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07-06-24 04:48 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking-Related Releases - Zelda: Parallel Worlds *Released!*
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Posts: 71/71
Here's a smv movie that shows how to get there
You need to drop down from the 5th floor in order to reach there.

Xx: No, there is no way to get there from the labyrinth. You either have to drop down, use A glitch or a bomb boost.
Posts: 17/17
**edited for incorrectness**
Posts: 7/7
Originally posted by Tompa
There's a clue that tell you to "Drop two floors". That's how you can get to the other side of that gap.

Can you elaborate? There aren't any holes in the room below to fall through.
Posts: 70/71
There's a clue that tell you to "Drop two floors". That's how you can get to the other side of that gap.
Posts: 6/7
Hey, I'm in the parallel tower and I'm wondering how to cross the gap here:

Thanks in advance
Posts: 69/71
V 1.1 is going to be released soon. V 2, which will include some major changes, will come later, I don't know when though.

I just finished a map of the Parallel Tower. http://www.filecrunch.com/file/~bu6n0b
I know the pics are quite small... I'm sorry for that. Hope they are able to use anyway. Tell if there are some errors with them. Thanks Seph^^.
Posts: 24/24
To Euclid/Orochimaru:

Are you going to release the 1.1 script-fix patch by itself, or wait until the dungeon edits and bugfixes are done?
Posts: 34/34
Originally posted by barefootguy
Hi all, I'm in Saria's Gardens and I seem to be missing a small key. I got the first small key after beating the Armos Knights, and I have the big chest key and fire rod. Any help?

in the room that had the fire rod, bomb the south wall and continue from there down to the lower level (still the same floor) until you find a key.
Posts: 5/7
Hi all, I'm in Saria's Gardens and I seem to be missing a small key. I got the first small key after beating the Armos Knights, and I have the big chest key and fire rod. Any help?
Posts: 68/71
There are two ways to do it. Either use the hammer to hit the Crystal (Takes 6 hits) or else you can use spinattacks with the sword (7 hits).
Posts: 12/12
Hello there!

I'am in the farore's island, near the parallel tower, I'm fighting the boss but i can kill him because i haven't the bow! Please tell me how can i get it or how can i kill that boss!

Thank you very much for your help!
Posts: 67/71
Aha, now I realized what you meant, hehe . I doubt there are any pieces missed, as there already are too many. But go ahead=).

I shall try to finish my boss FAQ later too. I'm soon done with my calculations as well, heh. I've got the 4th sword to test things with too. Then I'm writing some tactics and a description of the boss.

After that, I still have the maps left to be done. I haven't been working with them so much. But it will be done quite fast thanks to Seph.

About the amulets... It's the same description as the Bombos. I don't know if it works for both though, haven't tried it out.
Posts: 15/15
I am finishing a run through myself including heart piece locations, to compare with Tompa to see if there are any missed (doubtful) or if there is anything I can add. Once I am done, it will be included with my guide, the comprehensive FAQ, along with the Guardhouse Walkthrough that SePH wrote and included with 1.0, and the whole thing will likely be packaged with the 1.1 patch. I may have to lessen picture quality to keep the file sizes small.

Tompa: If you scroll back, you'll see that I wrote which hearts I got before I left the 1st World, and wanted to see how many I missed. It looks like I missed at least one, and it's straight out in the open in the Sky Isles. Don't know how I could have missed it...

EDIT: I am also doing this playthrough to correct some information and think of things to add.

One MAJOR thing: When I got Quake, it said that THAT had the special effect by being iny inventory. I thought it was Bombos? Which is it?
Posts: 66/71
Sounds like you have nearly beaten the dungeon, am I correct? The chest is in a dark room with a ball which you can bomb to destroy. I can give you a depeer explanation later, haven't got time right now.
Posts: 1/1
I've been searching everywhere for Saria's Garden so I can get the fire rod. Can somebody point out to me where it is? Thank you!
Posts: 65/71
What do you mean with those two pieces?:O I've already included them in my FAQ. I think I shall edit some stuff in it however. Like: "Thanks to Euclid and Seph who made this awesome hack." Or something^^.
Posts: 14/15
I'll add it to my FAQ tomorrow!

I found two more in the 1st World, for a total of 10 hearts. Tell me how I did.

The final two:

1 - In the Woman's House in the Misty Forest
2 - In the 1st World Triforce Shrine (in the open)

Now in the Dark World the hearts will be piling up, especially those few full heart containers.
Posts: 64/71
Originally posted by Black Telomeres
Here's an interesting bug, although I'm not sure if this particular one has been reported before. You can get stuck in the door in Sheik's Hideout. In the first dark room after the blue peg that stops you from getting to the boss segment of the dungeon, if you enter the door in that room before the floor tiles start plucking up and spinning (at least I think this is what causes it), when you exit on the other side of the door, the game will trap you in the door with no escape.

Yupp, I've made a video of it when it happens in the Parallel Tower as well. If you stand at the door, and can see in to the next room from there, and the area between the room, then you shall NOT go inside. You'll get stuck. To avoid this, walk to the bottom of the room then you can go up.

Draco: First you'll need the Pegaus Boots, or else it won't work. Guide for Zsnes Go to Config - Input. Take off "Turbo at 30Hz". Then choose a button for "Tubo A". Press the key and Link will "moon walk" so you can hover over holes.
For SNES9X: Input - Joypad Conficuration... Choose controller Joypad#1Turbo. Assign a key for the "A" button. And it should work.
I hope that helps.

Nep: Hey, that was my job . Here's the Heart Piece FAQ including pictures of where they are. Feel free to comment anything.
Posts: 4/4
I'm aware that I'll seem pretty lame after this but can someone explain step by step how to do the turbo thing? cause I've tried changing the 30hz thing, assigning turbo to my A button, different speeds of pressing the button, etc..and I can't do it. I must be doing something wrong...
Posts: 13/15
My FAQ now works completely bug free with Wordpad! Including the pictures! That means that ALL Windows users can fully access the DOC without having to have a web page open, including those that don't have Word. (XP was the only tested, the document was made with Word 2000 so it may require 2000/XP+ (or the quickly abandoned ME) But I doubt there are many still using the old Windows 95 and friends. They can try.

Wordpad comes with Windows in any standard installation, but to open the DOC the easiest thing would be to open Wordpad, but then you need to change the file type to DOC or all, it is set to RTF at first. Then you need to click on View->Options and the Word tab will be open. Turn off Word Wrap. Viola, good to go!

But again I leave the HTML option to you. I most definitely am looking for a way to make it more presentable "out of the box". I will see if I can make a PDF without page breaks, with them simply isn't an option.

This guide will likely be included in the 1.1 release of Parallel Worlds, so please send me your comments, here or by email (which is in the FAQ). The Guardhouse Walkthrough that comes with the game will be included with it. So will the heart piece guide that Tompa is making, and hopefully his boss FAQ.

I will again provide the links, as it was re-released and the changes were significant enough from the original 1.1 to warrant it.

The DOC:


And the HTML:


Enjoy! Keep the comments coming!


Now, since I can't create another topic, I am going to speak of something unrelated: my own search for heart pieces. I am looking for all the heart pieces I can get in the 1st World before going to the Icy World.

I have 9 and 1/2 hearts. I THINK I have gotten all I can get, but I could be mistaken.

Here's the shorthand list I made for myself (I will try to make it clearer for you.)

Tompa, let me know how close I am. This might be helpful to you, anyway.

Ok, heart pieces I have gotten:


#1 - Outside Library (sitting there)
#2 - Sky Isles Cave (Behind Old Man's room) in chest on spikes
#3 - Through the fake door in the Rebel's Hideout, Bombed the South Wall.
#4 - Vanilla Isles middle strip (sitting there)
#5 - Room with an ally somewhere, bomb south wall (sorry I didn't make this clear enough to myself - see if you can fill this one in Tompa.)
#6 - Lupo Quarry at pond entrance (sitting there)
#7 - Kakariko big cave, chest 2nd room (requires gloves)
#8 - Kakariko small cave (hole cave), chest
#9 - Lupo Intersection down by caves on the way to Guardhouse (sitting there)
#10 - Outside Guardhouse, behind block stacks
#11 - Hookshot in Guardhouse Cell
#12 - Chest Game (Lake Saria far side)
#13 - Lake Saria far end sitting there
#14 - Waterfall Cave heart w/ hookshot
#15 - Behind Lvl 2 Sword Barrier @ Ancient Pyramid
#16 - Cave behind pyramid (chest)
#17 - Canon Oasis (visible upper-right), by going around from Pyramid Falls
#18 - Piece above Link's House (Din's Catacombs)
#19 - 3rd Ship (Din's Catacombs)
#20 - Din's Catacombs chest by ship exit
#21 - Forest, hookshot over holes, middle area (sitting there)
#22 - Secret Meadow (glove required, sitting there)

I marked two I had to pass up: (I am sure there are more I didn't that I just didn't bother to write down.)

Waterfall Cave w/ Cape (past bumper in sight on platform to right of high grassy area)

Victory Beach on upper-left land strip, come around from Ancient Pyramid (w/ Level 2 Gloves)

I also got some nice capacity upgrades (99 Bombs = Kickass), and the Cane of Byrna.

Finally a personal suggestion for version 2.0: Make the Level 2 Shield easier to get sooner in the game. It is very hard at the beginning of the game (just on the overworld) without it.
This is a long thread. Click here to view it.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - ROM Hacking-Related Releases - Zelda: Parallel Worlds *Released!*


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