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Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 07-01-06 10:27 PM Link | Quote
On the last version of this board there was a thread with the title "Scientology", that had nothing to do with Scientology. This thread actually is about Scientology, or more specifically, The Church of Scientology.

So what are your thoughts? Is it an actual religious institution, deserving of its tax exempt status? Does it actually help people, and improve their lives? Or is ran by a bunch of greedy conartists, that take people's money and destroys their lives?

Or are they worse than that? Have they commit crimes? Such as kidnapping and murder?



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 07-01-06 11:03 PM Link | Quote

A lot of people mock it as stupid. I'm honestly scared by it. It is a cult. It is a Waco waiting to happen. But Waco with Tom Cruise.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 07-01-06 11:12 PM Link | Quote
all religions are cults when you get down to it. i dont really know anything about scientology, but what people regard as a cult today could be a world religion in a thousand years, depending on how successful they are at recruiting/indoctrinating.



Since: 01-28-06
From: USA

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Posted on 07-01-06 11:34 PM Link | Quote
personally I think they're brainwashing people... seriously (Im not joking... at all) I cant stress this enough.

look at Tom Cruise's eyes now, and compare them with an old photograph of him. I honestly think they are trying to dominate the world using mind control (possibly through torture -- its been proven possible)

I plan one day to temporarily join to find out, and then just leave. If Im right, and they try to stop me, the police will be on my side.

I know I sound nuts here, but its possible... :\

sorry if I offended anyone...
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Out of ice cream and PB. Would KILL for a milkshake right now.

Since: 06-17-06
From: LoozeeAnna

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Posted on 07-01-06 11:50 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by ziffhasnoaim/password

A lot of people mock it as stupid. I'm honestly scared by it. It is a cult. It is a Waco waiting to happen. But Waco with Tom Cruise.

Every time I drive through Waco I ask my friend Matt if we can go see the David Koresh house.

He promptly calls me a fucktard.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 07-03-06 09:13 PM Link | Quote
I don't think that its any coincidence that the profession that they call evil, is the what they so closely resemble.

Like psychiatrists, I'm sure they do help some people. But also like psychiatrists, there's other people they don't, and some they make worse. And both psychiatrists and the CoS charge ridiculous fees reguardless.

But for all their chest-beating and bad press, I think they're generally harmless. Their constant fight to censure anyone who says anything bad about them only makes them look worse. It's actually kind of pathetic.

I'm definately not scared of them. They're out to get rich, not take over the world. People just tend to assume anything that seems powerful and/or secretive is up to something. But the McDonald's Corporation is bigger and more powerful than the CoS will ever be. And I don't know what they're hiding in that secret sauce. I'm actually a bit more scare of them than the CoS.

I haven't seen any proof that would lead me to believe that accusations of murder and kidnapping are any more than conspiracy theories. And I don't really understand how the death of Lisa McPherson can be blamed on the entire CoS. I haven't read anything that would lead me to believe that deprivation of food and water is a standard part of the "Introspection Rundown". If someone died at a Catholic church in South Bend, Indiana, I wouldn't blame it on the entire Roman Catholic Church.

There are always going to be cults, and gullible people. I think we should be happy that people are joining the harmless ones like the CoS, and Primerica, instead of Heaven's Gate.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Out of ice cream and PB. Would KILL for a milkshake right now.

Since: 06-17-06
From: LoozeeAnna

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Posted on 07-04-06 12:55 AM Link | Quote
If you're calling Scientology harmless, I'd call Heaven's Gate harmless too. They kill themselves, not others. Same difference as Scientologists not seeking the necessary medical treatments in some cases.

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 07-04-06 05:12 AM Link | Quote
Well, no, it's not really the same difference. If someone you know joined Heaven's Gate back in the mid-nineties, chances are they'd be dead now. However if they had join the CoS, they just might have a little less money.

I don't buy that any time someone stops taking their prescribed psychoactive drugs, they'll run off and commit suicide. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm just saying it a very small percent, and that's out of the percent of new Scientologists that were taking any psychoactive medication.

The majority of the effect of antidepressant is a placebo affect. The same effect would likely come from just believing Scientology will help you. Come to think of it, one of the possible side effects of some antidepressants is suicidal tendencies.

Admitly, I should have said generally both times I said harmless. I don't mean to say the CoS is completely harmless, but definately moreso than a suicidal cult like Heaven's Gate.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Out of ice cream and PB. Would KILL for a milkshake right now.

Since: 06-17-06
From: LoozeeAnna

Last post: 6439 days
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Posted on 07-04-06 05:40 AM Link | Quote
My point was that if someone is stupid enough to join a suicide cult... I'm not even going to finish that sentence.

Being a danger to only yourself doesn't really qualify as being dangerous. Harmful? sure.

So yeah, Heaven's gate wasn't a harmless cult, but it also wasn't a dangerous one.

(edited by Kasdarack on 07-04-06 04:41 AM)

Red Super Koopa


Since: 11-20-05

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Posted on 07-04-06 05:57 AM Link | Quote
This is just semantics, but I would say anything that is a danger, is by definition, dangerous. Or atleast anything that can cause harm.

Originally posted by Kasdarack

My point was that if someone is stupid enough to join a suicide cult... I'm not even going to finish that sentence.

I think you should, because I'm not really sure where you're going with that. "Deserves to die"?

I don't really think stupidity has anything to do with it. Just vulnerbility. And its not like Heaven's Gate's tagline was "The Suicide Cult". It was only a suicidal cult after they saw Hale-Bopp and decided to kill themselves. Before that they were just a cult.




Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 07-04-06 07:02 AM Link | Quote
I've heard some pretty crazy shit about the Scientologists. They are apparently very litigious and have several lawyers in their stock who will sue anyone who publishes their secret documents, by invoking copyright law. I don't even think they like people using the word "Scientology," because it is trademarked. It's not that I find them that dangerous, it's more they are a force to be reckoned with in very real terms b/c they know how to work the system. A while ago I looked at a forum of former scientologists and they were very much against anyone joining. Just due to the monetary cost, the pure idiocy of it all... the religion claims that it can make you godlike if you go high enough, basically. The religion is based on the Science Fiction work of L. Ron Hubbard, for those of you who didn't know.

(edited by MathOnNapkins on 07-04-06 06:12 AM)



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 07-04-06 05:08 PM Link | Quote
Do what Germany does. Germany has the best laws regarding scientology.
Sweet Kassy Molassy
Out of ice cream and PB. Would KILL for a milkshake right now.

Since: 06-17-06
From: LoozeeAnna

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Posted on 07-04-06 08:57 PM Link | Quote
What are Germany's laws regarding Scientology?




Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 07-04-06 11:07 PM Link | Quote
Last I read, they don't treat it as a religion, therefore it has no tax exempt status = harder to operate. Co$ apparently took that as an attack on them.



Since: 06-07-06

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Posted on 07-04-06 11:10 PM Link | Quote
That it is not considered a religion. That its assets are highly taxed. It is routinely under watch by government groups. It is registered as a company and has to present all of the necessary forms. It has less rights than other institutions. The way that subversive cults ought to be treated

The Adventure of Link
Perfect Member

Since: 11-18-05
From: Olympia, Washington

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Posted on 07-06-06 02:53 AM Link | Quote


The scary thing is, both these YTMND's are completely true. The CoS has no problem attacking any site with a negative viewpoint on them. They make you sign a contract to stay in, and people have died because of "The Church."

Not to mention, they've got security guards and people all around their main building in Florida, and a large amount of them are wearing street clothes, with just a camera..

That's creepy.

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

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Posted on 07-06-06 08:20 AM Link | Quote
There's something about Scientology that I just don't like. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard anything positive about them at all. They freak me out.

I did enjoy a little segment on The Chaser's War on Everything though, in which they set up a table in front of the local Church of Scientology, and offered free Gullibility tests. If you were gullible enough, you could join the church!


Since: 11-18-05
From: CT

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Posted on 07-06-06 04:30 PM Link | Quote
So I take it everyone saw the episode of South Park about it? You know, the one that pissed Isaac Hayes off to the point of quitting? The jokes wrote themselves (no, really, the "THIS IS WHAT SCIENTOLOGISTS ACTUALLY BELIEVE" bit). And the sad part's where they felt they had to credit everyone as John or Jane Smith on account of getting sued shitless.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 07-09-06 09:49 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Shadic


The scary thing is, both these YTMND's are completely true. The CoS has no problem attacking any site with a negative viewpoint on them.

At one point CoS threatened to sue YTMND because of all the stuff about them. They later backed down when YTMND said it was entirely allowed to use screen captures and images the creators have made for parody reasons about them. YTMND did nothing illegal, but Scientology tried to make it seem like they did. It sounds like CoS should learn more about the law instead of making up this huge cult based on Sci-Fi. Scientology freaks me out.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 07-10-06 04:23 PM Link | Quote
The entire purpose of any church, including this one, is to brainwash people and gain money and power through ignorance.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - World Affairs/Debate - The Church of Scientology |


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