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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - A Nerd or a "Cool" Kid New poll | | Thread closed
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Since: 04-27-06
From: Los Angeles,CA

Last post: 6348 days
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Posted on 06-01-06 07:35 PM Link
So I before I start High School I need some serious help sorting out my life,I have another chance to start fresh by that I mean I could start out as a "Cool Kid" which means I'll be all posery and stupid and mess with kids who can't defend themselves or I should start out as a "Smart Kid(a nerd)" and try to get perfect grades and graduate?.........Or even better a Cool Nerd which is both exept the stupid part?
Cruel Justice
I have better things to do.


Since: 11-18-05
From: At my house!

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Posted on 06-01-06 08:00 PM Link
Uh, both? You don't want to get your ass kicked and you want to graduate.

Just get involved in extracurricular activites such as Student Council. I don't think this really qualifies as a problem, more like a simple question to me.

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

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Posted on 06-01-06 08:28 PM Link
I never thought this was a "decision" as such. You are what you are -- be yourself. Don't let anybody push you around and don't let them dictate to you who you are.

Since: 12-29-05

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Posted on 06-01-06 10:10 PM Link
Originally posted by Tarale
I never thought this was a "decision" as such. You are what you are -- be yourself. Don't let anybody push you around and don't let them dictate to you who you are.

I agree, to an extent. Trying to be someone who you aren't never ends well, but I think you have some control over who you are.

In other words:

I am witeasprinwow. In the future, I can be the same witeasprinwow as I was in the past, I can be a worse witeasprinwow than I was in the past, or I can work to make myself a better witeasprinwow in the future than I was in the past.

I cannot, however, be Cjuarez2. I cannot be [GGS] Cruel Justice. I cannot be Tarale. I can only be witeasprinwow. Anything else will be a facade. It may hold for a while, but under closer inspection it will falter and then fail. I have tried to act cocky and confident when I actually felt weak, and while I may have turned heads for a while, eventually it became clear that I did not really, truly HAVE it and then I was back where I started.

If you want to be a "cool kid," then go ahead and try. The drive to better yourself and to better enjoy life is almost never a bad thing. However, keep in mind that you have to change YOU at the innermost level, not just your outer persona or the way people percieve you.

Also, you can be popular and a nerd at the same time. Some people who post here are obviously of that type. It's a tricky balancing act, however. It won't really work unless you genuinely enjoy both nerdy stuff and "cool kid" stuff.

As for what I am? I have no clue. Ask someone else.

EDIT: I really owe knowing everything I just said here to these two Tucker Max posts. He still explains what I am trying to say a thousand times better than I ever could.

(edited by witeasprinwow on 06-01-06 09:11 PM)
(edited by witeasprinwow on 06-01-06 09:13 PM)
(edited by witeasprinwow on 06-01-06 09:20 PM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6351 days
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Posted on 06-01-06 10:31 PM Link
It's tough to try to be someone you aren't. I wouldn't advise it; just act how you are, and let the pieces fall how they may. I personally wouldn't suggest the "cool kid" path, though. I always dislike the ones like that, who seem to have more money than brains (even if they lack money), and who seek to excel by dragging others down.

Basically, I'd suggest just not bothering people. Act how you are, find your friends that way. Don't put on a show for other people, since it'd fall through sooner or later.


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-01-06 11:05 PM Link
I think you're far too worried of what people will think of you.

Just act the way you normally act. If it's portrayed as cool, that's great. If it's portrayed as nerdy, rock on. It hardly matters.


Since: 04-27-06
From: Los Angeles,CA

Last post: 6348 days
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Posted on 06-01-06 11:12 PM Link
Originally posted by witeasprinwow

Trying to be someone who you aren't never ends well

That is so true man,back in 7th grade I was a nerd and I was passing all of my classes,but since I changed schools for 8th grade I thought I could start over but as a cool kid,a poser,now it end's up even worse some of my classmates want me to join a gang.....I told them I'll think about but,what I'm really trying to do is hold them off for about 20 more days because then I'll graduate to High School and I'm gonna move houses so I won't see them anymore.You can call that "running away from my problems" but, I am only doing that because they'll mess with me even more!

So long story short all of you are right if I don't be myself nothing good comes good.Thanks to all of you I guess High School won't be as bad as I thought it will.Thanks Again

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-01-06 11:45 PM Link
It may just be where I am, but I haven't even really seen anything major done against nerds. A few got a bit... hated, but that's largely because they wound up sounding a bit arrogant about what they know.

(Hell... I probably counted as one. A bit more sarcastic than most, but... It's not like anyone disliked me for that or anything. A lot of people didn't know me, but most who did rather liked me. Of course, that may be because I surrounded myself with people who would gladly believe I was brilliant...)


Since: 11-17-05
From: California
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Posted on 06-01-06 11:57 PM Link
What he said.

It's portrayed in movies and such, but I've never seen acts of hatred or teasing against "nerds" at school.
People get themselves into it by acting dickish (thinking it's cool) or something like that.

Just... be yourself. Seriously. You'll be much better off that way. A large amount of kids will never know you, and never care how nerdy or cool you may be. So don't try to win them over.

Since: 12-29-05

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Posted on 06-02-06 12:58 AM Link
Originally posted by Danielle
Just... be yourself. Seriously. You'll be much better off that way. A large amount of kids will never know you, and never care how nerdy or cool you may be. So don't try to win them over.

This is a good point. You should never become something for someone else. Living the life that someone else wants you to live is not a good way to make yourself happy, and probably a quick path to being totally miserable.

Knuckle Joe
too much high power man

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 06-02-06 05:28 PM Link
You put too much emphasis on shit that doesn't matter

Fuck everyone else. you'll find the place you belong in due time by just being who you are and not caring.

(edited by Valcion on 06-02-06 04:29 PM)

Affected by 'Princess Bitch-Face Syndrome' ++++!!
Persona non grata


Since: 11-17-05
From: Adelaide, Australia

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 06-03-06 01:44 AM Link
See, but when you're that age it probably does matter -- it's not like you have significantly more important things to worry about outside of schoolwork.

But I don't think it's worth worrying about too much. As I tried to say in my first post, it's not worth trying to be someone you're not -- it's not worth letting the "cool kids" dictate to you (whether directly or not) how to act, dress, etc.

Part of growing up is about learning to be yourself, and about coming to terms with who you are. Develop some social skills, have fun and make friends -- but don't undertake actions that will cause you to attempt to be anyone other than yourself.


Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 06-03-06 01:52 AM Link
Just from this thread, I can tell your one of the sort of people I dont like. Not a nerd or a cool kid. Your a people pleaser. Trying to fit in with everyone else to be excepted. The highest form of social comformity. Be yourself, otherwise, expect more drama and bullshit than you ever imagined.

Raging Venom

Since: 11-18-05
From: Final Fantasy Fire

Last post: 6362 days
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Posted on 06-03-06 03:35 PM Link
Originally posted by Kiraxo +
Just from this thread, I can tell your one of the sort of people I dont like. Not a nerd or a cool kid. Your a people pleaser. Trying to fit in with everyone else to be excepted. The highest form of social comformity. Be yourself, otherwise, expect more drama and bullshit than you ever imagined.
Good luck. I did that and became probably the most-hated person in my school. Part of the reason I'm homeschooled now...

Since: 12-29-05

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Posted on 06-03-06 04:13 PM Link
Originally posted by Kiraxo +
Just from this thread, I can tell your one of the sort of people I dont like. Not a nerd or a cool kid. Your a people pleaser. Trying to fit in with everyone else to be excepted. The highest form of social comformity. Be yourself, otherwise, expect more drama and bullshit than you ever imagined.

See, I have some reservations about this. What if someone is genuinely unhappy with who they are, and wishes they could become a better person? I'm not saying you should absorb someone else's personality, but I think it is important to say more than just "Be yourself"... Specifically, that people CAN change and become different, better people.

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 06-03-06 07:11 PM Link
The important thing is that the individual defines what different would be better, not others. It is possible to change, but changing purely for other people is not very bright at all.

Either way, I don't think that quite applies when dealing purely with social categories of that sort.


Since: 11-21-05
From: Amarillo, TX

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Posted on 06-03-06 07:38 PM Link
I agree wite. If you change yourself to make yourself happy, and not to make others happy, thats a good decision. From his first post though, it seems pretty obvious he is actually saying "Be myself, or be everyones bitch"

Since: 12-29-05

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Posted on 06-03-06 09:10 PM Link
Originally posted by Kiraxo +
I agree wite. If you change yourself to make yourself happy, and not to make others happy, thats a good decision. From his first post though, it seems pretty obvious he is actually saying "Be myself, or be everyones bitch"

OK, I can see your point here. I just wanted to make clear what I was trying to say up there.

I suck at explaining things sometimes.


Since: 12-03-05
From: purgatory

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Posted on 06-04-06 12:47 AM Link
When i was in high school i was myself. This made me a complete and total outsider. I had very few friends and no one seemed to understand me. I was usually off doing my own thing by myself. No one picked on me because i beat the shit out of the first guy who threw a spit wad at me and got suspended, though that was the only fight i was ever in in high school, i never picked on anyone who was'nt messing with me first. High school was a primarily lonely experience for me. I got very good grades, but i did'nt really fit in with the "nerds" either. The funniest thing to me is that years after the fact, when people are asked who was the coolest kid in their class, my name comes up alot. Thats funny to me because i sure did'nt feel very cool back then sitting all by myself
So maybe you got a choice, be yourself and have a lonely time in high school, but maintain your dignity and be considered cool in the long run. Or be one of the "cool kids" and have tons of shallow friends in high school, but be a sell-out.
Croatia Games


Since: 06-10-06
From: Split, Croatia

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Posted on 06-10-06 03:21 PM Link
Bro, just be yourself if you want people to like the REAL you. Take me for example, back then in school, i was the rudest, laziest and most violent stundent there, but hey, i was myself (okay, bad example, i know, haha). No joke now, just be yourself.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Officer's Club - A Nerd or a "Cool" Kid | Thread closed


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