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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - What do you hate? New poll | | Thread closed
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Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 06-06-06 11:51 PM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
...Okay, you're flaming members now. That isn't allowed. Consider this your warning.

(not you Keitaro, I just don't want to quote his long stupid post)

I'm sorry, Danielle. I thought she was being dodgy. I should've known better.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-06-06 11:55 PM Link
Um, that wasn't to you and you know it?

Don't spam.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 06-07-06 12:04 AM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
Um, that wasn't to you and you know it?

Er... I do?

I saw Cuarejzds's post just now though. This is one example why I hate Master M. He makes me not read stuff before posting.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-07-06 12:08 AM Link
If I were directing that at you, I would have quoted your post considering it's way back.

And I think Tarale can stand her own ground with you.

I was referring to this:
Originally posted by Cjuarez2
4.Legoman!!!!! He couldn't make a hack if his life dependet(can't spell!)on it!!!


Since: 04-27-06
From: Los Angeles,CA

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Posted on 06-07-06 10:27 AM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
...Okay, you're flaming members now. That isn't allowed. Consider this your warning.

(not you Keitaro, I just don't want to quote his long stupid post)

Sorry!I didn't mean to flame members is just........ok i'll stop

Also,Keitaro,I'm not against gays(if that's what you mean)it's just the actor who plays him sucked that's what I meant.And I guess you're right Kenny only dies like in 2 or 3 episodes.

Metal battleaxe
Off to better places

Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-08-06 01:32 AM Link
The beating of a dead horse.

Sure, the jokes are funny the first few times, and with the right timing and only occasional useage they can remain funny, but THERE IS NO GUN FETISH!

Er, right. Danielle probably should've said that, not me.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-08-06 05:33 PM Link
Originally posted by Thexare

You, sir, kick ass.

>8( to everyone STILL using that every chance they get.

(edited by Danielle on 06-08-06 04:34 PM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-09-06 12:15 AM Link
I actually haven't seen that one too often recently. Last time was Thoughtless, wasn't it?

Otherwise, I agree with Thexare on the subject in general. Jokes get unfunny decently quickly.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-09-06 01:31 AM Link
Well, I get it in AIM quite a bit still, and pretty much any time someone mentions guns. Luckily for me, this board doesn't have a large gun following and isn't mentioned too much.
[Danielle] Thoughtless is my secret lover
[Danielle] *flutters eyelashes*
[Thoughtless] SECRET IS OUT

I miss my two pussies :( (Part II)


Since: 11-17-05
From: PR

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Posted on 06-09-06 02:45 AM Link
Originally posted by Skreename
I actually haven't seen that one too often recently. Last time was Thoughtless, wasn't it?

Yeah it was me.

Normally, I don't bring it up very often. You can ask Danielle even.

Also, to comment on the hating of 'gum chewing with mouth open' deal.

Yeah, you might stab me if I were next to you. Not to say I do it just because, but when I am nervous I chew with my mouth open. I'm not very loud though but it is a small thing I do to keep my nerves from killing me.

And to keep with the topic.

I am annoyed, borderling on dislike, of people who tend to believe that anything they don't fine funny should be accepted by everyone else as not being funny. Not really considering that people have different taste and find many things funny for many reasons.

That just irks me. "Omfg that isn't funny, you sux if you find that funny!!"

Yeah. Just stop existing if you are going to do that.

Oh, and I'm not taking into account things that simply suck. If they suck beyond words, chances are, nobody is going to find it funny anyway.

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

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Posted on 06-09-06 03:35 AM Link
I hate the burning sensation in my nose after I take a nasal spray. I know it's supposed to decongest the nose, but I'm not convinced that it's supposed to do that by making me sneeze like hell while moaning "it burns" in between.

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-10-06 12:22 AM Link
Thoughtless: I think there should be a special case made on the whole "forcing opinions of funniness on others" thing for jokes that people insist on repeatedly telling you. If you're the specific audience, I think it's somewhat justified for you to tell someone "Hey, if you've got the urge to tell me that joke, just don't. You find it funny, but I find it mind-numbingly stupid, and I don't want to have to kill you."

Tarale: I know I'm a horrible person, but I found that last part rather funny. Probably just my level of sleep loss at the time. I think medication in general is meant to taste nasty and/or hurt. It's part of the whole placebo-effect thing.


Since: 04-27-06
From: Los Angeles,CA

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Posted on 06-13-06 12:29 AM Link
Well since no one has posted here for like a week I guess I'll post some things I hate.......

1.The touchpad on the laptop.

2.Hell's Kitchen

3.American Idol

4.Dog crap....!

5.People who try to act cool.

and other stuff but,I forgot!

Sledge Brother
Unpredictable. Watch your backs. Or not. Whichever. I want Metal Gear Solid 4 so badly.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Tompkinsville

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Posted on 06-14-06 11:56 AM Link
Y'know, it was better to have let this thing die rather than bringing it back with stuff you could have said in one post. The first post.

1. I've been really jumpy about eating Hotpockets lately. I just had so many, I've grown to ignore them, avoid them, or hate them.

2. I really, REALLY, hate the few preppy girls that take one look at me and notice my zit. Then talk about me behind my back.

3. MSN hackers. It brings me alot of hatred to see someone sink as low as to hack you just to make them enjoy themselves.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-14-06 05:54 PM Link
Yeah, this thread is starting to get pointless. The creator keeps posting random things that he "hates" to keep the thread alive, and they're just coming off as spam.

I think we've all stated what we hate, so unless you have something new and worth posting... let's not.

Knuckle Joe
too much high power man

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 06-15-06 03:51 PM Link
You know what I hate?

This thread.

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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - What do you hate? | Thread closed


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