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Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 12:14 AM Link | Quote
The levels shouldn't be too large unless they put in more than 4 players, which I can't see happening.

Hyrule Temple should be the MAX limit, and something slightly smaller might work.

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 05-13-06 12:33 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
It's not that it sucks because it's large, it sucks because it's poorly designed and makes matches there take way too long and gives a hilarious advantage to the speedy characters (especially those with projectiles).

Projectiles = Samus = EVIL. I remember that...

Of course, I also remember that little alcove on the bottom left in which people just don't DIE unless they get hit just right... Fun stuff.

So... Which levels do you all think are going to be brought back for the retro stages? Final Destination and Battlefield are almost guaranteed to be replicated, even if not in the same form, so... I'd guess Icicle Mountain, possibly Temple, and possibly Peach's Castle. Of course, there's almost undoubtedly going to be another Kingdom level, possibly 3 (to keep the pattern)...

Poppy Bros. Jr


Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 05-13-06 02:07 AM Link | Quote
Maybe a Super Mario World themed level
If Adventure is brought back, they should replicate classic courses to put on the stages.
Kicking Goomba's off the screen on the opening level for SMB3
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Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 05-13-06 02:14 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by timdevril50755
Maybe a Super Mario World themed level

aren't there is already one in SSBM?


Since: 11-17-05
From: Texas

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Posted on 05-13-06 02:17 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Bio
Originally posted by timdevril50755
Maybe a Super Mario World themed level

aren't there is already one in SSBM?

Yes, the Yoshi's Island level. You can easily tell it's from SMW because of the spinning blocks and some other stuff that are pretty obvious.

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

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Posted on 05-13-06 02:19 AM Link | Quote
That doesn't mean they can't have another one, though... A castle level with thwomps or a Ghost House with Boo would be interesting. Not too likely, but... interesting.

Nipper Plant
U wan hax Mario?!

Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 05-13-06 02:48 AM Link | Quote
Can you say... Eggplant item??? (Kid Icarus)
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

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Posted on 05-13-06 03:05 AM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Valcion
still hoping for advance wars people.
Hawke! <3

Sledge Brother
Unpredictable. Watch your backs. Or not. Whichever. I want Metal Gear Solid 4 so badly.


Since: 11-17-05
From: Tompkinsville

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Posted on 05-13-06 03:11 AM Link | Quote
Solid Snake? That's it. I'm getting this for sure.

I found it kind of pathetic that they begged him to put Snake in there. Buying charcters is one thing, but begging for appearance? =/

Either way, Snake's here.



Since: 11-17-05
From: West Virginia-USA

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Posted on 05-13-06 04:48 AM Link | Quote
The way it was was that Hideo Kojima "begged" Masahiro Sakurai to put him in the original, and they would have if it wasn't for so much already being done. I'm sure it was much more civil then it sounds though, they probably were talking and he asked or they talked about the idea, it couldn't be done. Now that a new game is being made it was possible so... it happened.


Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 07:32 PM Link | Quote
*Noticed the thread late. UGH!*

Anyway... SSBB looks great!... but I am hoping for some things:

1-If possible, not remove characters. (if impossible, keep Game&Watch, Pichu, and Mewtwo in)

Personally, I was seeing nothing wrong with the old characters in SSBM. Game & Watch was fun, Pichu is underated, Mewtwo was another character I really liked. Bowser will only be removed if they're insane so he's not on the list.

2-No new Pokemon characters as playable characters

We have Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, and Mewtwo. What more can we ask for? If they add new Pokemon, it should be as Pokeball item appearances only, in my opinion.

3-Remixes of other video games' music for the in-game music (again)

Heard rumors that the game would be orchestrated... which is good... but also heard that it would be no longer remixes and have latin lyrics. I can take it for the intro theme maybe... but for the entire game? BAD! BAD I say!

4-Better single-player

Adventure mode and all those events gave me a taste of what it could have been... and now, I expect something even bigger. A story mode perhaps? A single-player game mode that actually take enough time to complete to require a save feature? Personally, the story is not too important (although it would be sweet to have one, for once) but it would be nice to have something like the Adventure mode except in even better.

5-Dark Bowser/Giga Bowser as the final boss (again)

That two-forms boss is one of the most memorable final bosses in any fighting game. I will feel insulted if it doesn't return as the last boss or a close-to-final boss. Note that I am talking about the Adventure mode one, not the Event Match incarnation that is just a regular Bowser with Giga Bowser's skin. For those who STILL didn't beat the game, Dark Bowser is the big black-shelled Bowser with stats far superior to regular Bowser that transform into that gigantic freaky demon thing when you beat it on Normal mode and higher without using a continue. Not mentionning Master Hand or its alter-ego, Crazy Hand ; this boss character was maybe not SSBM's big bad end boss, but it still remains the SSB's franchine most recognisable boss character and is sure to make a return in SSBB, in my opinion.

6-Computer opponents for online games

Beating computers in teams during multiplayer or using them to fill up blank spots during melees (when not wanting to invite just anyone)? That would be good, in my opinion... but I guess it will most probably be included.


Now that I said that, I can reply to the current subject.

Solid Snake's appearance, according to me, will be nice. The little scene at the end shown that he was funny and while such a realistic-looking character might seem to be out of place... well, I say that he will still fit in. I doubt that the cardboard box will be one of his actual moves... and in fact, I'm trying to figure out what kind of moves he might have. But well, it is unlikely, according to me, that Snake's SSBB incarnation will disappoint.

Well, I guess that's all.

Thank you for your time.

(edited by Zerodius on 05-13-06 06:34 PM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 07:39 PM Link | Quote
You probably noticed how MetaKnight didn't use a normal shield-his cape wrapped around him and turned transparent. I think it may be possible that the characters will have customized shields.

As for that whole thing about the Event Giga Bowser being different from the real one... Umm... what? How is he different? Seems pretty similar to the playable (Action Replay WOO!) and final boss one...

I actually found Bowser to be a rather lame final boss. Should've depended on the character you used, or something... Like having Mario/Luigi/Peach face Bowser, Bowser facing the Mario Bros, Link/Zelda facing Ganondorf, etc.

I also find the number of characters with swords to not bode well for the continued presence of Marth/Roy.

Red Paragoomba

Since: 12-22-05
From: Maryland

Last post: 6468 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 09:01 PM Link | Quote
I while back in this thread someone mentioned the Blackhole Glitch.
I have no idea if someone has explained this or not but...yeah. Here it is...


Follow these steps and if you want me to clarify just ask me like so: clarify(12) plz

1-Turn the Gamecube on
2-Go to Melee and go into settings
Items=Superscope(I suggest NOT to set item frequency to very high)
4-Set mode to team battle
5-Player 1=Ness(Blue team)
Player 2=Fox (Blue team)
Player 3=Falco(Green Team)
Player 4=Peach(Red Team)
only player 1 can be changed
6-Select Temple Stage

The SuperScope Glitch
7-First we play as Ness only: grab a super scope
8-Fire 2 FULLY CHARGED blasts
9-Tap A once quickly(in other words, shoot 3 little balls by pushing A once)
10-Do step 9 4 MORE times(making a total of 5, or 15 little balls)
11-Bring Peach over to Ness and face him
12-(Left hand on Ness, Right hand on Peach) Start charging the Sscope with Ness
13-WHILE NESS IS CHARGING...make peach punch Ness(right hand A)
14-If Ness shoots unlimited ammo, you did it (onward!)

The Blackhole Glitch
15-(When you die, you regenerate above a gap...) Put Ness and Fox on the left
16-Leave Peach under the gap(see the video if you're confused already)
17-Put falco on the ledge to the right of the gap
18-(Fox must be to the right of Ness, here... __Ness_Fox__gggaaappp__Falco_)
19-push down-b with falco and keep holding b, then let go of down
20-with your finger on the B button, make Ness shoot 3 little balls with other hand


(Complicated Strategy)
These are the results you could get from step 20,
1-balls hit falco's sheild, hit each other, and make only one green hitball
... and one little yellow ball hits fox
2-balls hit falco's shield, hit each other. make two or more green hitballs
... which then travel left a little bit

You want #2
To get #2, you must keep moving Falco around to different spots on his platform
or get some damage on him.It WILL TAKE A WHILE(unless you're lucky)

[Intermission ends]

21-once you get a green ball chain(#2), you may put falco anywhere on his pltform
22-now, put on falco's sheild again, and push a repedietly(constantly,AAAAA)
23-now, let go of B on falco's controller while shooting him with Ness
[Yes it's magic! you don't have to touch falco's controller, and the shield stays!]

24-Keep shooting with Ness and put up Fox's sheild so the balls go back and forth
[Once again, now you should see a BLue crystally sheild on falco as well as fox,
which means you don't have to touch their controllers and both shields stay!]

25-now, you have a free hand, use it to hold up on Peach's controller...
26-and start to push BBBB(you don't have to do it fast/constantly)

IMPORTANT!!!Danger of step 25/26!

a very crucial part...Yes. Here's the list of do's and don'ts:

Before I tell you those:

THICK AND GLITCHY...also STOP PUSHING A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW!(for Ness)

+Hit line from below(down-B>up-A, up-B, etc.)
+Hit line from above(go around and jump through, etc., etc.)

-Hit another character by accident with a move(especially up-B)
-Float in the line
-"Ha-Cha!"(over-B) the line
-Use toad on the line
-etc. bad things

27- When you finally get the thick line, stop hitting line with Peach and pushing
the A button with Ness



28-Make sure peach is under the line, then throw turnips straight up

a-stay directly below the place where you are going to throw the turnips
b-when thrown up, they sould stick and start spinning on the line
c-if one goes through the line, wait till it comes back to the ground to throw another

E=keep throwing turnips up into the others UNTIL......(go to F=)
(in other words, if one you throw does not mush itself into the blob of turnips you
have in the air, but rather sticks underneath them)
G=NOW STOP THROWING THEM!!!(go to step 29)

29-Use ness, jump inbetween Fox and the edge of the ledge to stop line of balls
(again this is obvious when you watch the google video)

30-If done right, you will now have a group of spinning turnips over a gap

One of three things could happen,
1-You hit it a wierd way and all the turnips float off the screen(=Face)
2-You go through it(just try to Dash into it again)

3-Fox gets stuck in, shoots to 999% damage AND THERE YOU GO! DA DA!!!

You did it, now how do you make the BEASTLY BLACKHOLE?


stand to the right or left of the hole and use PK-Fire

otherwise...it's over

if that PK-Fire stays, you could try another, over 50% chance of freezing though

and with a fire in there, the turnips can't fly away...I think(so free fox by wiggling
the control stick)

I once had a Blackhole with 3 PKfires, Ness stuck to it in over-A air attack,
fox in it, falco's after blue shadows(made by light dashing into the hole with
a certain level of glitchyness) and peach stuck in with fox

Let's try and set some records with this thing:
# of PK-fires...not including one that freezes the game
# of turnips...# exceeding the mush amount or whatever
# of blackholes on screen(there's other gaps like this in this level, and others.

I'm worn out with this post... It would be fun to try and solve anyone's problems
that they have with this though

Phew... I'm famous(Philip/Marioman64)
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6344 days
Last view: 6343 days
Posted on 05-13-06 09:11 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Skreename
You probably noticed how MetaKnight didn't use a normal shield-his cape wrapped around him and turned transparent. I think it may be possible that the characters will have customized shields.
Yeah, I was thinking that, too. I find it unlikely Snake's shield WON'T be the box, and then Yoshi's has been the egg for forever... I wonder if they'll give others custom shields.

(edited by Alastor the Stylish on 05-13-06 08:12 PM)



Since: 11-17-05
From: LaSalle, Quebec, Canada

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 09:12 PM Link | Quote
Can you say... Eggplant item??? (Kid Icarus)

...Oh my GOD yes. Turn people into eggplants and cause them to run all over the place before sending them flying.

Maybe the Angel Feather could be in as well. Saves you from falling off the screen.


Since: 11-19-05

Last post: 6359 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 10:21 PM Link | Quote
OFF: oops! Took a bit too much time and now, many replies appeared before my reply could appear... so that post might not make sense.


The final boss Giga Bowser has a different AI and has WAY better stats. The Event Match Giga Bowser can be easily killed with Jigglypuff (known and proven fact) ; something that cannot be done on the final boss one (you actually have to fight it and Rest has to connect many, many times to kill him). Giga Bowser is actually a very fast character ; the Event Match one does not take advantage of this... the final boss one does. The ONLY thing that the Event Match Giga Bowser has over regular Bowser is that he got Giga Bowser's superior reach and special moves ; the player has the advantage of being smaller while having the exact same endurance and attack power.

(edited by Zerodius on 05-13-06 09:22 PM)
(edited by Zerodius on 05-13-06 09:26 PM)

Giant Red Paratroopa


Since: 11-18-05

Last post: 6350 days
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Posted on 05-13-06 10:38 PM Link | Quote
In other words, they have a somewhat different AI and offense/defense ratios.

I suppose it makes a bit of sense... But it could also have something to do with the difficulty level in Adventure mode compared to the lack of them in Event matches, meaning that the enemies won't have handicaps on them.
I'm ahead of myself...

Since: 11-17-05
From: Citra, Fl.

Last post: 6345 days
Last view: 6344 days
Posted on 05-13-06 11:48 PM Link | Quote
Originally posted by Alastor the Stylish
Originally posted by Valcion
still hoping for advance wars people.
Hawke! <3

Hawke... heh. That would be cool. So would Max and possibly Kanbei.
But... who knows? I would like to see some AW things in this. At least a stage.

Originally posted by Zerodius
Heard rumors that the game would be orchestrated... which is good... but also heard that it would be no longer remixes and have latin lyrics. I can take it for the intro theme maybe... but for the entire game? BAD! BAD I say!

1. Not rumor. It is mentioned on the Smash Bros. website. Nobuo Uematsu is the composer.
2. It probably won't be bad. The Kirby stages will sound VERY good at least. Also, this is to show that the Wii is capable of orchaestras throughout the entire game instead of just the theme.
3. Well, the Latin lyrics will probably be for the original music in the game, not the actual themes to some of the games. They probably wouldn't add latin into the Mario theme... 0_o
Fearless Moderator Hero

Since: 11-17-05
From: An apartment by DigiPen, Redmond, Washington

Last post: 6344 days
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Posted on 05-14-06 12:16 AM Link | Quote
That's latin?

Wow. I thought they were just speaking nonsense words
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Since: 11-17-05

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Posted on 05-14-06 12:21 AM Link | Quote
I thought that was just japaness... what the point of using latin anyway? (exept that many language based on it)
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