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When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-18-06 10:41 AM Link | Quote
The female Forte look-a-like known as Sonance appeared from nowhere, and walked along a vast roman-styled garden.

Her helmet had a strong resemblance to that of Forte's shimmered a bit in the sunlight. The crests were a soft crimson pink instead of gold, all the black a dark purple, and her eyes and the crystal cross on the front of the helmet a shimmering bright green. The streaks under her eyes were lightning bolt shaped, and she had flowing blond hair coming out from the back of the helmet. She wore her ripped cloak around her waist like a dress. Loose unzipped red leather armor drapped over her chest, and her icon just over her breasts was a reversed image of Forte's icon, and shades of purple. Her entire body is covered in a flexible dark purple armor/bodysuit. She wore no gloves over her hands so her shimmering aqua colored nails can be seem. The boots were of a feminine build, as is the armor gauntlets around her lower arms.

She bent down and picked a royal purple rose, and sniffed it lightly before she smiled devilishly, the rose bursting into purple flames. She had plans for the Maverick Hunter's, but right now she needs a bit fo a break on world domination and destruction...
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-18-06 02:41 PM Link | Quote
Zekt was checking the various data patterns in the main computer in their HUB, when he detected an odd anomaly. "Hey, Lan, can you try to get a visual on these?" he asked, even as he was approaching the teleport chamber.

The brown-haired Reploid nodded, before a satellite image came up... showing a similar figure. "Well, isn't this odd?" he asked, even as his older brother checked his gauntlets.

"Not really. Mind warping me in now?" he responded. Lan merely pressed a button, and Zekt was gone, becoming a black blur... and warping to the entrance of the garden. Just the sound should be enough to alert her... but if she didn't feel alerted, all the better for him.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-18-06 05:47 PM Link | Quote
Sonance's weapon appeared before her, as she attached it to her hip. GRabbing the weapon, she pulled it form the sheath, and the shoryt katana grew into a long eliptical broadsword, the hilt flowing with icy-blue dragon fur.

"Name: Zekt. Species: Reploid. Main choice of weapons is a double-bladed scythe. You are a reploid who posess natural skill and the ability to create a hologram that can attack your enemies and not take damage.

"And, before you even ask... I have certian powers that not even the most advanced technology can even explain. I HAVE studied you for quite some time now, and have even spied on you through the flame pits in the Immortal Area. You ARE a strong fighter, but even you cannot comprehend my level of strength...

"I even know that you work with other people, who I'll refrain from saying on accounts that you may just rip me to shreads."

(edited by Forte.EXE on 05-19-06 03:11 PM)
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-19-06 04:23 PM Link | Quote
Zekt smirked, as he heard her comments. "Hm... pretty good. You have done your studying, for once..." he stated, before snickering a bit. "Man, I sound way too much like Marduk."

"And I suppose I must either be pretty interesting, or you must be awfully boring, if you spent so much time watching me doing what I do best."

He kicked off some random pebbles, even as he stayed on his guard. "Although... since I'm pretty sure the two of us are about to beat the other up, I just want one answer. Who are you, and why do you look so much like those two Maverick Hunters I beat up before? Just tell me that, and I'll be ready to turn you into a pile of rubbish."
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-19-06 05:26 PM Link | Quote
"To answer that.... lemme aquaint you with a little lesson of my origins..." She spun around, and stabbed the blade into the ground in front of her before the bottom hilt of the blade shined forth a holographic screen, which showed a video.

"You see... I am Sonance. I was one of the three Super Navis created by a hybrid Navi/virus who calls himself The Master." Next came the video screens...


"Status report," The Master demanded as he entered the Dark Nation's lab where everyone was hard at work.

"Unit O is nearing completion," Blaise reported.

"Unit S is progressing smoothly," said Dr. Friese.

"However, Unit X is having serious complications," said Lucy.

"Then fix them!" The Master ordered as he turned and left.

"He seems to be in a pretty bad mood," said Spencer.

"He's usually a lot worse," said Sid.

As the Dark Nation agents continued to work, their Navis and the independent Navis were working from inside the system.

"How's that armor coming along, ScorchMan?" asked ArborMan.

"Nearly complete," answered the fiery Navi, who was using his own Fire Buster to weld together armor for one of the Super Navis.

"Once these Super Navis are complete, we will be invincible," said ShamanMan as he walked over to where GeminiMan and NovaMan were fashioning weapons.

"Doctor, prepare to install the virus data," Morty called. Dr. Friese nodded and began to install the special data into the Super Navis.

"A bit of LifeData, some GospelData, a bit of ProtoData, and some DuoData," the ice-hearted scientist mumbled.

"The data from the LifeVirus, Gospel, Proto, and Duo shall make these three Super Navis not only invincible, but practically immortal," said Hao.

I'll add this to Unit X, The Master thought as he watched from his monitors in his office as he secretly installed a bit of data marked as "XData" into one of the Super Navis, This will guarantee that her strength will be greater than even that of Forte.


It flashforwarded to the activation of the Super Navis. Zekt can see what they looked like. RockMan Omega... thin hansome looking Navi, with raven purple hair flowing down reaching just past his shoulders. He wore a white cap with white cloth covering around the head, leaving the face exposed. Omega's eyes were red, showing compassion, yet also cleaverly hiding the look of darkness with that distracting smile. His shoulders were covered in sphere-like shoulder pads with a white spike jutting out from the sides at 60 degrees pointing upwards, a red circle around the base. His torso was a fair build, hint of muscle, covered in a skin-tight blakc bodysuit with red symmterical marks around the chest, three lines -- two lines going down the sides, and one down the back which reaches around to the waist -- trails down the legs to the knees. He wore white jean shorts with a red belt, the belt buckle a red eye with two spikes for ears, and a third one at the bottom. An orb was set in the center of the belt buckle, which glowed softly. Down to the knees were sleek aerodynamic white leg armor protecting the lower thigh, the feet covered in white metal shoes with spiked cleats on the soles, and red orbs in the ankles on both sides. He had no arms as where his arms would normally be at is a white thick spike. Floating near the waists was his floating white gloved hands, and a black wristband studded with short spikes. A short white spike comes from where a limb would normally be connected to the hand.

Sigma... A massive hulking Navi. His torso armor was thick, gold and silver with hints of dark blue, hiding portable plasma cannons in the chest cavity. Snall curved horns lined the large roundish dark blue shoulder pads. The legs were covered in a blakc bodysuit, the large boots were dark purple with navy blue covering the feet and spikes along the outer sides, the gloves on the hands black and dark crimson with spikes around the wrists. A plate armor golden colored covered mainly over the stomach, which the expsoed skin is a black bodysuit, with white lines going down the sides to the boots. A large belt wrapped around the waist, the belt buckle held the insignia of the greek letter Sigma. The head was completely bald, its glowing red eyes were surrounded top by dark blue triangles, an indented line running down form under the eyes to the chin and a sapphire-blue diamond was embedded in the center of its' forehead.

And... Sonance...

"When we were created after the Dark Nation grunts collected sixteen different data codes, we were the main vein that supplies terror and destruction upon the entire world, which The Master will reign supreme over a wasteland of the old civilization. Of course, while Omega who specialized in stealth and stragetic combat, Sigma who was built for absolute power, followed the commands of that damn Hybrid Navi, I on the other hand contemplated my escape from his grasp.

"Normally I followed orders, or usualy remained silent, but once my two cohorts were deleted at last, then The Master was taken out of the human world... I deleted him once he returned to the safety of the cyber world, and destroyed what remained of the Dark Nation base..."

The holo-screen vanished, and she brought the weapon out of the ground, and slashed in front once before resting it over her shoulder. She then gave a cold hard stare towards Zekt, staring directly into his eyes.

"So Zekt, don't you think that just because I may look similar to Forte, that I am not like Forte... cause thinking that way will be your own downfall..."
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-19-06 05:37 PM Link | Quote
Zekt watched the video, amusedly, although he was making sure to save the information in case they ever managed to find a way to get into wherever those guys were. Maybe Marduk's underlings would do it?

Once the hologram was over, he cocked his head partially to the side. "I see... so you were supposed to be a counter to Forte, just like the Bass from my part was designed to be a counter to Mega Man..." he stated calmly, his smirk just growing bigger with each second.

"And no... I wouldn't underestimate you - after all, if you're supposed to be better than that guy, I'll take it... but that doesn't mean I already believe you're better than me. For starters..." he spreaded his arms, and both his scythes came to hand, stretching and flaring up, "you didn't take note of the amount of my weapons, nor of the amount of blades."

He then took a defensive stance. "So... should I rush to you and begin to fight, or should I let you come to me and attack?"
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-19-06 05:52 PM Link | Quote
He felt a soft kiss on his right cheek. "Really... you'd fight a beautiful woman like myself?"

"I'm flattered," she said, never moving from her position at all. The one that kissed him was just a solid hologram, as it faded away, "Like I said, I studied you alot, and am fully aware of your scythe weapon. But, if you insist... I'll start us off with Nova Force!” A ball of chaos energy built up in the blond-haired Navi’s hand and she threw it at her opponent.

If it connects, it'll explode and deal in dark-element damage, fire damage, and slightly homes in on the enemy's position.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-19-06 06:09 PM Link | Quote
Zekt would have blushed, but he wasn't Lan or Daedalus, so he just kept his cool. "Well, I beat that girl that is in the same group as Forte... so I guess I should say 'yes'. In fact, you'd better keep a picture of your good looks stored... because they'll be likely gone once I'm done with you."

"Oh, so you're good with holograms, too... oh well. Let's see how you fare with one, then." When she threw the ball of energy, he dashed to the side, while an holographic Zekt rushed ahead, through the sphere, and preparing to slash her.

Meanwhile, the real Zekt backflipped once his dash was over and he knew the ball was aimed at his previous position, before air-dashing away, beginning to hover.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-19-06 06:49 PM Link | Quote
Sonance quickly split-phased into two, and they both blocked the clone's attack. Sonance's blade has a special ability... even though Zekt's clone cannot be destroyed or even damaged, the properties of the blade can make it go away with one simple slash.

Of course, the clones don't have that ability to do that, as the real Sonance flew right at the real Zekt.

"Bloody Snake!" Her blade glowed bright white before she slashed in front, and it seemed to grow/expand and lash out towards him in a quick peircing move across the chest.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-19-06 07:04 PM Link | Quote
Zekt was prepared, and rather, just spun his scythes at what one would consider a neck-breaking speed, blocking the move, while the other Zekt rushed towards them again.

(OoC: ...nope, she can't delete it with a single attack... the only way to deactivate a clone is by having Zekt be damaged.)
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-20-06 12:18 PM Link | Quote
"Ragnorok!" She slash her sword, unleashing a wave of powerful energy, dealing moderate damage if Zekt was to get caught in this oncoming fast attack.

Of course... she held her sword to her side before she slashed the air in front, a wave of invisible unknown energy traveling that can strike down any or all enemies with damage of above-average. That second attack is called "Window Slash."
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-20-06 12:38 PM Link | Quote
Zekt broke his barrier just then, dashing in a circular manner around her, trying to circle her. However, the second strike knocked him down, back onto the ground.

The other Zekt managed to deliver a slash at her, a second before flickering out of existance.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-20-06 05:01 PM Link | Quote
"Damn it!" She had just barely avoiding that attack, but it had put a small rip in her cloak dress.

"You little..." She began to charge energy.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-20-06 07:01 PM Link | Quote
"I'm a little what?" he asked, while analyzing the damage. Thankfully, it was only on the armor... but it was more serious than he expected.

If he didn't get careful, he'd likely lose his armor far too quickly... and then, well...

As she began to charge energy, he began to backdash while sending a scythe flying at her, hoping to break the charge.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-20-06 10:23 PM Link | Quote
"Sonic Blizzard!" She flew towards Zekt, swinging her blade to deflect the flying boomerang scythe. She swooped past the reploid, which instantly a burts of snow and shards of ice will swirl around him and deal in multiple damage hits. Right away afterwards she flew down at him from the air again, and will slash him across the chest as she passes the reploid.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-21-06 06:24 AM Link | Quote
While the scythe returned, he hopped upwards, avoiding the Sonic Blizzard, and spun around, trying to grab her with both scythes.
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-21-06 04:39 PM Link | Quote
She had flow ninty degrees to the right, then returned to slash across his chest when he had least expected it, then return a second time to hopefully land another hit, making an X-shaped slash on his armor.

"You becareful hansome... one wrong move and you'l lose your scythes once I slash them to bits with my blade..." She grinned at him, then flying up high into the air.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 05:29 PM Link | Quote
Zekt barely blocked the first strike, but couldn't stop the second one. "Oh... slash them to bits? Well, if you could cut this box..." he smirked in response, before a metallic block of a likely familiar alloy was teletransported in front of them, staying in her path.

'Thanks, Lan,' Zekt told the younger Reploid, as he watched her next move. The funny thing about this box was that it was technically plasma-deflective - if she couldn't cut through that, she had no chance to destroy his scythes.

Still, wouldn't be too dangerous to check...
When life seems to get bad, just suck it up and deal with it!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Singe City, Ajiina (Davenport, Iowa)

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-21-06 06:42 PM Link | Quote
"Don't say I didn't warn you..." She smirked before slashing horizontally. AT first, it appeared the cube survived...

... until a thin red line marked through the half at a slanted angle... and the top half slid off slowly and crashed into the ground. She is still charging energy.
The Letter H

Super Koopa


Since: 04-26-06

Last post: 6359 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-21-06 07:04 PM Link | Quote
Zekt blinked. "Oh, I see... well, I guess that means I'm going to be careful, yes..." he stated calmly, before dashing around her, keeping his distance.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SimBattle Forum - Sonance -- The female version of Forte |


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