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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - The Pit of Despair - New power-up engine release(NOT a joke) New poll | | Thread closed
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C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 05-16-06 07:57 PM Link
anyone who played JaSp's smb3 hack 'Mario in some usual day' renember how power-up abillity were stackable(allowing to have stuff like Fire racoon Mario), well, I did the exact same thing in Mario world allowing you to be:

Fire+cape Mario

Download here

know bug: fading at the end of level glitch a bit but it is nothing major

Edit:found another bug, cape mario can't spin
EDIT2: Fixed
EDIT3: I forgot the RATS tag
EDIT4: added it
EDIT5: fire cape Mario can now do both cape spin and fireball attack

(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:05 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:07 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:12 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:17 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:22 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:22 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:28 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 10:46 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-17-06 06:32 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-19-06 10:02 AM)

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 05-16-06 08:16 PM Link
Bio, that's totally awesome!

I'd like to see you use X and Y for two different attacks, as you said.

(edited by Pac-Man on 05-16-06 07:16 PM)
(edited by Pac-Man on 05-16-06 07:17 PM)
(edited by Pac-Man on 05-16-06 07:17 PM)
(edited by peter_ac on 06-06-06 07:57 PM)

Red Goomba


Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6582 days
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Posted on 05-16-06 08:33 PM Link
its something i posted a long time ago (although you went one step further and included an IPS patch).

I didn't check your IPS file but if i remember correctly all i had done on my side is replace a jump with a NOP and presto it did both
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-16-06 08:41 PM Link
Originally posted by HabsoluteFate
its something i posted a long time ago (although you went one step further and included an IPS patch).

I didn't check your IPS file but if i remember correctly all i had done on my side is replace a jump with a NOP and presto it did both

I'm sorry, but I have NO idea of what are you talking about, mine is coded in a way close to the way JaSp did it(using an extra RAM to save fire abillity). I also already tried to make it run both code and it end up only doing the cape spin

one a sidenote: power-up value 3 is now unused and could be used for a custom power-up

(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 07:43 PM)
Stephan Reiken


Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6351 days
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Posted on 05-16-06 09:38 PM Link
Would it be at all possible to use Powerup values more than 3?
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 05-16-06 10:22 PM Link
not without some ASM

Red Goomba


Since: 11-19-05

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Posted on 05-16-06 10:57 PM Link
Originally posted by Bio
Originally posted by HabsoluteFate
its something i posted a long time ago (although you went one step further and included an IPS patch).

I didn't check your IPS file but if i remember correctly all i had done on my side is replace a jump with a NOP and presto it did both

I'm sorry, but I have NO idea of what are you talking about, mine is coded in a way close to the way JaSp did it(using an extra RAM to save fire abillity). I also already tried to make it run both code and it end up only doing the cape spin

one a sidenote: power-up value 3 is now unused and could be used for a custom power-up

I found my old post about it saved to my hard drive:

All are SNES rom addresses within the asm code

im currently looking into all code that reads memory location 19 (which tells the engine which mario is used) and figured out how the program decides to spin or throw a fireball depending on if you are cape mario or fire mario (or does nothing if you are small or big mario), this will be usefull later on for my project where i want to have hammer mario in the game

anyways quick hack you can try (tested to work)...:

Make all marios throw a fireball, cape mario no longer spins:
00D064 change it from c902 to c904
00D081 change it from c903 to c904
00D083 change it from "BNE $D028" to "BNE $D007"

To make all marios throw a fireball but let cape mario spin at the same time too do:
00D064 keep it at c902
00D080 change it from 60 to e8 (i wanted to keep all code lcoations the same
so im incrementing an unused register)
00D081 change it from c903 to c904
00D083 change it from "BNE $D028" to "BNE $D007"

quick pseudo code of what happens at the code before any changes were made:
Load Mario Used from 19
Compare with cape mario
if not equal go to 00D081
if the button is not pressed return
if the button is pressed do the spin and return
compare with fire mario
return if not equal
if the button is not pressed return
if the button is pressed throw a fireball

Hope this helps! Ill try and get my site up and running over the weekend...i'd like to put all that information in there...i would like to keep the most complete documentation on the game's code over time

if you cant understand why i did what i did....i would recommend you learn assembly

on a side note the following two memory locations define
the constant value used for the following two marios:
7E0002 has a value of 2 (cape mario)
7E0003 has a value of 3 (fire mario)
changing the values probably will really screw things up....(if things even work after they are changed)

found something else too
00E3FD is where it checks if you are cape mario, if you arent it jumps somewhere else, if you are it displays the cape.
to give a cape to everyone even small mario:
00E3FD change it from c901 to A519
00E3FF change it from D057 to A519
mixing this with the spin code from earlier let all marios spin:
00D064 change it from C902 to A519
00D066 change it from C902 to A519
unfortunately the spin doesnt kill enemies here, im assuming that code is somewhere else...given time im sure ill find it

one last thing for tonight i havent looked at for too long but is pretty weird:
00EB77 change it from A201 to A202, as well force memory location 19 to have
a value of 2 (large mario) (7E001902)if you dont do that mario will go through the floor and
die on the title screen. if you do set it to 2 then you can play on the title screen,
unfortunately you cant exit the title screen

As for adding power ups in general check out the SMW Dev Environment thread in the Advanced ASM Hack Forum...i'm doing work that will allow for more than just 3 power ups...there will be 16 when all is said and done...although i have been slow working on it because i have been busy (although i have done work recently)

(edited by HabsoluteFate on 05-16-06 10:00 PM)
(edited by HabsoluteFate on 05-16-06 10:01 PM)
(edited by HabsoluteFate on 05-16-06 10:03 PM)
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-16-06 11:05 PM Link
d'oh, so I wasn't the first one to find these adress
Originally posted by Bio
0x5282:power-up that can throw fireball
0x5265: power-up that can do cape spin

but, its still impossible to make Mario throw a fireball and do a cape spin in the same time

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-16-06 11:10 PM Link
That's nice. Very cool... Seems like it would be a lot of fun to mess with.

Yeah, it would be nice to have different buttons for different attacks, if possible. Of course, how it is still is very cool.

Red Goomba


Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6582 days
Last view: 6582 days
Posted on 05-16-06 11:28 PM Link
Originally posted by Bio
d'oh, so I wasn't the first one to find these adress
Originally posted by Bio
0x5282:power-up that can throw fireball
0x5265: power-up that can do cape spin

but, its still impossible to make Mario throw a fireball and do a cape spin in the same time

How is it impossible? Check my notes from above:

To make all marios throw a fireball but let cape mario spin at the same time too do:
00D064 keep it at c902
00D080 change it from 60 to e8 (i wanted to keep all code lcoations the same
so im incrementing an unused register)
00D081 change it from c903 to c904
00D083 change it from "BNE $D028" to "BNE $D007"
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-16-06 11:32 PM Link
d'oh, you're right, I'm got totally mistaken, I don't even renember why I was thinking that

anyway, I improved the code for doing both cape spin and fireball

(edited by Bio on 05-16-06 10:44 PM)

Free Ice Man!

Since: 11-18-05
From: Ireland

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Posted on 05-17-06 07:15 PM Link
Bio, will it be possible to give Small Mario the ability to throw fireballs? If so, can you make the fireball come from his lower half rather than the upper half?
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-17-06 07:30 PM Link
I did both, here come small fire Mario: (credit for the graphic go to Peter_ac(Pac-Man))

I also make it so fire cape mario shoot fireball with Y and do the spin with X
wait, until I make and upload the new patch


(edited by Bio on 05-17-06 06:32 PM)
(edited by Bio on 05-17-06 06:33 PM)
Two Finger


Since: 05-14-06
From: Vancouver,BC,CANADA

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Posted on 05-18-06 04:41 AM Link
I patched it to a 100% clean rom but the graphics are all glitchy
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 05-18-06 09:53 AM Link
Happened to me too. But that didn't stop me from checking it out. You rock, bio. the powerup engine works just as you said!

Poppy Bros. Jr


Since: 11-19-05
From: Schweden

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Posted on 05-18-06 10:03 AM Link
Cape + small mario, anyone?
Deleted User


Since: 05-08-06

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Posted on 05-18-06 10:16 AM Link
Originally posted by KTurbo
Cape + small mario, anyone?

C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 05-18-06 10:54 AM Link
I'm not sure about what causing the graphic bug, but I will try to fix it

@Xygushy: look at habsolutefate post, a cape small mario is possible
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6343 days
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Posted on 05-18-06 11:58 AM Link
Hah. If Glyph wasn't joking, he would love small fire Mario. (I'm kinda indifferent to this, but eh.)
C:/xkas bio.asm
Compiled ASM code

Since: 11-17-05

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 05-18-06 01:59 PM Link
I guess people are mostly indifferent to this because this isn't enough Mario-ish
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - The Pit of Despair - New power-up engine release(NOT a joke) | Thread closed


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