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The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 07:14 AM Link | Quote
The whirlpool was pulling him downwards and to the center... but Metal Man wasn't worried too much about that. After all, he had similar systems to Zekt, which meant he could stay on the air - and underwater - as he wanted, without much problem.

Those starfish were annoying, but he used his explosive Metal Blades to counter them, while he watched the water.

Slowly... slowly... there!

Slowly ashing through the water, he went around her, staying close enough... he didn't want to overdo his boosters, he wasn't like Zekt, who trusted them too much... besides, that wasn't quite his plan.

As he waited for her to move, he pointed his buster at her. If she tried to escape, he'd automatically fire, but the ammo was different now...

(OoC: Magnet Tag: A special, mechanical device Daedalus uses in-battle. Basically a metallic badge of sorts, these partially-homing devices rocket towards their opponent, sticking to their skin.

The trick lies in the fact that these tags emit an electric pulse, meant to stun the foe. Since Daedalus fires them continuously for a few seconds, before having to stop, this means that one shot that hits is bound to make the foe be hit by the remaining ones.

A few seconds after gripping something, they explode, dealing minor damage [which is dangerous in large amounts].)
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 03:32 PM Link | Quote
[Counter Attack: Kawamiri No Jutsu]

She was beginning to love that counter-attack Battlechip she always carry with her. As soon as she was struck, she immediatly switched places with a Slur Shark Soul doll which took the hits and damage.

As for the damage itself, they we're redirected in three Saniigo (the starfish attacks) all coming from outside the lake. She wasn't really expecting Metal to attack with that kind of baility, but atleast she was able to get out of the lake, no longer in Shark Soul form.

"Denryuu!" She brought her hands behind her then thrusted them down directed at the make; aimed at Metal Man with a Kamehameha styled blast of electrical energy. For a second or two, either battlers can hear the roar of a dragon contained within the attack.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 04:03 PM Link | Quote
The three Saniigo were dealt with by Metal Blades coming in contact with them. However, Metal Man was now curious. How had she gotten out so fast?

As soon as he heard the sound of the attack, he cursed, before setting himself upright... then, he activated his boosters on maximum.


Water flew everywhere, as he rocketed himself onto the open air, barely avoiding the electrical attack.

However, he was far from over; his move had put him in perfect range, and so he fired a new set of Magnet Tags at her, before rearing back his other arm. If needed, he'd throw Metal Blades at her as well.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 04:09 PM Link | Quote
She smiled as she whipped out her black wires which separated and transformed into Magnet Missiles. Gotta love metamorphic wires. <3

Whatever kind of charge Metal's magnets may have, Slur's have a bipolar effect, which will attract the magnets together.

And also, during which she conjuired more wires and formed them into a real Masamune Blade, tinged with a faint aura of malice. She swung it around then slowly drew it into a defensive formation.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 04:22 PM Link | Quote
Daedalus grumbled, just sending his Metal Blades at her, before dashing towards her. "Well, what is that supposed to be?" he asked, curious, as he watched her movements.


A few beeps rang on the monitor, and Lan immediately picked up the signal.

"What? Hey, Daedalus is on at last!" he called for Zekt to come closer, and the two Reploids watched the screen.

"Hey, he's fighting with a chick! Why is he so lucky?" Zekt grumbled, and Lan turned towards him.

"But I thought you were luckier that you were fighting more girls than him?" he asked, and the white-haired Reploid just grumbled.

"It's not the same - he's not fighting someone who wants to kill him!"
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
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Posted on 08-20-06 04:32 PM Link | Quote
Well, what the weapon was for is quick reflexes. She swung out the Sephiroth-eques weapon outward deflecting the weapons onto the ground. She then flew forward in a piercing move aimed for Metal's chest.

Sonance may be one with a Masamune like weapon, but this I got when I played Final Fantasy VII last week... The thrill of battle always felt good to her. She needed to sharpen her skills anyway for the upcoming threat of the Seven Sins.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 04:49 PM Link | Quote
Daedalus parried the move, then forced the sword backwards. "Too slow," he told her, before firing one more set of Magnet Tags at her.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 05:41 PM Link | Quote
The sword fell from her hands and struck the ground below. She immediatly floated back as she vanished, a silver light in her place. She zoomed away leaving a trail of silver dust (and if correct the Mag Tags would follow), only to return and practically ram him from behind. She'll keep ramming him from all different sides, hoping her relentless attacks would quickly anger him.

Of course if that doesn't work she can still use her wires to bind him up.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 06:03 PM Link | Quote
When she disappeared, he stood in a waiting position... before turning around and taking in the several hits she was dealing him. However, it seemed he was more weathering them than anything... before he grabbed her.

The following second, he was flipping her body upside down, his hands grabbing her legs, his legs wrapping around her torso, and he began to spin as he let gravity take effect, effectively pile driving her.

As soon as they hit the ground, he released her, and hopped away, wondering if he had managed it. It was an actual hit, and most likely painful enough. "Satisfied?" he asked, preparing to teleport back home, if things went well. If not...
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 06:12 PM Link | Quote
No one's never been able to take me while in my Cyber-elf form! No one! Metal's attack did connected right on the money, the only problem: She's managed to bind him down by thick wires buried in the ground holding around his lower legs, then thick wires encasing his lower arms and solidifying in place.

She floated away before fading out of her elf form, and just gave him a harsh and deathening glare.

She flew away at high speed to impliment distance. She conjured up her aura as she held out her palms and then fired a barrage of energy shots like concussive bullets. Then finishing the move she fired a large ring that once connection will ignite in a fiery explosion.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 06:52 PM Link | Quote
Metal Man looked down, as he saw the vines wrapping around him, and sighed. 'Why do they always make it so difficult...' he thought, before making a motion with the Metal Sword, which still had been in his hand, now red colored. The attack would be enough to cut down the wires, he hoped, and if so, he'd cut off the rest of them.

Then, he looked up. Several shots were aimed at him. Joy. He let those first shots hit him, wincing, but the larger ring...

Why did it ALWAYS have to be fire?


Several meters away, his body crashed onto the ground, feet first, as he skid away. 'Damn it... too much pain... I hate fire...' he cursed mentally, while he got up, still maintaining his position. "Is... that... all?" he asked, hoping he didn't sound more tired than he felt.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 07:35 PM Link | Quote
She smiled as the cut wires around his limbs dematerialized into data and vanished, as did the Masamune.

She conjured more wires from her right sleeve, as they created a long bo-staff like weapon, but then more slowly wrapped around the top part in a wider fashion, then a short glow later, transformed into a silver metal war hammer. The edges we're trimmed with a bright crimson, and small text in an ancient text lining the sides of the hammer. The front and back sides of the hammer head had Duo's symbol on it.

Noww, because of the weight of the hammer, her speed decreased a bit, but the decrease in speed made a big increase in terms of strength and attack power. Come to think of it, it was just like ForteZero's Titan Breaker.

She dropped to the floor, then ran up towards Metal. Once gettign close she swung around and would smash the hammer into his side, and hopefully send him flying out onto the small island in the middle of the lake.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 07:41 PM Link | Quote
When she approached him, he groaned, realizing she was NOT going to give up yet. Well, if that was how she wanted to play... He watched her movements, waiting for when she was too close... close enough... almost there...

The second before he actually did it, he jumped upwards, firing Magnet Tags at point blank. If she was hit, he'd then maneuver himself backwards, knee her in the face, and fire more explosive Metal Blades, which would probably get to her. If he missed... he'd just fire the Metal Blades at her, hoping to hit, but he wouldn't be easy to miss.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 08:14 PM Link | Quote
Have to admit that was smart of him... She took the full impact of the Magnet Tags, but she melted into the ground before the Metal Blades could land any hits.

Away from him, she oozed from the ground and formed bakc to her normal self, the weapon gone from her hands.

"Ambience Energy!" She shifted to a Fire Element first. The shades of green changed to a light orange, and her green hair turned brick red.

"Fire Tower!" He punched the ground, and a red pillar of fire broke up from the groudn and traveled towards Metal Man.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 08:21 PM Link | Quote
Metal Man glared at her, as he saw her change colors. "Aren't you satisfied yet? What is it with you?" he asked, preparing already his next set of Metal Blades. Once she created the Fire Tower, he waited for it to approach and fired his new batch, these blades being blue and particularly icy to the touch... impact would probably indicate her reaction.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 08:56 PM Link | Quote
"So what if I enjoy the thrill of the battle. I haven't had a decent battle in months, sue me! Fira Tower!" She pounched the ground, and sent an even more powerful pillar of flames towards Metal Man. Now he'll have trouble with this, even if attacked wiht a water element, it'll only be downgraded to a Fire Tower.

And just before she shifted elements, she punched the ground a third and final time. "Firaga Tower!" Twice the size of the Fira Tower, and with alot more speed. She then shifted to an Aqua element. The orange fade to a light blue, and her hair turned dark blue.

She waited until he could get out of this sticky situation.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 09:05 PM Link | Quote
"Geez... you sound a lot like Zekt," the red armored Reploid taunted back, as he saw the next move of hers, repeating the process from before, only without the counter throws. "That reminds me... of all the planets you and your master could have found... why did you choose to stay here, of all places?"

The third tower nearly nicked him, but he chose to run forward now - hopefully, he'd be able to do that trick he had seen on one of those shows Lan just loved to watch...
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 09:17 PM Link | Quote
She noticed him running so she launched several Ice Wave attacks... which the Ice Waves were like shurikens, only large crystalized snowflakes traveling at a fast pace in a wavery like pattern.

"Because Sonance has been wanting to get my special data that allows me to exist in the human world. I have many summer homes out in the universe, this just happens to be another one of my own little summer cottages." She then formed a sword of hard ice and crystal and met him half-way, swinging her blade at his head then quickly bringing it back around for a uppercut slash 60 degrees right.

"So until I feel safe enough I remain at one of my little cottages."
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6360 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-20-06 09:25 PM Link | Quote
When she fired her Ice Waves, he dashed in a circular pattern around her, firing Metal Blades against them, in an attempt to break them. Just as he got close enough, she attempted to strike at him, and he blocked it again. If her sword was like he thought, it'd probably melt, and he'd then kick her away. If not, he'd just kick her away.

"Sonance, huh? You mean, that female Forte clone that Zekt utterly humiliated a few months ago?" he asked, more as a means of testing her. If they knew each other, they'd either plot together or against each other, the latter option being more likely in this case. Either way, that spelt problem for Zekt's little scheme...

When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6347 days
Last view: 6345 days
Posted on 08-20-06 09:38 PM Link | Quote
She jumped back before he kicked and then launched the ice blade forward.

"You mean that bitch in pink suffered a defeat!?" Deep inside her mind, she was laughing hysterically; not only at the fact that Sonance lost to someone else else other than the Maverick Hunters, but the word "humiliated" was brought up, it was real funny.

She held back the urge to laugh out loud, as she changed to a Thunder element. The ice blue switched to a bright yellow, and her hair melted to a lime green.

She waited patiently until he made hisnext move.
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