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07-03-24 06:06 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Alpha Test, Super Mario World 1/2
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Posts: 27/35
Okay, I tried using LIPS and I THINK it should work now, and if it doesn't, I'm just downloading LIPS directly off of SoFuYa, I mean YaFuSo... FUSOYA!!!!!!!!!

EDIT2: okay I got it to work, it's an IPS, uh... editting doesn't however give me attachment addings, someone needs to post to break the double-posting.
Posts: 529/748
It's FuSoYa, okay? By the way, you can easily get Lunar IPS from SMWCentral. Check there first. You'll also find LM 1.63, which I think you should get. You've obviously got an outdated version. ...Either that, or the Chelsea code is permanent...
Posts: 26/35
Ah yes, although Ithe Chelsea thing is quite creepy, it worked. Now, I'm guessing to change ROMs to IPS I would need to get something like Lunar IPS, to Sofuya! *swirly background with a moon in the center
Posts: 515/748
1: If you don't see it in the Overworld editor, get Version 1.63 (at SMWCentral or at FuSoYa's website). It's the newest version, possibly the best, and it already lets you edit the Title Screen. One last thing- If you're going to be stubborn and not get it, simply open LM, open your ROM for editing, and before you do ANYTHING, simply type out "Chelsea". That should do it. If the program icon changes and you get a message down in the bottom bar that says "Chelsea is REALLY cute!", then you've done it right. Now you can go into the overworld editor and edit the title screen and such. But like I said, the most recent OFFICIAL editor update already lets you edit the title screen stuff, so that code is obsolete.
2: Nope. You only get what you see in the dialogues that let you edit levels on the overworld. However, you've got about 500+ (in decimal, by the way) levels to edit, and most of them can't be entered directly from the Overworld. For some reason, Nintendo used some of the Overworld Levels as secondary levels (levels you go into using exit-enabled objects), but since you've got a lot of levels marked with "TEST" in Turn Blocks, use the levels you can use on the Overworld as Overworld levels and leave the rest for secondary levels. That's how you get the maximum amount of levels possible in your hack.

I have no idea what you're talking about in question 3, so I'll just ignore it...
Posts: 3/11
Because your not allowed to upload ROMs. Make an IPS and upload it instead.
Posts: 25/35
Well, actually, the Overworld Map's top toolbar where it says file, every time I click it, the only options are Save and Reload.
I meant by making more levels as making more to add to the edit names, like having more than 13B levels.
How'd you know!?
When I made that edit, I meant why ISN'T the ROM showing it's link, I looked at my post and saw no attachments.
Posts: 149/190
Originally posted by GlitchGuy2
EDIT: HEY!!! Why is it the ROM showing its download?!
That has all the elements of a comprehensible English sentence, and yet I still can't figure out what the hell it means...

1) Open the Overworld Editor, then File > Title Screen > Load Title Screen, then click on the Iceberg icon and go to town.
2) Basic Overworld editing. Click the Ghost House icon and the Blue Switch Palace icon and lay down whatever levels you need. Edit their details with the Yellow Dot icon.
3) Is your only knowledge of the Superman movies from Family Guy?
Posts: 724/804
1. Read the FAQ
2. Read the FAQ
3. Never saw it.
Posts: 24/35
I've almost finished all of Yoshi's Island, and some of Donut Plains, and as an addition I have some questions:
-How do you edit the title?
-Can you make more levels on the world map?
-What was that thing Superman threw in Superman 2?
EDIT: HEY!!! Why is it the ROM showing its download?!
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Alpha Test, Super Mario World 1/2


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