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07-03-24 01:14 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - The Pit of Despair - New power-up engine release(NOT a joke) New poll | | Thread closed
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Poppy Bros. Jr


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6354 days
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Posted on 05-18-06 02:30 PM Link
This might be a n00b question, but how does this work, exactly?
If you grab a fire flower as small mario, do you become small fire mario?
The same with grabbing a fire flower as cape, or vice-versa?
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 05-18-06 02:34 PM Link
this is exactly that

also, for these who got graphical bug I suggest to:

1.applying the patch to an unmodified SMW rom insted
2.re-insert the graphic after aplying the patch(renember that small mario going to use the crappy X square for his fireball shooting animation)

(edited by Bio on 05-18-06 01:38 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-18-06 01:39 PM)


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 05-18-06 06:59 PM Link
Holy crap, this is one of the most badass things I've seen. Mario's a freaking powerhouse!

My one suggestion- make it so power-ups you get that you already have aren't wasted. The way it is, whatever's in your itembox stays in your itembox if you grab a feather when you have a cape or a flower when you have a flower.

Of course, technically this patch equalizes the shroom to the flower and cape, so it doesn't matter as much. Still, just my $ .02.


Since: 12-03-05
From: Mass-uh-chew-sits USofA

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-19-06 09:27 AM Link
Originally posted by Bio
I did both, here come small fire Mario: (credit for the graphic go to Peter_ac(Pac-Man))

Bio, Trasher is going to love you so much for this
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 05-19-06 09:46 AM Link
I rly will be happy with this tool. So if I already knew this, this can change item power up abilities? As if I would want to add hammer Mario in a game, this would be the best.

Flinging Fying Hammer Bros. hammers wherever he goes, he is the plumber with the power to smack yo...

Well, I only post these kind of things at school because were not allowed to download programs.


Since: 11-18-05
From: Germany

Last post: 6346 days
Last view: 6358 days
Posted on 05-19-06 11:38 AM Link
I think Cape-Fire-Mario is a cool idea, but it would be even better, if Mario could get this with an "additional" (new) power-up item, not just by getting a cape and a fire flower in game.
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-19-06 11:41 AM Link
I tired a few time to make such custom sprite but never manage to, that why I make it that way, so I could have new power-up, without having to add sprite

EDIT:I finally fixed the fading bug

(edited by Bio on 05-19-06 10:41 AM)
(edited by Bio on 05-19-06 10:42 AM)
(edited by Bio on 05-19-06 10:52 AM)
(edited by Bio on 05-19-06 12:31 PM)



Since: 12-20-05

Last post: 6436 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 01:50 AM Link
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, exactly, but I'm patching it to a clean copy of Mario World, then when I load it, nothing loads up.

What's wrong?; I'd love to see this in action.
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6345 days
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Posted on 05-21-06 01:53 AM Link
do your ROM have a 0x200 byte header?

(edited by Bio on 05-21-06 12:53 AM)



Since: 12-20-05

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Posted on 05-21-06 02:08 AM Link
Probably; It's also probably not the IPS maker's fault; it's done it with the past three patches I've used on the ROM; I'll just download another version.

Sorry; my fault.
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 07-04-06 05:12 AM Link
Originally posted by Bio.exe
I did both, here come small fire Mario: (credit for the graphic go to Peter_ac(Pac-Man))

I also make it so fire cape mario shoot fireball with Y and do the spin with X
wait, until I make and upload the new patch


That is so awesome, I would love Nintendo to see that & think "OMG!"

Super Koopa
I AM A Group Of Officially Frustrated Younglings, G.O.O.F.Y. MEMBER

Since: 11-17-05
From: Söderhamn, Sweden

Last post: 6346 days
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Posted on 07-04-06 05:21 AM Link
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - The Pit of Despair - New power-up engine release(NOT a joke) | Thread closed


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