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Since: 06-26-06
From: Vineland, NJ

Last post: 6576 days
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Posted on 06-26-06 10:19 PM Link | Quote
I'm just going to put some things I think about. If you have some, or comments on mine, go for it. Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules...

First, this one might sound a little odd, but bear with me. I was thinking once that maybe things look different to different people. Now, obviously you look at a pickle, and it is green. But, could someone be reading this and seeing, "obviously you look at a pickle, and it is red." and nod agreeingly? Like, maybe a world in the eyes of person A is COMPLETELY and utterly different looking, things smell different, taste different,(Hence, oppinions on things like that.) and when they describe, maybe we just HEAR what we see?

Secondly, this is my big one. What if I am the only real person? (Of course, apply this to you.) What if I was created, to test me. And everything else is just a test, being controlled by something else? Now, I know you can say, "but u r not teh onlii real persun cuz i r a real persun 2!", but how do I know that you're not being controlled to say that, or programmed to say that? Maybe, God (Assuming you beleive in god.) or some other force, put me in a realm that is like this, to see if I'm worthy to be in the real life, or worthy to exist in Heaven, or something like that. Maybe other people are given worlds, where you can fly. Where people are green, where you can eat metal. And they do what they must in that world, to live. And at the end of the lives of people, they go to where they are being tested for, if they pass. And then again, maybe there are three, four, ten, n amount of people in the same world I am. Maybe I don't know who's real, and who's not real?

I'm only going to post those two, because I'm kinda multitasking now. I'll put more, later.
Xeo Belmont


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 06-26-06 10:28 PM Link | Quote
On top of the second one there ...

I've sometimes thought of something like that myself. Although it may sound selfish to others, I have sometimes wondered if this is "My World", and others are just there.

Maybe its just a question to my faith. Why do I meet the people I do? Why do the things that happen in my life, simply happen? Its sometimes so odd to the point that its scary, how well things and events sometimes fit in my life. Like a puzzle. Whether its a world crisis, or a small thing that only effects my day, things seem to happen that can connect to other events, and whatnot.

I guess it makes me truly believe in some form of "Reason" and "Fate", but ... why?

Egads. Its truly kind of hard to explain what I'm trying to say here. Maybe someone has had similar thoughts?


Since: 06-26-06
From: Vineland, NJ

Last post: 6576 days
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Posted on 06-26-06 10:42 PM Link | Quote
That's pretty much what I meant in 2. You hit it directly on the head.

Things that happen that you are lead to think of as a "coincidence" are placed VERY CAREFULLY in your path. Like, meeting friends who have a big influence in your life? Maybe them, their families, it was all created and placed at the right time, so that you wouldn't suspect a thing, and that it would help you. Or, things to hurt you if you need it, or if you get close to finding something out that may incriminate things, may ruin their little 'program', much like a programmer would delete errors in their program.

(By the way, That's one of my worst pet peeves, when you expect one taste, and get another. It's COMPLETELY terrible.)

(edited by TehGeno on 06-26-06 09:48 PM)


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-27-06 12:54 AM Link | Quote
I used to think about these kinds of things all the time, when I was about 12. I'd try asking my friends and they would roll their eyes at me.

I sort of just let them go unanswered.

Have you ever seen the movie I <3 Huckabee's? It's all about Existentialism and is very interesting if you're into this sort of thing. Sort of corny and full of dry humor, but it gets the point across.


Since: 06-26-06
From: Vineland, NJ

Last post: 6576 days
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Posted on 06-27-06 02:18 AM Link | Quote
Nope, but I'll download that.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Cruel Justice
I have better things to do.


Since: 11-18-05
From: At my house!

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Posted on 06-28-06 11:25 AM Link | Quote
As for the first theory, it's a mental development by nurturing. The way you think is determined by what environment you were born in, who you were born with, who you met during your childhood, what you did in your early years, what you discovered then and so forth... Your siblings will most likely share the same ideas 75% of the time while others share less. You usually share what reminds you of what derived from the same memories.

As for the second, I sometimes think that myself. What if this was all a dream that I've been in? What does the whole world look like in someone else's eyes? A wold of bugs and boogers while mine is hell enough? It's just another hypothetical question that'll keep me awake at night. I really don't know what the truth is.
KeiiChi Kun

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Since: 01-01-06
From: Sushi Bar

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Posted on 06-28-06 05:04 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by TehGeno

Secondly, this is my big one. What if I am the only real person? (Of course, apply this to you.) What if I was created, to test me. And everything else is just a test, being controlled by something else? Now, I know you can say, "but u r not teh onlii real persun cuz i r a real persun 2!", but how do I know that you're not being controlled to say that, or programmed to say that? Maybe, God (Assuming you beleive in god.) or some other force, put me in a realm that is like this, to see if I'm worthy to be in the real life, or worthy to exist in Heaven, or something like that. Maybe other people are given worlds, where you can fly. Where people are green, where you can eat metal. And they do what they must in that world, to live. And at the end of the lives of people, they go to where they are being tested for, if they pass. And then again, maybe there are three, four, ten, n amount of people in the same world I am. Maybe I don't know who's real, and who's not real?

I once had a VERY long dream in which I made friends with strange people that weren't real, and I really did quite like them, so naturally I was devastated to wake up and find they weren't real. I say that because it's kinda like what you mean.


Since: 06-26-06
From: Vineland, NJ

Last post: 6576 days
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Posted on 06-28-06 06:46 PM Link | Quote
I know what you mean. I had a dream where I met this girl, and she was the coolest person I've ever met, liked the same things as me, was attractive, actually had intelligence to go with it, and I had this dream two nights in a row. But never again. I was so bummed when I woke up, both times. Since she wasn't real.
Cruel Justice
I have better things to do.


Since: 11-18-05
From: At my house!

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 06-29-06 10:30 AM Link | Quote
Perhaps it could be another life you're delling into? Maybe there is another life after this one, you're just not ready for it yet which could be why it's just a dream for now. I find this topic quite interesting.

Melon Bug


Since: 11-17-05
From: Greenfield, Wisconsin (U.S.A)

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 07-01-06 02:12 AM Link | Quote
I used to wonder these kinds of things before when I was younger and found faith.

If you think about this hard you really can not think this is real because...

To your first "question": Not all of us taste things the same, say you eat a lot of peppers, or chew tobacco, etc... your tastebuds are mostly gone or you dont taste things as strong anymore. But at the same time someone eats somethnig and goes "WOW, thats really good." So whats your action next you taste it and most of the time if someone else likes it you will too.

Now to your second "question": I just thought about this as reading your post and thought well...

Say someone fights you? You obviously feel pain so that kinda results in existance. Maybe some people arnt "real" sure but I dont see how we couldnt exist and are being controlled. It all just doesnt add up. But maybe im not looking at the "whole" image your giving.
Cruel Justice
I have better things to do.


Since: 11-18-05
From: At my house!

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 07-01-06 06:20 PM Link | Quote
OMG! Randy and everyone else is a computer program and I must kill them all before it's too late! Nice try Agent Smith! You're not fooling me! j/k


Since: 06-26-06
From: Vineland, NJ

Last post: 6576 days
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Posted on 07-02-06 02:09 PM Link | Quote
What I was saying, in the first one, is how do you know that it tastes the same to other people? You can't, unless you've been another person. I mean, someone says it's good, but how do you know what it tastes like? You know what you taste, but others might taste other things. And if they describe it, maybe they say spicy, you hear sweet. I dunno, it's not science, of course. It's just a Theory.

And as for the second one, maybe you feel pain because you're supposed to, I dunno. Maybe pain is exclusive to YOUR specific world, and other REAL people's worlds are devoid of pain, and have something else entirely. I don't know, I've never been to one, nor do I know if they are real, or not. Again, Just a theory.

(edited by TehGeno on 07-02-06 01:13 PM)
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