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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - The KKK had a rally today.... New poll | | Thread closed
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Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

Last post: 6350 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-05-06 08:10 PM Link
Downtown in front of the City Hall meeting. I went, had a good time. Laughed at the people who didn't know what was going on. There were a lot of people with signs saying "Go Home KKK" and "Go home racists" and things of that sort. The entire rally was to raise community awareness of the immigration situation here and in the rest of the US. They had many valid points and at the end of the day, I was definitely siding with the KKK. This was definitely a showing of the modern KKK. The KKK isnt a group of people in white hoods burning crosses and trying to get rid of black people. They are just an organization highly involved in the community. Anyone else had a KKK experience to share?


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 08-05-06 08:20 PM Link
You made a big mistake boy, you are'nt allowed to say that the KKK had any valid points at all, you have to hate them and disagree with everything they say. This thread will probably be closed and you'll be lucky if you are'nt banned. Prepare to be flamed horribly by most of the people on this board.


Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 08:35 PM Link
Originally posted by Jomb
You made a big mistake boy, you are'nt allowed to say that the KKK had any valid points at all, you have to hate them and disagree with everything they say. This thread will probably be closed and you'll be lucky if you are'nt banned. Prepare to be flamed horribly by most of the people on this board.

I honestly cant tell if your being serious.



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 08-05-06 09:22 PM Link
Is it really? How come their website proudly proclaims that race mixing is SATANIC. How come their main website shows little white hooded figurines with the Blood Cross on them?

They may have made valid points but they are an extremist organization. Every organization puts forward some good points but you are being blinded by the few good points that they make in a sea of hatred.

The only community that they are highly active in is what they're interested in. Hatred.

Red Paragoomba


Since: 02-26-06
From: Georgia

Last post: 6511 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 09:51 PM Link
MINI RANT- Scroll down if you don't want to read it.

If they had done any research into immigration or economics, they'd have presented the fact that immigration is mostly good.

It keeps the minimum wage low, it helps slow the outsourcing of companies, most of them don't use the social benefits they could recieve(the average American family recieves more government help than they have technically provided) and, here's the funny part, most of them don't stay. They come for health care, education and to make easy money and then when they have earned enough to make a decent life in their home country, most of them return.

There's actually small pockets of people in the US advocating immigration. As far as stealing jobs, that's solely the fault of the affirmative action mess if at all and if I hear one more person complain about having to learn another language in relation to immigration, I'll scream. Not only does learning a language help with a low IQ, it helps with vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Doesn't help that it's difficult to become fluent in another language as an adult, particularly if it's English that you're trying to learn (I'm sure lots of you here know that. A mini story: I once hade a substitute in my German class who natively spoke Russian, but was trying to teach German to kids who spoke English. Juggling three languages at once and trying to understand slang in addition, try that on for size.)


Mini rant aside, I'm with Ziff. I live in Georgia, the deep south, in one of the most racist areas of the state. There are kids I know who flaunt their membership in the KKK, and it's bull. Not to mention in my school of nearly three thousand kids, I think only 4 or 5 are asian and no more than 10 are african american.

It was a nice idea to honor the deaths of confederate soldiers from the civil war, but it was taken in the wrong direction and it remains that way. The ideas they present are almost as deplorable as the ones presented by some of the skinhead culture. I can't blame them for feeling as they do or for wanting to be around people similar to themselves, but I find their aggressive method of presenting ideas rediculous and their history doesn't make them anymore credible.

EDIT: Was fixing typos...

(edited by Sabishii on 08-05-06 08:52 PM)
(edited by Sabishii on 08-05-06 08:53 PM)


Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

Last post: 6350 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 08-05-06 09:58 PM Link
I'm not being blinded. I am against illegal immigration, and after this rally, I am even more so. Just because I agree with their stand on immagration doesn't mean I am now advocating racism. Whether the KKK has changed as a whole, or if "sects" of the KKK have changed, I don't know. I didnt come home and research them. I just know the KKK group from this are is different. There were even people of different races with the KKK, claiming to be members, and stating their beliefs.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 09:58 PM Link
Why is keeping the minimum wage low a good thing? Maybe if you're rich already that is great, but for the average person, especially people who have to live on the minimum wage, low minimum wage = abject poverty.



Since: 06-07-06

Last post: 6535 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 10:02 PM Link
Kario, look at the facts. You may be against illegal immigration, but the fact of the matter is that you're trying to justify the KKK's policy choices in lieu of one position you support. The BNP has many positions that I find favourable in terms of economics - but that doesn't mean that in any way, shape, or form it is right to support them or justify their continued policy arrangements through a potential difference in "sects".

Red Paragoomba


Since: 02-26-06
From: Georgia

Last post: 6511 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 10:20 PM Link
Can't say I support illegal immigration, but there are certain circumstancres in which I can view it as an acceptable act. Does the US still have quotas on immigration or were those laws completely destroyed? I know they changed after the 1800's, but my life went haywire towards the end of my US history class, so I'm not sure. If we do, that's one decent reason to come in illegally. Also, there's healthcare. I disapprove of the people who use emergency rooms and then leave without paying (emergency rooms are required to help anyone who comes in an a lot of hospitals near the border are having to close the ER because of all the money they lose), but if you're coming over illegally because it's a life or death situation and you can't get it in your own country, why not?

As for keeping the minimum wage low, it helps balance the economy out some. It sucks if you're on the bottom of the chain (I just moved out of a trailer to an apartment and it was a HUGE step up). Still, how many jobs actually pay minimum wage? I only know of one company that does it and it's only for the kids who work bagging groceries at the store, in which case the minimum wage is sufficient pay. Most jobs around here pay at least $7 and hour, even for menial crap like cashiering.

I don't like the KKK policies at all, not the ones of local chapters at least. Trying to stop illegal immigration is like trying to stop drugs or terrorism, it's a futile act. Kario, what excatly did the local chapter have to say on immigration anyway? You haven't mentioned that, if they proposed solutions for the problem of illegal immigration rather than ranting on why it's so bad, I can see why you might have agreed with their policies.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 10:26 PM Link
I've lived in a lot of small rural towns, and in many of them you are very fortunate if you can find a job which is above minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage would help life tremendously for people living in such towns, especially now with the gas prices being so high.



Since: 06-07-06

Last post: 6535 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 10:28 PM Link
Yeah. And remember Kansas, I believe, has below a 5.15 minimum wage (2.65). Something like 15% of all jobs in the US pay minimum wage. So, outside of Santa Fe (with its 9.75 mw), good fucking luck surviving in a small town or large city due to rent and expense of living

But yeah, back on thread track. KKK bad.

(edited by ziffhasnoaim/password on 08-05-06 09:52 PM)

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 08-05-06 11:57 PM Link
Did they say they were against illegal immigration or just immigration in general?

Red Cheep-cheep


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 08-06-06 12:07 AM Link
emcee: well, what they say and what they actually believe are probably 2 different things.

They are probably using the illegal immigration issue as the front to attempt a stop of "non-white" immigrants from entering the country.

and wow, I must say I agree with Ziff on this one (this doesn't happen often ). Most groups mingle ideas that many people agree with in order to get people to listen, and then they use the mild issue to preach their extremist doctrines.



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 08-06-06 12:39 AM Link
The funny thing about the Klan is that they're scattered, fractuous, isolated and in terminal decline, there's only a few thousand of them left. The name and imagery is used by a number of groups, these days it seems like they're mostly a form of trolling when compared to more robust psycho-rightist groups.

Supporting them is just retarded.

Since: 12-29-05

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Posted on 08-06-06 12:51 AM Link
Originally posted by Sabishii
It was a nice idea to honor the deaths of confederate soldiers from the civil war, but it was taken in the wrong direction and it remains that way.

The KKK was originally started as a secret society designed to keep black people economically and politically inferior to whites, not to honor soliders or something. The original creator quit when the group turned to exessive violence and scare tactics, which he thought were going too far.

What you saw is the KKK trying to put a good face on blatant racism. It's all PR. It's calculated to make you go, "Oh, look, the KKK is changing, they had some good points!" Then maybe you will become more open to them, and then maybe then can slowly get you to be a full-fledged minority-hating hood-wearing cross-burning KKK member, bit by bit.

Cults never advertise that they're cults, they come off as innocent and don't tell you any of the crazy shit until you're initiated. Don't believe them for a second.



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 08-06-06 12:58 AM Link
It was actually started to resist Reconstruction in all its forms, which certainly meant keeping blacks down, but it also meant targetting carpetbaggers. At least in its original incarnation.

Since: 12-29-05

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Posted on 08-06-06 01:01 AM Link
Originally posted by Arwon
It was actually started to resist Reconstruction in all its forms, which certainly meant keeping blacks down, but it also meant targetting carpetbaggers. At least in its original incarnation.

Why the fuck do you remember so much? This isn't fair. I need high school history again.

Red Paragoomba


Since: 02-26-06
From: Georgia

Last post: 6511 days
Last view: 6511 days
Posted on 08-06-06 01:26 AM Link
Arwon's right, though their costumes are meant to honor confederate soldiers. The whole cloaked in white thing is the equivalent of the kid in a sheet pretending to be a ghost in Halloween. Just a random fun fact I picked up in US hist.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 08-06-06 01:35 AM Link
Originally posted by witeasprinwow
Why the fuck do you remember so much? This isn't fair. I need high school history again.

It was the featured article on Wikipedia a while back.

Originally posted by "geeogree"

emcee: well, what they say and what they actually believe are probably 2 different things.

Yes, obviously. If this particular group was really just concerned with immigration, they wouldn't call themselves the KKK. It's just not good PR. My question was just to determine what Kario was agreeing with.

(edited by emcee on 08-06-06 01:28 AM)



Since: 11-18-05
From: Randwick, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 08-06-06 01:50 AM Link
Wikipedia's really good, it helps you piece together gaps... but of course you've gotta know a bit to begin with so you know you're not being bullshitted.

Plus I'm a history nerd so I knew they were a reaction to Reconstruction.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - The KKK had a rally today.... | Thread closed


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