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07-01-24 04:57 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Personal Best and Worst Games of 2006
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Posts: 5511/5814
There may have been worse games than Sonic Genesis, but there's absolutely no excuse for Sonic Team rushing the port and apparently not bothering to beta test it to try take care of the slowdown, controls, physics, music, etc. I'd give it my award for worst game of the year for the sole reason that the GBA can handle the emulation and the game makes it look like it can't. Might have been BETTER if they just emulated the original...
Posts: 2311/2602
Originally posted by Anya
8. Yoshi's Island (DS) - Got this one free from Nintendo, and I'm actually surprised on how much fun this game is. I'm actually recommending it to my customers.
You should play the orginal then... considering i'm considering the Yoshi Island for SNES the best platformer ever.

Best game for me... hmm, I would say Civilization IV but it was released in the end of year 2005... I guess it would be Super mario DS for me. Becuse that's the only 2006 game I bought. xD I got Sega mega collection for Gamecube as christmas present, which I enjoyed alot... but I belive it's been out for years now.

Oh yeah, I bought The sims 2 pets for my sister, but I hadn't played it enough to decide if it was a worthy expansion pack.

Worst game? Easily it's Sonic genesis. Only just the framerate is a atrocity.
Posts: 15/17
Some of the best games I would say are mostly revolving around the Wii. WIi Sports, Twilight Princess, yeah. The worst would be many of those liscense games (Not all of them, some might be entertaining and barely make it through the line between good and bad) such as...erm...uh...I can only remember '05 games. Sorry folks.
Posts: 261/273
1. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
2. New Super Mario Bros.
3. Megaman ZX

Worst: (that I played, anyway)
1. Starfox Command
Most of the games I got this year were either older, or I was selective enough to end up mostly with games I liked. So none other than that, actually.
Posts: 1470/1800
Originally posted by Anya
Originally posted by Kingpin
I'll rise from my grave to post here.

3. Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Not sure who has played this, but it just wasn't a good game. It sounds good on the surface, but then you play it, see the new fatality system, see all the little extras. If it really is the last MK game, it basically ended an already declining series.

==Other Stuff==

Halo is overrated.

I played MK:A, and I actually liked it. Maybe its b/c in the past, I didn't worry too much about the fatality system. I just liked the fact that it had all the characters. But now that I really think about it, they should have left the fatality system alone.

They should've let it be, but the changes don't make the game suck. I mean, it wasn't as good as Deadly Alliance or Deception, that is wholly true. The sheer scope of the game and the attempts to just rectify any errors really raise it up in my eyes. I thought it was great to have that many players. But as a MK buff, I didn't like the choppy story mode. I understand that they couldn't go back and retcon so much storyline, but god damn. Some of it goes pretty WTF.
Uncle Elmo
Posts: 300/308
Can't believe no one mentioned LocoRoco! That game was genius!
I liked Brain Training too, as well as 42 All time classic games (Clubhouse games)
Posts: 1039/1176
Originally posted by Kingpin
I'll rise from my grave to post here.

3. Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Not sure who has played this, but it just wasn't a good game. It sounds good on the surface, but then you play it, see the new fatality system, see all the little extras. If it really is the last MK game, it basically ended an already declining series.

==Other Stuff==

Halo is overrated.

I played MK:A, and I actually liked it. Maybe its b/c in the past, I didn't worry too much about the fatality system. I just liked the fact that it had all the characters. But now that I really think about it, they should have left the fatality system alone.
Posts: 689/709
I'll rise from my grave to post here.

==Best Games==

1. Guitar Hero 2
This game improved on every aspect of the original. Sure, some of the recordings are kinda bad and the bonus videos are horrible, but the gameplay is simply awesome.

2. Kingdom Hearts 2
I was one of those people that had played the original and looked around the internet every day for any kind of news having to do with a sequel. Because of that, I knew much more about the game when it came out than I should have. With that in mind, the game did not disappoint me like I thought it would. Of course, I still can't finish Jiminys Journal.

3. New Super Mario Bros.
I bought this game the day I bought my DS Lite. Even after I beat it and got everything, I still pick it up to play every so often. Great game. Still wish it would have had Yoshi.

==Worst Games==

1. Family Guy
I love the show, but this should never have been made. Every aspect of it is just god-awful.

2. Gears of War
I still can't for the life of me figure out why people like this game. I played through the game, I played it in co-op. Final review: Beautiful graphics, boring repetitive gameplay. Its just not something I would ever want to play again.

3. Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Not sure who has played this, but it just wasn't a good game. It sounds good on the surface, but then you play it, see the new fatality system, see all the little extras. If it really is the last MK game, it basically ended an already declining series.

==Other Stuff==

Halo is overrated.
Posts: 564/585
best -

1. Super Robot Wars Alpha 3. (so okay, this came out last year, so sue me)
2. Guitar Hero 2
3. Megaman ZX
4. Super Robot Wars OG 2 (US translation rekindled my <3)
5. Melty Blood Act Cadenza
6. God Hand (this game is amazing. GET IT NOW)
7. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

1. Beatmania US- even though it had 5-key and gave me a good IIDX controller for cheap, the 7-key song list is terrible. I basically only got this for the controller.
2. any Final Fantasy game besides the DS/GBA remakes.

biggest dissapointment -

1. Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin. an awesome game, no doubt. I however, think it was a little too short.
Posts: 194/258
Game of the Year: Twilight Princess - Wii

It's not got the atmosphere of Ocarina but it's the closest thing to it at the moment. Some of the dungeons have had some sublime innovations, as has come to be expected from Zelda games. Extra points for the classic pieces of Zelda music and references that can be found in the game.

Honourable Mentions:
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan - DS
Phoenix Wright - DS

Disappointment of the Year: Shadow of the Colossus - PS2

I'd been waiting for this game ever since it was announced, and it was beautiful and stunning. However, the game for me was marred by a clumsy and irritating control system that made it even harder to scale a beast that was constantly trying to shake you off. If there was a fairer chance for the player to evade attempts to be shaken off by the beast then the game would've been much more playable, instead it is frustrating and you find yourself trying as hard as you can to love it. I put it down after a week and couldn't bring myself to forgive it.

Worst game of the year: Mark Ecko's Getting Up

This is a bad example of publishers assuming that because a brand is respected in one market, it will be respected in the gaming market. Ecko was also involved in the development of the game himself. When the game was critically panned by reviewers for a bad control system and lack of pollish, Ecko slammed the critics and accused platform limitations- [the PS2 has] "limitations that people just can’t understand"- and gamers for having a "predisposition to have a bug up their ass for anything urban".
Stick to your poncey clothing, because you clearly can't understand what makes a game great. You either, Atari-grammes.
Posts: 7863/8204
Originally posted by Lakithunder
Oh yeah. I forgot this one.

Justice League Heroes sucked like nothing has sucked before. Fuck DC.
So do you just not know what the edit post button does, or something?

Hint: It lets you edit your posts!
Posts: 1991/2228

Elder Scrolls
Dead Rising
Gears of War
Guitar Hero II
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Well, I didn't really play any bad games that I can remember, but Jaws, 50 Cent, and Pimp My Ride all were horrible from what I've heard.
Posts: 1464/1800
Dawn of War - Dark Crusade ---> PLAY THIS NOW TAU FOR WIN
Stubbs the Zombie ---> I only put this on the list because I was too poor to buy it for my Mac until 2006 (and it was launched in November 2005, so yeah. It fucking counts)

The two games mentioned above are the only two I could play in great detail and such. So the worst game is being a fucking student.
Posts: 66/97

1. Mega Man Powered Up (PSP) - As some of you know from an earlier post, my new PSP is unable to read memory cards despite Windows having no issue with them, meaning it likely needs repair. But I still enjoy this game the best I can. It is excellent. Classic gameplay, superb graphics and framerate, I've also always liked the soundtrack in most Mega Man titles.

2. Zelda: Twilight Princess (Gamecube) - I can't find a Wii console in stock anywhere around here so I had to get the other version. What I especially like to do when playing this game is finding similarities to The Wind Waker. So far I've noticed the way grass is rendered and behaves, plus many sound effects such as that for collected rupees and the explosion when normal enemies are killed.

3. Prey (Xbox 360) - For someone who doesn't like tactical or stealth shooters, discovering a game with this breed of outright action is simply awesome. Nothing beats blazing through aliens in a sci-fi atmosphere.

4. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (PC) - Yes, it does get rather bad framerates. An upgrade from a 2.2ghz Athlon XP and 6800XT to a 2.2ghz Athlon 64 and 7600GTS didn't help much. Without a playable demo being released for any platform, I unfortunately had to 'acquire' the game. I'm still very near the beginning yet have been impressed though it runs a little slow at times. What's really cool is how much variety in gameplay it has. Fight using melee as your primary weapon, nuke and terrorize everyone with magic spells, or go FPS-style and use arrows.


1. Disgaea 2 (PS2) - I did consider it one of the best games ever for the first 50+ hours. But... The ending and final boss were so pointless that it completely ruined everything. Not to spoil, however it's end was just awful. Having my characters reach the credits when they are that far from the level cap is not right either. Ironically, these problems also occured several years ago in Castlevania Symphony of the Night! Luckily killing monsters in that game was entertaining enough to make it still excellent unlike Disgaea 2 where combat not relevant to the plot quickly turns into a snoozefest.

2. Kirby Squeak Squad - This is tough for me to list here. It was definately fun to play. The graphics are vibrant as usual. Typical nice upbeat soundtrack. Many hidden items. Now what makes the benefits of it hard to swallow is being far too short. I supposed being the fourth game to use it's engine may be a possible downside as well, loving it as I do. Recycling GBA code is not needed anymore now that DS devkits have been out long enough. Metroid Prime Hunters was a technical marvel, in fact rivaling the legendary Quake III with both it's audiovisual splendor and gameplay on all fronts including multiplayer.
Posts: 1032/1176
I'm gonna have to add Phoenix Wright into the mix of good games for this year. I just could not put that game down until I was finished with it.
Posts: 7860/8204
That's not how I remember it...
Posts: 259/273
There were a lot of high expectations about Sonic- until Sega actually started giving out real information about the game.
Posts: 7856/8204
I have not played enough games this year to really make a judgement call on best or worst, so I'm just going to say that New Super Mario Bros and Metroid Prime: Hunters were very mediocre.

Originally posted by Metal Man88
... this was to be the 'Good' one, and no one expected Sega to dissappoint yet again.
Wtf no. Just no. Everyone expected it to suck. Perhaps you're thinking of Sonic and the Secret Rings. That game looks class.
Metal Man88
Posts: 565/701
Worst: Sonic Next (Xbox 360)
What was to revive a struggling franchise shot it in the head. Sonic Genesis may have been buggier, but this was to be the 'Good' one, and no one expected Sega to dissappoint yet again. Thanks to this, there is nothing left for even a fan to really like, if they originally liked the more sensical early plots.

I await a complete reboot of the franchise.

Best: Zelda: Twilight Princess
The sales on this are truly phenomenal, and it makes use of the innovative Wii controller. It strikes me as a 'classic' game, not super-special, but it covers all the bases, and sets the tone for this generation's games in that gesture. It also serves as a stark contrast to Sonic Next, retaining old features without keeping all the nasty glitches.

I find it worthy to buy the next game, too, if they keep this up.
Posts: 1112/1239

1. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl -- alright, so there were a few...interesting glitches, and the game technically is only a 2006 title in Japan, but that doesn't change the fact that it's become one of my favorite games of the series to date. I love it, I'm CERTAINLY not a fan of a lot of aspects of it, at all, but as always those things will grow on me. My only fear is that NOA and Pokemon USA are going to half-ass the translation like it already looks like they are and pull an LOLASHANDPIKACHU. It's depressing to know they only wish to appeaal to the blithering 4-year-old demographic these days, when those of us who truly appreciate the Pokemon games for what they are have to suffer.

But really, this game is a solid RPG, it is a lot of fun, and if you ignore the pre-imposed image that Pokemon is a kiddy peice of crap (WHICH. IT. ISN'T) you'll realize what a fun game this really is. The interactivity is incredible, the features are down right amazing, and I just love it.

2. Tetris DS -- My favorite game series ever ever everger just got cooler. The online feature was a great touch!

3. Harvest Moon Magic Melody -- The only game of the series I've truly "enjoyed" since the N64 game. Honestly, Wonderful Life was a disappointment and the GBA games...never speak of them. This was just a really nice game. Plain and simple.

4. Red Steel -- an incredibly fun game, though it takes a little getting used to. My whole family is very in <3 with this.

5. Twilight Princess -- though not my personal favorite, there's no denying it is indeed a phenominal title.


That Sonic game for the GBA. dhghbsdgbhas
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Gaming - Personal Best and Worst Games of 2006


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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