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07-03-24 03:49 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - SMW: Untitled
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Trans Arctica
Posts: 6/17
Originally posted by Lord Myre
I'm a newb so I wouldn't know, but how do you add mist to your levels?

Mist is a layer 3 object.
Only levels with a specific tileset can have mist. Click on the fish in the main toolbar and read the text. Change the tileset to the ones that enable mist. Then, go back to Layer 3 settings and enable it Tileset specific.

Note: make sure your other sprites/objects agree with your new tileset!
Lord Myre
Posts: 14/42
I'm a newb so I wouldn't know, but how do you add mist to your levels?
Posts: 4484/5072
A headered ROM is 524,800 bytes, headerless is 524,288.
Posts: 12/12
Well, all of my headered roms have been editted, and I can't find a non-editted headered rom. =P
Posts: 612/748
How in the world were you able to edit a ROM without a x200 byte header? LM ALWAYS gives an error if you try opening a ROM that doesn't have a x200 byte header! O_o Oh, and I can't seem to patch your hack. I delete x200 bytes from my ROM (because it's headered, like most should). That doesn't work. I try making the first x200 bytes all be 00. That also doesn't work. What else is there left to do?

Edit: Oh wait, you said the patch you made it from was headerless. Why not get a HEADERED ROM instead and make a patch for that, too? Some people use headered ROMs, you know.
Posts: 11/12
The rom I made the patch from starts with 789C 0042 9C0C 429C 0B42 9C40 219C 4121, if that helps. I forget where I downloaded it though...
Posts: 611/748
Oooookay... I have no idea how to tell if a ROM is headered or not. Should it have 00s in the first x200 bytes or FF?
Posts: 10/12
Oops forgot all about this place. =P

I uploaded my patch, but forgot to tell about it.


Patching instructions are in the .rar, and it should work, cause I've tried. =P
Posts: 4351/5072
Honestly, what really got me was realizing I don't think I've seen an SMW overworld done in top-down RPG overworld style before. Plus, it looks awesome, ripped or not.
Posts: 490/748
How much longer until you can release a demo? These days, I find that I'd rather play than make, which is odd, considering the fact that I usually have more ideas than I know what to do with... Also, do you have more screenshots?
Posts: 9/12
True, I wasn't the original creator of these tiles... but the sheer effort that was put forth to insert them was rediculous almost to the point where it wasn't worth it. =P

Anyways, I drew a large portion of the world map onto paper while I was at school today, so I should easily get more of the world map done. It'd look strange just to see a corner of the world in there. =P
Posts: 53/89
He ripped graphics from another game. It's a nice touch, and does give his game a nicer and more unique feel, but really guys, it isn't amazing. It's been done before...
Posts: 1928/2068
Whoa, holy crap that's good!

* Sukasa passes out in amazement
* Sukasa is now know as Sukasa|PassedOut
Posts: 723/804

... 4 days; what an improvment. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.
Posts: 4345/5072
(Stealing a quote from Kawa IIRC)

Pardon my language, but holy fucking fuck.
Posts: 485/748
DUN DUN DUNNNN!! THERE'S what I was waiting for! NOW it's really starting to look good! Keep up the good work!
Posts: 8/12

New art for the overworld. I'll need to fix up the less detailed sprites, though. Tiles from FFV, ripped by me. It was rather annoying putting forth so much effort to get these bastards in. =P I just realized that good water effects will be very hard to pull off with this tile set. =/

After finishing that area of the overworld to my liking, and edit the ghost house, I should release a demo.
Posts: 3/3
Looks great!
Posts: 7/12
The demo should be ready soon. I've got all the levels done except the first Ghost House, where you'll fight against one of the bosses. That and I wanna remake the overworld, cause it's horibbly incomplete as of now. =P
Posts: 472/748
Yeah, same here. All in all, your hack looks great now. While I have yet to try ASM, I understand some basics:

1: To make a custom block, there's some routines that SMW has at certain offests. Call those at certain times to use their effects. Depending on how you use them, you could end up with a custom block no one has thought of before.
2: Custom Sprites are harder. You'd have to have a complex code in an ASM file, and I have yet to figure out those things. Basically, ASM for Custom Sprites simply modifies an existing sprite. I'm sure that the Poison Shroom sprite is just a modification of the normal Super Mushroom sprite that does the opposite of normal- Hurts you instead of making you Super/Big Mario/Luigi.
3: Custom Powerups are the hardest. As of yet, few people have made custom powerups. Ghettoyouth has, though, but it's a modification of the Cape to make you bounce up every time you press Y/X, though it was only used in one single level, and you couldn't take it out of the level...
4: ASM hacks are different. You'd need the LevelASM patch for that, but you can make some really cool effects with it. Ever seen the cool custom boss battle in BMF's Super Mario Odyssey?

If you try to learn how to make them, you can easily make your hack better. ASM isn't supposed to be hard to learn- It's supposed to look hard to do. Seriously, ALL hacks benefit from custom blocks, custom sprites, and ASM hacks. Now, Custom Powerups are generally avoided, because of their complexity. But what if you were to make something that no one else had ever thought of? Just a thought. By the way, is the demo ready yet?
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - SMW: Untitled


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