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07-02-24 09:56 PM
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Posts: 47/1193
Wow... all I know is that I need to get into GBA hacking a bit more. I just want to learn how to edit some more things in AW2 and then...

Ummm... I might just see about getting into Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire hacking just for the music editing.

Uhhh... maybe not just for the music, but hey, music editing sounds super awesome. Can't wait for this utility. I'm a gonna have fun!
Posts: 25/200
Originally posted by Heran_Bago
Originally posted by Xenesis
Originally posted by Heran_Bago
You're kidding me. There's no way that piece of turd is the only GBA audio tweak released.

Well, there is my mate Rimdev's attempt to figure out the Sappy format, making an unholy fusion of Nell's Theme and the Pokemon Battle music.


Most people would consider that better than changing an instrument to sound odd or making Tails scream "BUTT-HOLE."

Yeah, I'd be inclined to agree. Thankfully I shall never ever hear that hack.
Posts: 25/33
Originally posted by Xenesis
Originally posted by Heran_Bago
You're kidding me. There's no way that piece of turd is the only GBA audio tweak released.

Well, there is my mate Rimdev's attempt to figure out the Sappy format, making an unholy fusion of Nell's Theme and the Pokemon Battle music.


Most people would consider that better than changing an instrument to sound odd or making Tails scream "BUTT-HOLE."
Posts: 24/200
Originally posted by Heran_Bago
You're kidding me. There's no way that piece of turd is the only GBA audio tweak released.

Well, there is my mate Rimdev's attempt to figure out the Sappy format, making an unholy fusion of Nell's Theme and the Pokemon Battle music.

Posts: 24/33
You're kidding me. There's no way that piece of turd is the only GBA audio tweak released.

Edit: For clarification, I said "one of the best" because I knew it was "one of the only." But I can't believe it's THE only.
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 186/1353
Originally posted by Heran_Bago

I'm glad SA3:EM will no longer be one of the best GBA audio tweaks.
Stupidly, being the only one automatically makes it the best AND the worst!
Posts: 22/33
Personally, I think it's a fantastic idea of only letting the skilled use the program. Could we have more info on the requisites to get the program?
Edit: skipped half the topic. Too bad every kiddie will have a crappy music hack/port for the GBA now. Ah well. I'm glad SA3:EM will no longer be one of the best GBA audio tweaks.
Posts: 61/373
Bouche!! Sheesh, havn't seen the likes of you around in ages you still have the Japanese m4a kit? I could send an English one your way if you're ever still interested in fiddling with it. I'm affraid I can't help with the NDS2MIDI situation...I havn't even touched that system yet, I'm still fiddling around with GBA development myself though if I ever got my hands on the thing I'd probably take a look at it.
Posts: 22/92
Send me a binary... im sure i could handle it.

BTW, i wouldnt have released a keygen, i would have just done it for fun. I can respect an authors wishes.

But, still, send it over, i wanna give it a shot.
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 184/1353
Originally posted by Omega45889

i would have just reversed it for everyone and make a keygen.
Well good luck. It's a destructive algorithm with four distinct variables, and I'm not telling which.
Posts: 16/92
Oh man, this would have been a fun challenge.

i would have just reversed it for everyone and make a keygen.
DJ Bouche
Posts: 9/111
I don't really agree with the lock thing either, but the program is far beyond my hands anymore anyway.

And heh, Sappy 1 is a piece of shit , my knowledge on the mp2k engine was still pretty limited. That and CGB channel envelopes (or all envelopes for that matter) were not emulated in anyway at all. Sappy 2 does emulate them, although pretty poorly . I didn't get hands on an official incomplete Japanese kit until way after Sappy 2 was written, which was when I realised the most of the other stuff I didn't know.

Anyhow, look forward to this release and these other tools.

On a totally unrelated note, got any idea on the format of the SWAR files that loveemu's sseqrip thing extracts? (in the NDS2MIDI package)
Posts: 19/200

This is certainly one thing I've been waiting for since you alluded to it's existence. Hehe..those WWNers won't know what hit them when me and a few of the locals release some CCOs with new music.

I'm eagerly awaiting trying it out!
Posts: 55/373
...if I had read mks4agb.ini, it actualy says that panpot is disabled when sc1dt??'s sweep is activated. wow, I'm slow but yeah...still something to keep in mind, in case the code only supports sweeep/pan/sweep on chanels besides sc1dt??/etc..since the byte has multiple purposes outside of sweep
Posts: 10/13
Originally posted by Kyoufu Kawa
Originally posted by Keitaro

Music engine isn't coded into the bios.
More specifically, M4A uses some BIOS functions to do it's magic, including the MidiKey2Freq function most commonly known for it's use in BIOS dumping!

On a side note...


sorry....had to do that.

On-Topic the program sounds ace....can't wait.
Posts: 385/5653
People release crappy music hacks? Here's a solution:


(pity I missed the bitching party. however this helpful advice can be applied to many things, such as KKK mario hacks and other such bullshit, esp. "glitch mario" lolloolloolo.)
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 166/1353
Originally posted by Someguy

...otherwise they may risk not just "making crappy music hacks", but also ruining their own roms, which they may not of backed up and such, so they come whining on the board.
Edited for truth, justice and definately not the american way.

Posts: 10/124
It sounded elitest, but the locking function was simply for the hacking parts. Any user can still use Sappy 2005 to play the music either way. It solved many problems too, users simply had to contact Kawa or others well known in using the program, if they seemed compitent enough to use it, they got the code, otherwise they may risk not just "making crappy music hacks", but ruining their own roms, which they may not of backed up and such.
Kyoufu Kawa
Posts: 165/1353
Thank you. I'll have to re-read that post a couple times when I start caring about it again. I'm not using the original Sappy 1 code tho, so maybe it's already done (better).
Posts: 53/373
Kawa: On another side note, while fucking around with the engine earlier today, I realised that rythm kit pan and square ch1's sweep share..or rather, are both stored to, the 4th bye of the 0xC patch data. Sweep is 00-7F, pan is 80 and beyond ranging from -64 to 63. Setting both probably causes an error in mks4agb.ini, I havn't tried it and really don't care to. But yeah, multi-functional byte, just thought I'd throw that out there for you incase your code dosn't emulate it yet. (I thought Bouche's original code was slightly inaccurate at handling the CGB square channels in the original Sappy 1 )
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