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07-03-24 07:04 PM
0 users currently in Modern Art.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Prresenting... The Wii Club! (And accompanying layouts.)
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Posts: 495/596
Originally posted by JDavis
Here's the current queue: Sion, Tanks, pikaguy900.

And Tanks, I can't really make an avatar out of that Try again with window transparency turned off.

Heh... Sorry 'bout that.

her's a better mii:
Posts: 618/639

Here ya go JD

Oh and....

Has: 2 wiimotes, 1 chuck, 1 sd card, Twilight Princess, Red Steel, Rayman, DBZ:T2, Red Steel, Monster Truck 4x4

Wants: 2 wiimotes, 3 chucks, Wario Ware, Smash Bros Brawl, Super Matio Galaxy
Posts: 647/648
Here's the current queue: Sion, Tanks, pikaguy900.

And Tanks, I can't really make an avatar out of that Try again with window transparency turned off.
Posts: 744/748
Okay, here's what I want:

Background: Orange
Text Area: Blue
Text Color: White
Corner Squares: Light Blue
Inventory: Has:
Wii Remote x1
Nunchuk x1
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Wii Remote x2
Nunchuk x2
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption

Thanks. (By the way, I chose Orange and Blue for the colors because they're opposite each other on the color wheel, if I remember correctly...)
Posts: 491/596
Hey, I'd like one too. I'd like the text to be silver, the background to be dark green, and the squares in the corner to be a lighter green than the background.

I have 1 remote, 1 nun-chuck, 1 2GB SD card, Zelda TP, and Call of duty 3
I want 3 remotes, 3 nunchucks, Metroid Prime 3, and SSBB

Here's my avatar pic:
Posts: 646/648
Yeah, the gray part is what I meant by background, and the blue part is what I meant by text area.
Posts: 743/748
Okay, one more question:

Background? In your layout, would that be the gray part or the blue part? Just making sure before I give the wrong colors.
Posts: 645/648
Originally, there was no requirements, but here's what they stand at now:

1) No red or gray names. I'm not going to waste my time.

2) You have to tell me what you want it to look like. This includes: background color, text area color, text color, and the color of the corner squares. If I think any of the above don't look well together, I'll discuss it with you. Alternatively, you could ask for a certain theme to the layout (like KP9000 did). Also, it's good to give me an idea of what to put in the lower left corner.

Note: No, "Just make my layout like yours" will not work. I'm not making duplicates.

3) Tell me what you want in the inventory.

4) Most importantly, patience. I'm both a busy and lazy man. Don't expect it to be done in a day or two. I'm not saying it might not be done that soon, it's just very likely not to be.
Posts: 739/748
Are there any "requirements" to joining and stuff? Just want to know before I post my inventory.

(Gah, the music eminating from my Wii is literally ringing in my ears! Well, more like echoing, but it's all the same. Ugh, it sounds like it's coming from another room, but it's not. Much better when TV is muted. )
Posts: 641/648
It ran over

Edit: Well, it did until I posted
Yoshi Dude
Posts: 1372/1408
If you were to eat the graphics of Super Metroid's Brinstar and then vomit on Acmlm's, you would get my layout.
Originally posted by !
Sweet jesus

I know it's cluttered, I know I went overboard with images, but I haven't decided about what I should change to make it look as best as it can. If I take a break from it for a day, I'm sure I'll come up with something, but I wouldn't mind input at this point.

Also I think I strayed way too much from the original Wii Club layout.
Posts: 241/265
Originally posted by Luigi-San
Alllll righty then! [/crappy Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Reference]

OR [/crappy World of Warcraft gnome emote Reference]
Posts: 33/42
I'll have one!

HAS: Rayman, LoZ:TP, Trauma Center, Wii Sports (At one point they won't be selling it with the console) 2 Wiimotes, 1 Nunchuck, 1GB SD Card, (Bomberman 93', LoZ, Super Castlevania IX for VC)

WANTS: 2 Wiimotes, 3 Nunchuks, 4 Classic Controllers, Metal Slug, SM Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, SSBB, Mario Party 8, Wii Play, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Monkey Ball(Donkey Kong, SM64, SMB for VC)

Just make my layout like yours.

EDIT: Added a few things.
Posts: 1588/1713
Alllll righty then! [/crappy Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Reference]
Posts: 613/648
Right, right, sorry, I've been a bit distracted, I'll get right on it.
Posts: 1587/1713
Posts: 240/265
I would like to join, of course. Going to get Wii soon!

Wii - 1
Wiimotes - 2
Nunchuks - 2
Zelda: TTP
Wii Play

The Layout thingie:

Somewhat dark, black or dark blue. No special request, but something simple.

And I am changing my avatar anyways.
Kirby Mario
Posts: 74/79
I would like to join, but no layout please.

I would also like the code for the inventory to put on my user bio with these:

HAS: Wiimote -2

WANTS: Wiimotes -1
Posts: 1569/1713
I got my Wii today!!!

Here's what I have:

Nunchuk x1
Wiimote x2
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Madden NFL 07
Wii Sports (well, duh )

Here's what I want:

WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wiimote x2
Nunchuk x3
Classic Controller x4
Posts: 587/648
I finished Thexare's a couple days ago as well. Unless anyone else signs up, the next one is Luigi-San's (which can wait a few days).
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Modern Art - Prresenting... The Wii Club! (And accompanying layouts.)


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