Adventure of Link
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Olympia, Washington

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Posted on 08-27-06 03:40 AM Link | Quote
All my cats are quite polite, except the seem to wish people to pet them by approaching said person, then flopping on the ground several feet away from them, well out of their reach.

My cats don't get on anything, don't get into what they shouldn't, or anything like that. The biggest problem is the big fat black cat, Jim, who kneads.. A lot.



Since: 11-18-05
From: Sydney, Australia

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Posted on 08-28-06 02:45 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Shadic
All my cats are quite polite, except the seem to wish people to pet them by approaching said person, then flopping on the ground several feet away from them, well out of their reach.

So cuute!!
And neither of my current two cats knead.
I think it's really cute when they do.

My mother cat, when just woken up, will roll all over the place, acting mental with affection, waiting for a pat/to be petted. After I stop, she grabs my hand with her paws, and puts them back on her head. If you don't let her, she slightly nibbles on your hand or face.
One time, she ran outside, into the dirt, then rolled ALOT!
She was covered in dirt. I got a lot of static shocks.

The son cat, is the biggest whimp!
He's alot bigger than his mother, hates to be rested on your lap, and will constantly whine untill you let him go.
This cat's never once growled. He's hissed a few times, but no matter how much I torment him, he'll only meow.
After that, I just grab the cat biskut container, and he happily purrs again.

Both cats are black, but the son has white socks, and what looks like a white tuxeudo.

The Adventure of Link
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Olympia, Washington

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Posted on 08-28-06 02:50 AM Link | Quote
For the hell of it, my cat:

This is Jim, the one that kneads, and is terribly obese.

And the kneading gets really annoying, and he does it badly, AKA digging his claws into anything when he's happy.. And he's got a scratchpost.

Bronto Burt

Since: 08-29-06
From: Dimmsdale/Dimmadome(canada,bc)

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Posted on 08-30-06 03:46 PM Link | Quote
I don't think it depends on what kind of breed a cat is (unless it's a hungry lion), but how they are treated when they are kittens. Just like humans, you've got to teach a baby not to throw his pudding on the wall, or he doesn't get anymore. If you let a kitten only eat the kind of cheese he likes, he'll grow up never wanting any other kind of cheese. My cat is an out right brat...he is never allowed outside, because of two things: He eats grass, then hurls it onto the kitchen floor when noones looking. Numero Deux: He'll find a hole going deep under the house and stay down there. Why is this so bad? There are black widows down there. Personally, I've had to bodily drag him out a couple of times. He knows he's not allowed out, but he sneaks out when you open the door. This wasn't too bad for me, I've got used to putting my foot in the way, but every single time my dad opens the door, he's gone like a shot.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Texas

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Posted on 08-30-06 06:12 PM Link | Quote
I have a cat right now that will poop on a certain part of the living if her litter box is very dirty so I usually clean it about twice a week. She also has a bad habit of kneading but thankfully, we got her declawed almost 2 years ago. Even today, she still loves to knead on everything even though she hasn't realized that she was declawed.

Other than that, she is well mannered, much more than the other cat that I have who is very wild.

Not quite as active as before.
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Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

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Posted on 08-30-06 06:16 PM Link | Quote
My cat is... I guess sort of a gentlemanly asshole

He basically is good mannered and nice, but once he doesn't need you or wants something he'll either A) blow you off, or B) Pester you until you give in. We got him almost a year ago... he wasn't eactly taken care of well before we got him.
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 08-30-06 07:10 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by fabio
I have a cat right now that will poop on a certain part of the living if her litter box is very dirty so I usually clean it about twice a week. She also has a bad habit of kneading but thankfully, we got her declawed almost 2 years ago. Even today, she still loves to knead on everything even though she hasn't realized that she was declawed.
I always wondered how that worked. I mean, I think a cat would notice it if it was taken to a vet's office and woke up missing all its digits up to the first joint. I mean I'm pretty sure a person would, and considering how selfish they often are I just... Yeah.

Star Mario
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Since: 11-18-05
From: Canada, w00t!
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Posted on 08-30-06 07:37 PM Link | Quote
I think cat claws are like fingernails though. They can't really feel them. They just come out on their own when they stretch their paws. Consider also that a cat isn't as smart as a person; they probably just stretch and think "weird, my claws aren't coming out".

Bronto Burt

Since: 08-29-06
From: Dimmsdale/Dimmadome(canada,bc)

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Posted on 08-31-06 12:09 AM Link | Quote
Hyper hackers right, but even if they do feel it when they claws are cut, they pretty much forget it. Cats have selective memory and only remember traumatic things, or simple things (such as where there food dish and litterbox are, your scent, and so on). When a cat has his/her claws cut, it is not an important memory to their survival, and so is not needed.


Since: 07-22-06
From: TN
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Posted on 08-31-06 12:14 AM Link | Quote
I had a cat once. It was a nice cat. It would poop in the litter box, not in some far off room. It would sleep and not wake you up. The worst thing it did was clawed my mom, and she sent it outside. Well, my neighbors have dogs. Do the math here. Cat+dog=dead cat.

Bronto Burt

Since: 08-29-06
From: Dimmsdale/Dimmadome(canada,bc)

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Posted on 08-31-06 05:53 PM Link | Quote


Since: 07-22-06
From: TN
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Posted on 08-31-06 08:52 PM Link | Quote
Yup. I guess it was not really mom's fault. I think she let it out, thinking it would come back. It usually did, and it was at the door when a dog got a hold of it before we got to the door. Poor kitty.
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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 09-04-06 08:32 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Watcher
Well my cat has good matters. She eats nicely, drinks till there not a drop left, is very kind and pettable, and the best of all is she is NOT lazy.
mine is just like that to!
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - do cats have manners? |


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