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07-02-24 07:52 PM
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Since: 12-18-05

Last post: 6537 days
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Posted on 08-09-06 04:09 PM Link | Quote

ok so i'm a sophomore entering junior year in high school, and at the end of the year i befriended a graduating senior. we started to talk and i thought the last time i'd ever see her was on the last day of school, but we actually became really great friends and hang outside of school now. It's weird, she's not like any other friend i've had before...maybe cuz shes older and she can relate to me in some areas that others can't. idk. the point is she's one of my best friends.

anyway, she's leaving for college in a few weeks, and the distance is 4-6 hours away. idk lately i've been depressed and i think part of its cuz i kno she's leaving soon. i think i'm just scared she'll forget about me even tho she told me we'll always be friends. i trust her word and all...idk i guess it won't be the same cuz she'll be busy and we wont get to talk to each other every day like we do now.

so the question i have is, to people who are/was in college---what does it do to you? do u forget about everyone at home? can u still keep good friends with ppl u met in highschool?

idk, i'm just scared things wont be the same.

Since: 12-29-05

Last post: 6453 days
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Posted on 08-09-06 06:20 PM Link | Quote
Honestly, most of my best friends today are the people I met towards the end of high school, and not people I met in college. Maybe that will change in a few months when my alcoholism becomes legalized; we'll see.

You won't be able to see her a lot. That's just a fact of reality. 5 hours is a long time to drive just to see a friend, even if it is a great friend. Accept this now: You can still be friends, but you will have long periods of time where you won't see her.

But if you care about keeping your friendship intact, then make sure when you have the chance to hang out, you DO hang out. Don't flake out, and if you know she's in town and she hasn't invited you anywhere, then invite her somewhere.

(PS. I'm not going to yell at you, but just to let you know, people like good spelling and grammar here, which means no "IDK" for "I don't know" or "cuz" for "because." Just so you know.)


Since: 11-19-05
From: Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 08-10-06 07:42 AM Link | Quote
Some of my best friends go to the same university and I don't see them more than once a month or so.

It's just a fact of life that once you're no longer at school, it's harder to keep up with the people you know. We're still friends...we just don't see each other as often.



Since: 06-07-06

Last post: 6535 days
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Posted on 08-10-06 06:45 PM Link | Quote
People move on. It is really hard to keep the ties tight. You're probably going to drift apart. That's the way it is. Most of the people who were my best friends simply aren't friends anymore. My new closest friends live internationally and it is hard to keep tabs on everyone.

It is trial, error, and luck.


Since: 11-19-05
From: Emerson, New Jersey

Last post: 6356 days
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Posted on 08-10-06 08:01 PM Link | Quote
Depends almost certainly on the specifics of your situation. I graduated high school in a class of 78, and my best friends from home (who I grew up with from kindergarten) are still my best friends now. I can imagine them remaining in that role indefinitely.

Conversely, of my friends at college - almost all of whom graduated with multiple hundreds of students in their high school classes - many seem to indicate that they've made their closest friendships at college. Something like the size of your high school, and of the college in question, are likely important.


Since: 11-18-05
From: Shimmering Waters of Avden

Last post: 6535 days
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Posted on 08-10-06 08:10 PM Link | Quote
It all depends on how strong your friendship is and how willing you are to try to keep in touch with them. I'll be a junior in college this year, and I'm still friends with my friends from middle school and highschool. Even though one of them lives on the other side of the US, I still talk to him online every other day or so, and he comes to visit every year.

So don't worry about it too much or let it get you down, just make sure you've got all her contact info before she leaves.



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 08-11-06 12:54 AM Link | Quote
I moved about 3 hours north, to Sydney, for university. I've lost track of most of my friends from high school except for 2 of them. I live with my best mate, and another good mate lives in another part of Sydney and I see him fairly regularly.

The end of high school ends a whole lot of relationships and friendships and that's pretty much just the way it works. People drift apart, and in cases where "going to school together" was the main point of commonality it is hard to maintain that connection.

That said, it's not *that* hard to keep in contact if a real effort is made. We live in an age of intarwebs and mobile phones and telegraph wires, after all.

Mini Octorok

Since: 09-03-06
From: The Great Fairy Fountain

Last post: 6511 days
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Posted on 09-04-06 11:47 AM Link | Quote
My best friend just moved too so I can relate
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - can any college students help me? |


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