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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - This board has changed a lot hasn't it? New poll | |
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Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 06-26-06 01:02 AM Link | Quote
It's not the worst grammar ever, but it's still the sort of thing I can't stand to read. If my eyes are repelled from it like a magnet, it's bad enough.


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 06-26-06 01:27 AM Link | Quote
Maybe this forum can redirect to the SMW Central forums

My thread would get some activity. I want more opinions so I know whether to quit, stab myself in the face, or myself, my family and friend, and small animals.


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-26-06 04:33 AM Link | Quote
Split the board? We already tried that, and it worked horribly. There is too much gray area, and there were too places one had to crawl to find SMW hacking information. Worst of all, the board didn't have enough activity. It was demoted to advanced hacking in general and then when topics were split between SMW hacking, general hacking, and advanced things got even messier.

Also, "I'm sure I didn't miss anything not worth missing" and other such quotes were really quite awesome. It's nice to know you're good for something, Kyouji.

Edit: Oh, and there have always been n00bs. They've left as big a mark on the archives as they have on the current board, possibly more of one. I think it's about time people stopped fucking complaining about them and started doing some real hacking. Exactly how do n00bs hurt solid, helpful projects just by being and why can't people just deal with it?

(edited by Glyph Phoenix on 06-26-06 04:00 AM)



Since: 02-10-06
From: Sweden

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Posted on 06-26-06 05:40 AM Link | Quote
Why not slightly change the software so that moderators can give "Good Hacker" points? For example, more points equals access to the advanced area (and with that I mean you are DISABLED from posting in the board if you're a newbie, that the modification makes it impossible) and you could get those points by showcasing your hack that is esthetically pleasing. And you'd lose them by making stupid "how shud i mak cool lvls" and "XKEEPER IS A HOMOSEXUAL MALE!!" threads.

And an IP ban (the only kind there should be) wouldn't be a "You can't be here because you're too stupid" message but a forced redirect to the FAQ!
The Ultimate Koopa

Red Paragoomba
Account banned at user's request.

Since: 12-24-05
From: England

Last post: 6573 days
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Posted on 06-26-06 05:45 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by peter_ac
But all of this hasn't discouraged me from working on my hack, no, I'm still gonna make it, and finish it, and release it at SMW Central, and possibly here if this forum is still alive when it's done.

Off-topic: Would that hack be the "Return to the Mushroom Kingdom" or the "Super Mario Land 2" hack (or both)? Just wondering.

On-topic: Wow! Thanks for all the replies guys

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 06-26-06 06:56 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Ultimate koopa
Off-topic: Would that hack be the "Return to the Mushroom Kingdom" or the "Super Mario Land 2" hack (or both)? Just wondering.
3, check my site.

I agree with what Glyph Phoenix said; the forum should stay together. The Ban Hammer is the best way to seperate us from the n00bs.
James Mcguire

Red Goomba

Since: 06-03-06
From: England

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Posted on 06-26-06 08:51 AM Link | Quote
Have you noticed that at some times, the people who don't speak english as their first language actually seem to speak better English than the newbies. Don't have any idea why it is, but for example, an I really hope he doesn't mind me using him as an example, sorry if he does, Raccoon Sam. He doesn't speak English as his first, but speaks it better than many of the English/Americans do.

Just a point

EDIT: This of course being the newbies, not tthe respectable and honoured Moderators :p

(edited by James Mcguire on 06-26-06 08:47 AM)
The Ultimate Koopa

Red Paragoomba
Account banned at user's request.

Since: 12-24-05
From: England

Last post: 6573 days
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Posted on 06-26-06 09:38 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by peter_ac
Originally posted by The Ultimate koopa
Off-topic: Would that hack be the "Return to the Mushroom Kingdom" or the "Super Mario Land 2" hack (or both)? Just wondering.
3, check my site.

I agree with what Glyph Phoenix said; the forum should stay together. The Ban Hammer is the best way to seperate us from the n00bs.

I've been checking you're site almost everyday. It just tells me what hacks you've made or are making, but it doesn't tell me which hack you were specifically talking about.

Just for the record, you are still doing/going to continue with the SML2 hack aren't you?

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 06-26-06 01:07 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by The Ultimate koopa
Just for the record, you are still doing/going to continue with the SML2 hack aren't you?
Yeah, absolutely. And SMBE, and SMWRMK. But uh, in my post I was referring to SMWRMK. If you wanna know more, you should PM me, as this thread isn't really about my hacks.

(edited by peter_ac on 06-26-06 12:45 PM)
The Ultimate Koopa

Red Paragoomba
Account banned at user's request.

Since: 12-24-05
From: England

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Posted on 06-26-06 01:15 PM Link | Quote
OK, p_ac. (I've just sent you a PM, just so you know).
spel werdz rite

Since: 11-19-05

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Posted on 06-26-06 01:21 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bio.exe
Originally posted by spel werdz rite
3)Advenced SMW
-This will be a private forum that is only allowable after making at least 50 posts and proving yourself worthy to it's moderators. Talk about advanced topics such as making a SMW specific program, hex editing, etc.

I disagree, since postcount mean nothing, the best thing would be to put this in the adv. smw forum description:
this forum is for advanced stuff only, posting something stupid=BAN
Yeah, I like that better!
BANs are nice as long as they happen to other people.

Although none of this may never happen, it's good to know we talked about it.

Red Cheep-cheep

Since: 04-21-06
From: North Carolina

Last post: 6402 days
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Posted on 06-26-06 01:38 PM Link | Quote
Here's an idea: Maybe we should make 2 forums (1 a basic NOOB SMW hacking forum; where they ask their dumbass questions and the second could be for the good hackers (kinda like the advanced rom hacking section [not sure if it's still here or not])) This way, the noobs could be their dumbass selves until they realize and become good hackers; then they could come to the good side and be free of noobiness..... (I was a noob like, 2 months ago; and yes, I was a dumbass)

Anyways, I am STILL learning about SMW hacking and what is good/bad/decent and hopefully my skills will improve and my decent-good hack will be released as a demo near the end of the summer (that's my goal; not promising anything.) Remember the days of crappiness.... http://board.acmlm.org/thread.php?id=5238

(edited by cory21391 on 06-26-06 12:40 PM)
James Mcguire

Red Goomba

Since: 06-03-06
From: England

Last post: 6515 days
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Posted on 06-27-06 07:24 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by cory21391
Here's an idea: Maybe we should make 2 forums (1 a basic NOOB SMW hacking forum; where they ask their dumbass questions and the second could be for the good hackers (kinda like the advanced rom hacking section [not sure if it's still here or not])) This way, the noobs could be their dumbass selves until they realize and become good hackers; then they could come to the good side and be free of noobiness..... (I was a noob like, 2 months ago; and yes, I was a dumbass)

Anyways, I am STILL learning about SMW hacking and what is good/bad/decent and hopefully my skills will improve and my decent-good hack will be released as a demo near the end of the summer (that's my goal; not promising anything.) Remember the days of crappiness.... http://board.acmlm.org/thread.php?id=5238

you still are a n00b Only joking, You are getting better all the time!

Good Idea, but I doubt it will work, as the moderators will end up not wanting to go there, and the good hackers will also stay away from it so it would be useless.

People would still post stupid questions here. We just can't get rid of the n00bish questions

I vote to ban idiots quickly, so that the good hackers wont go

PS: Just a note, I don't think of myself as a good hacker, I'm more of a 'not asking noobish questions but am still rubbish' kindof person


Since: 03-17-06
From: NY

Last post: 6526 days
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Posted on 06-28-06 09:35 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Originally posted by Soulblader88
I believe that newbies and such should receive a PM automatically as they join the forums saying that they should read the faqs cause I don't think they see it.
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. You're redirected to the FAQ upon registration. I didn't read the rest of your post since you have such horrible grammar and I really couldn't stand it. Don't worry, though; I'm sure I didn't miss anything worth not missing. What with you're a horrible poster and we all want you to leave.

I've had just about enough of your garbage. I've been quiet since now, but I can't keep quiet anymore. Instead of always being a critic, why don't you stop trying to be a big, bad mod all the time, and stop expecting people to meet YOUR standards.

With that said I believe that nothing can stop people from posting stupid questions. It's just the way some people are. If it really pisses people off here then I really don't know what to say but tough luck? Anyway, if section-spreading won't work, then I believe nothing really can be done that will stop people.

(edited by Soulblader88 on 06-28-06 08:41 PM)

Not quite as active as before.
Xkeeper supporter
Xk > ||bass
I IP Banned myself! Twice!

Since: 11-17-05
From: Somewhere over there

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Posted on 06-28-06 10:26 PM Link | Quote
Chill. Alasztor is right, new forumers are directed to the faq, so your idea won't work.

Oh, and unless everyone sticks to standards that are high (like Alastor's), this forum will NEVER leave the 'crap' section.


Since: 03-17-06
From: NY

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Posted on 06-28-06 10:31 PM Link | Quote
Sukasa+ it isn't the fact that he said my idea sucked. It is the fast that he thinks everyone here should be a expert in everything that involves hacking. Not everyone has the time for that. He needs to accept that.

(edited by Soulblader88 on 06-28-06 09:32 PM)

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 06-28-06 10:35 PM Link | Quote
WTF? He never said anything about ROM hacking to you. He, like many others here, doesn't like you because you're incredibly stupid, and you annoy the board with pointless posts, that burn my eyes. I honestly don't know what the hell Xkeeper was thinking when he unbaned you.

(edited by peter_ac on 06-28-06 09:36 PM)

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-29-06 07:37 AM Link | Quote
I'm sorry, but none of the ideas presented in this thread have any chance of working. They either a) have been implemented in the past and utterly failed, or b) would take a huge amount of work to implement, and end up utterly failing anyway.

- N00bs will always exist.

- The more popular a game is, the more n00bs will exist. (why do you think Pokémon hacking is such a steaming cesspool of idiocy?)

- N00bs will always be annoying.

- You can ban all the n00bs you like, there will always be more waiting to step in and fill the empty space.

- N00bs will rarely read the information they're supposed to (and when they do, they will rarely understand it).

- N00bs will always exist. (reiterated for truth)

These are the cold, hard facts, and there really is nothing any of us can do to change them. They are the unfortunate side effects of having a popular public messageboard on the Internet. Until SMW hacking drops in popularity, or the board shifts to a private, invite-only system, all we can do is just...deal with it.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - This board has changed a lot hasn't it? |


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