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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Your least favorite rpg (list) New poll | |
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Buzz Blob
Wii have Wii

Since: 11-17-05
From: Norway

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-19-05 09:43 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis

3. FFII: Tedium concentrated. Trying to boost stats is a painful chore, as is levelling up weapon proficiencies and magic levles. It wouldn't be so bad if, as in Morrowind, it wasn't completely needed, but in FFII you do pathetic damage and take a shitload if you DON'T spend all that time boosting your stats. It was a good idea, but a bad execution. Maybe if stats came a bit faster (as in Dawn of Souls), but in its original incarnation and FFOrigins, too slow.

Well, uh, no. Equip a shield, and only use light armor, and your evade will sky-rocket. The way the game calculaes damage, high evade translates to both greater chance of the enemy missing completely, and less damage dealt if it hits. As for weapon levelling, the stronger an enemy is, the more skill points you'll gain from defeating him. Stats and damage grows as you play the game, and if you don't stop what you're doing to level (and if you attempt to level by beating weak enemies, levelling will take way too long), you'll usually be tough enough to handle whatever the game throws at you at any given point. There are a couple of places where you won't be able to handle too many fights with the strongest monster in the area (Kasion and Deist, pretty much, though in Kasion it's due to the strongest monster having insane defense, and you don't have too much MP at that point in the game. You can't run from the damn thing either. Stupid Kasion.)

As for attack spells, yeah, they blow, I'll give you that. Keep some elemental spells around (no need for any serious levelling) to take care of stuff with high defense, and you'll be fine.

Dawn of Souls was just too easy and bad.

In fact, that's going to be my least favourite RPG in this thread.

Dawn of Souls: Take two old FF games from the time when gameplay was what developers focused on (as opposed to plot, graphics, complex battle systems and whatnot). Now, remake them so the current FF fans who think FF7 was the firts game in the series will like them. In other words, make the game so piss easy you can beat it by holding A while watching the story unfold. Now, ignore the fact that gameplay was all the game actually had, since the story is pretty much non-existant, and you have a game that appeals to no one. The newschoolers want a game with more eye candy, plot, and complex battle system you can beat the game without thinking about, while the oldschoolers want a game with actual gameplay. DoS has neither. Blah. Biggest disappointment of the year.

Metal battleaxe
Off to better places

Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 11-21-05 12:00 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Chris
Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis
Chris, I'm gonna be nice and warn you that Black Lord will, without a doubt, kill you for that the moment he sees your post. Although I'm gonna ask if you refer to the original or the PSX remake...
I had no idea so many liked it (or new about it, for that matter)... What about Lunar 2? Anyone ever played that? I haven't... I wonder what it's like.

A harder Lunar would be the best summary I can come up with. Additionally, the story's told quite well, the characters seem to have more personality, and there's a bit more voice acting (even outside of cutscenes). But the part I noticed most was the challenge; even normal enemies in the early game were killing me, and the final boss is a bitch.



Since: 11-23-05
From: Canada

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Posted on 11-26-05 01:33 AM Link | Quote
My least favourite are the ones that arnt made yet I seem to like all for some reason somewhat makes me a guru of rpgs

Red Tektite


Since: 11-30-05
From: Wyoming

Last post: 6752 days
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Posted on 12-04-05 07:09 PM Link | Quote
Lufia (all)
Phantasy Star (all)
Baiten Kiatos (sp?)
Cruel Justice
I have better things to do.


Since: 11-18-05
From: At my house!

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-06-05 10:58 PM Link | Quote
1.) MM Battle Network
2.) Fallout
3.) Kingdom Hearts (Shadow hearts!? GBA)

Red Koopa


Since: 12-18-05
From: The Hill

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-18-05 01:08 AM Link | Quote
I'd probably have to go with Lunar also. Like mentioned above the challenge was too much. ok, I level up a lot. When I got up to the Vile Crusteacean (sp?) in Vale, my chartacters were between 25-30 and I kept dying and dying and dying. I must've tried at least 20+ times to try and beat him but I just couldn't. Now there's something called challenge and then something just ridiculous. I enjoy challenging games where you have to use your brain but this was just dumb. I found all the other bosses hard but not like this. So I got frustrated and just deleted my game.

Metal battleaxe
Off to better places

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-18-05 01:48 AM Link | Quote
hehe, Vile Crustacean was probably the hardest boss in Lunar. The final boss was a friggin joke. =/

But that's just sad; I beat the boss AFTER him at only 22-24.

Red Koopa


Since: 12-18-05
From: The Hill

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Posted on 12-18-05 11:30 AM Link | Quote
It is sad! Most of my other friends who've beaten the game said they weren't even close to level 20 and beat him. That just got me even more mad! Like...what am I doing wrong? Am I just retarded?? Lol...

Metal battleaxe
Off to better places

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 12-18-05 12:30 PM Link | Quote
Use Alex's Attack Up spell, Vigor. Trust me, those types of things are great in Lunar. Also make sure to whore Mia's Ice Shell, on Alex first, then Jessica. Nash and Mia (after Ice Shelling everyone twice) are useless in that fight, so just use them for itempitching if you can.

But let's get back on topic...

I found Xenosaga to be painfully dull, honestly. =/

Sledge Brother
Unpredictable. Watch your backs. Or not. Whichever. I want Metal Gear Solid 4 so badly.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Tompkinsville

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 12-18-05 11:56 PM Link | Quote
Seriously has to be that KH: Chain of Memories game. Despite how the first one was so short, the second one made it look like a cheap RPG Maker 2003 game. Storyline was SIMILAR to the first one, but even shorter. But the Orginization boss music rocked. That was about it. Oh yeah, Axel. The awesome guy wasted in a cheap GBA game. The guy with fire?

Guild Wars tends to suck too.

(edited by Riku on 12-18-05 10:57 PM)

Red Koopa


Since: 12-18-05
From: The Hill

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-19-05 12:13 AM Link | Quote
I've done that stragety so many times to the Vile Crustacean and still I die...maybe I just plain out suck lol



Since: 12-14-05
From: Roy, UT

Last post: 6724 days
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Posted on 12-19-05 07:14 PM Link | Quote
I didn't like how Guild Wars was one big instance.
I don't know why, but I hate that.
Also, I thought the controls were weird.


Since: 12-08-05
From: soda hall

Last post: 6769 days
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Posted on 12-20-05 02:53 AM Link | Quote
Final Fantasy 1 is the worst rpg that I played and disliked the most because of its bad qualities and it really isn't fair as in what kind of jobs you could have.

Red Koopa


Since: 12-18-05
From: The Hill

Last post: 6547 days
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Posted on 12-20-05 10:36 PM Link | Quote
Well you have to remember that was Square's FIRST attempt at an RPG. Of course comparing it to today's RPG's it's rather bland and boring but it was entertaining back in the NES era.

I found Saga Frontier 2 and Unlimited Saga to be pretty bad also.
Kid A

Struttin' On In


Since: 12-20-05
From: Canada.

Last post: 6768 days
Last view: 6768 days
Posted on 12-21-05 01:31 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Tamarin Calanis
1. Legend of Dragoon. Not a bad game by any stretch, but there's something about it that I just don't like. I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I'm guessing it's about the battles. Additions are a nice idea, but they can get pretty frustrating. Dragoon Magic has its drawbacks as well; some attacks have animations that are too long (and unlike FF8's GFs, you can't boost their power more with a longer animation), and under the magic system in LoD, you can't use magic without transforming into a Dragoon or using certain items. Even worse, Dragoons can't heal unless they have a healing spell (which is only one of them, I think), which gets very frustrating. Graphically, it's not the greatest, but it's a PS1 game, what do you expect?

Was also going to name this game. I hated it. The game was dull as hell. I can't believe I actually played through it all. The battle system -really- could have used more features and more time put into it. Bleh.

Sword Maiden
Retired Admin

Since: 11-17-05
From: Nerima District - Tokyo, Japan

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 12-21-05 09:15 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by holylight
Final Fantasy 1 is the worst rpg that I played and disliked the most because of its bad qualities and it really isn't fair as in what kind of jobs you could have.

And yet...that was supposed to be Square's last game, but because it did so well, we're up to XII and several re-releases, re-makes, and...movies almost 20 years later.

Worst one? Definitely Xenosaga II, without a doubt. I liked it for its story, but that was about it. That's the first RPG I have ever PUT DOWN.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 01-09-06 09:05 PM Link | Quote
My least favorite one has'nt been mentioned yet... Awhile ago i bought this PS2 game thinking i'd get a good RPG time out of it, being made by Square and all.. The game is called Unlimited Saga. This is the only RPG i've ever had to force myself to play just so i did'nt feel like i wasted my money, then gave up after about 40 hours of play got me nowhere in the game and it never became interesting like i hoped it might. I could see an occasional kernal of a good or origional idea in it, but it was all greatly overshadowed by the terribly boring and endless random encounters, puzzles which made no sense, and a character improvement system where my characters were regularly worse off after completing an area of the game. Also most of the areas of the game are interchangeable and can seem like endlessly walking through the same shit and getting attacked by the same bullshit monsters.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Your least favorite rpg (list) |


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