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Raccoon Sam
Posts: 1036/1040
Originally posted by icegoom
Finally! Dry Bones and Bony Beetle's crumbling animation:

Frame 1:
xE654 (4E)

Frame 2:
xE65E (2E)

Excellent! For ages, SMW hackers must've been looking for those offsets. Thank you!
Posts: 186/190
Finally! Dry Bones and Bony Beetle's crumbling animation:

Frame 1:
xE654 (4E)

Frame 2:
xE65E (2E)

(Each frame is three 8x8 tiles wide and 2 tall. The value entered is the upper middle tile. The tiles to the left and right are automatically selected to make up the frame. It'd be a nice space saver if someone could figure out how to make the animation frames just use one 16x16 tile...)

and Fishin' Lakitu's Pole:

x168A8 (AA)

x16907 (89)
Posts: 2014/2068
Wow. I am an idiot, then.

Guess that I shouldn't try to code things like that when I'm tired... Well, it *does* let you make Mario and Luigi have different lives, at least

And... I get it I mixed up BPL and BNE.
Posts: 842/876
Originally posted by asakuS
EDIT: Couldn't remember if anyone had, but I looked into the lives routine. It's definitely going to take a .ips file to be able to change. Working on it now if anyone cares to know. So far, I do know this: It's one fucked-up way of setting lives. It's set in a loop that sets 255 bytes around that area to #$04.

I changed the starting number of lives just the other night (at $2025), and it worked fine. The loop only sets either one or two addresses to #$04 ($7E0DB4 and $7E0DB5), depending on whether or not it's a two-player game:

LDX $0DB2 ;two-player flag (0 or 1)
LDA #$04
Posts: 306/310
Originally posted by Alice
You should be able to get the same effect by just changing a branch condition or something along those lines.

Thanks for reminding me.

*goes to address 0x90CE and changes D0 to 80*

What do you know? It works. BTW, I made a mistake in my last post, it's address 0x90CE not 0x90E0. My bad.

At address 0x90CE replace D0 with 80 to make the classic and upsidedown piranha plants keep coming out of the pipe even if Mario is near or on top of the sprite.
Posts: 4813/5072
Originally posted by Davros
At address 0x90E0 replace D0 11 20 30 AD A5 0F 18 69 1B C9 37 A9 01 9D 94 15 90 0D with EA to make the classic and upsidedown piranha plants keep coming out of the pipe even if Mario is near or on top of the sprite.

There must be a better way than that. That looks like it wipes out the entire subroutine, which could be trouble if something else used it; you should be able to get the same effect by just changing a branch condition or something along those lines.
Posts: 31/31
0x7806 - Death code
Posts: 305/310
At address 0x90CE replace D0 11 20 30 AD A5 0F 18 69 1B C9 37 A9 01 9D 94 15 90 0D with EA to make the classic and upsidedown piranha plants keep coming out of the pipe even if Mario is near or on top of the sprite.

Edit: Fixed address.

Sprites that the turn block will change into when hit by Magikoopa's Magic:

0xBE7D: [78]

0xBE83: [21]

0xBE89: [27]

0xBE8F: [07]
Yellow Koopa
Posts: 2007/2068
Oh wow, SH! Awesome! I'm going to try something with that.

EDIT: Couldn't remember if anyone had, but I looked into the lives routine. It's definitely going to take a .ips file to be able to change. Working on it now if anyone cares to know. So far, I do know this: It's one fucked-up way of setting lives. It's set in a loop that sets 255 bytes around that area to #$04.
Posts: 798/832
18CC: Level to use on the title screen.
(Note that the byte is the actual number + $24)

1EB1: Level to use during the "Welcome to dinosaur land" intro.
(Note that the byte is the actual number + $24)

Also, setting 1EB1 to 00 will make the game skip the intro and move directly to the overworld.
Posts: 304/310
I found the values that determines the palette/gfx page of the standard sprites:

00 Palette/Gfx page of standard sprites (shared)

00 Palette/Gfx page of standard sprites (shared)
Raccoon Sam
Posts: 900/1040
Does anyone know the address of what Splittin' Chuck turns into?
Posts: 299/310
Volcano Lotus info:

8E Top of Volcano Lotus frame 1
9E Top of Volcano Lotus frame 2
E2 Top of Volcano Lotus frame 3

CE Bottom of Volcano Lotus

39 Palette/Gfx page of tile E2

35 Palette/Gfx page of tiles 8E and 9E

0x16291: [0C]
Extended sprite used by the Volcano Lotus
Posts: 144/190
Originally posted by Davros
Some info on Yoshi's tongue:

Here's the mappings for Yoshi's tongue:

76 middle of tongue

66 end of tongue

3F lump in Yoshi's throat as he swallows

And ghettoyouth found the mappings for Yoshi's fire a while back:

04 fireball frame 1

2B fireball frame 2
Posts: 292/310
Torpedo Ted tilemaps:

80 Torpedo Ted's face

82 Torpedo Ted's propeller frame 1

A0 Torpedo Ted's propeller frame 2

82 Torpedo Ted's propeller frame 1

Dolphin tilemaps:

E2 Dolphin's head frame 1
88 Dolphin's head frame 2
E7 Dolphin's body frame 1
A8 Dolphin's body frame 2
E8 Dolphin's tail frame 1
A9 Dolphin's tail frame 2
Posts: 288/310
Some Yoshi Egg tilemaps:

02 Broken egg frame 1 (Green, Red, Blue and Yellow)
02 Broken egg frame 2 (Green, Red, Blue and Yellow)
00 Yoshi Egg tilemap (Red, Blue and Yellow)

00 Yoshi Egg tilemap (Red, Blue and Yellow)

Some info on Yoshi's tongue:

09 Gfx page of Yoshi's tongue

40 Palette of Yoshi's tongue (only changes the right side)
Posts: 129/190
Originally posted by Smallhacker
If you want to edit the spiked ball's tilemap, here's how to do it:

Ooh, thanks! There's one less thing I have to worry about fixing.
Posts: 553/808
The code would execute, obviously.
But good luck finding a combination that looks good and executes well.
spel werdz rite
Posts: 1637/1796
What do you think would happen if it were changed to executible code?
Posts: 758/832
Originally posted by Davros
EA Spiked Ball
EA Spiked Ball
EA Spiked Ball
EA Spiked Ball

Sadly, changing the last four tiles freezes the game.

Nintendo used that space for both code and data, which means that if you change that to invalid code, the game will crash.

If you want to edit the spiked ball's tilemap, here's how to do it:

$181E2 should be the start of a short block of $FFs. Change the first four bytes there to the new tilemap. Then, go to $15A2C (where you should see "00D8") and change it to "E2FF".

Note: If $181E2, $181E3, $181E4 and $181E5 aren't $FFs, you must find some other free space between $10200 and $181FF and change $15A2C to the two byte pointer of that location instead.
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