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07-03-24 06:13 PM
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Posts: 695/804
I fixed something on points 3 and 4 there. Those two rules actually apply to Layer 2 as well.

Originally posted by HyperHacker
but I figure that tile might have been from the wrong section or on the wrong layer or something dumb like that.
My fisrt thought was that you may have drawn it wrong; they look like the same colour, so it's an easy mistake after all.

Originally posted by HyperHacker
So on layer 1 they'd use the background colour?
Exactly; you'll see layer 2 behind it.

Originally posted by HyperHacker
What happens if I use the others here?
Good question.

they can only use the last 8, which are x8 to xF - A pixel coloured with x1 will show up as x9, a pixel coloured with x2 will show up as A, 3 to B, 4 to C, etc.

The tiles used for the SMW animations can only use the first 8 colours, x0 to x7 - Same thing as above. xF will show up as x7, E as 6, and so on.

These are some of the few tiles in the game that FuSoYa didn't convert from 3BPP to 4BPP. Therfore they can only use 8 colours, and trying to map them to another side of the row will just mirror them back to its own side.
Posts: 3892/5072
Pac, thanks, that should be quite helpful. Kinda sucks that so few of the colours are useable. I might have to hack up a per-submap custom OW palette system if it hasn't already been done.

I could send you my hack but could I ask why? I already deleted the tiles I was testing with in that pic I'm afraid. It was ages ago but I figure that tile might have been from the wrong section or on the wrong layer or something dumb like that.

Just some questions though:
Originally posted by Pac
Colours 0 and 8 on every row will be used for transparency. They are not black.

So on layer 1 they'd use the background colour?

If you are using a layer 1 tile made up of 8x8 tiles from the green region, they can only use the last 8, which are x8 to xF.

The tiles used for the SMW animations can only use the first 8 colours, x0 to x7.

What happens if I use the others here?
Posts: 357/748
Originally posted by Pac
pikaguy900, if you want a SMB3 overworld just like that ^, send me your hack, and if I have the time, I'll put it in for you.

Okay! The thing is, all I've been doing so far on that hack is modifying the overworld (it's a different hack than the one I released a demo of a few days ago), and I'm sure I messed it up, so let me fix it real quick and I'll send it to you. I'll try via PM, okay?
Posts: 118/124
I wonder if it's possible to change the code to load all the palettes, then inserting SMB3 overworlds like this would be easier(and making custom ones would be easier too of course)
Posts: 690/804

This is how the overworld palette is in RMK. It took weeks, but I finally managed to get a palette that would support every tile with no conflict. Copy the layout if you want.

Anyway, I'll explain how some of the colours work now.

  1. The magenta region is the only part of the palette that can be changed for a different submap.
  2. Colours 0 and 8 on every row will be used for transparency. They are not black.
  3. 8x8 tiles from the yellow region can use any of the 16 colours on a row.
  4. 8x8 tiles from the green region can only use the last 8, which are x8 to xF.
  5. The tiles used for the SMW animations can only use the first 8 colours, x0 to x7.
  6. Colour 4,7 will flash on Bowser's submap, unless you have disabled the lightning.
  7. If your tiles are using palettes 2 or 3, be sure to only use the last 8 colours, as outlined in the red region.
  8. When placing Layer 2 tiles on their own, they can use any colour from the red / magenta regions, provided (as I said) that it's not one of the animation tiles.
  9. Any other colour that is not in the red/magenta section will take the colour of that slot from the last level you were in, therefore, should not be used.
There, just about everything I know about hacking the overworld.

EDIT: Hyperhacker, if you have the time, could you send me your hack?

KPhoenix, I put only the ground on Layer 2 because nearly every other tile needs the ground to show up behind it. And it works perfectly.

pikaguy900, if you want a SMB3 overworld just like that ^, send me your hack, and if I have the time, I'll put it in for you.
Posts: 3869/5072
Originally posted by Pac
HyperHacker, that's really strange. 40 and 48 look normal (they take the back area colour of the last level you were in), but 41 and 49 should be black...

That's just it. These two tiles are right next to eachother using the same palette, but somehow one has black and the other doesn't.
Posts: 23/112
Originally posted by pikaguy900
Originally posted by Pac
I know the problems inside out though after having fully ripped the SMB3 overworld.

It's too bad you never put them in an unlocked hack and say we could use them... But still, at least you're working on that tutorial, which, in the end, will make it simple to get the overworld anyways. Of course, I'm sure that palettes 2 and 3 are safe to use as long as every single level in your hack has Use Custom Palette enabled...

Actually, there is a demo of a hack he started that he never locked, that has nearly all of the OW Graphics. (I know too much ) The only thing missing was some palettes and 16x16 Layer 1 Tiles. But... I don't think he ever said people could use them. :\

The only thing different from how he does his SMB3 Overworlds now is that now, he puts the basic Land tiles on Layer 2, and everything else on Layer 1. I do not know why.
(Yes, I unlocked his hack, but only for use of viewing some of the Graphics and setup, and observing his excellent work. I never actually steal things from people's hacks, maybe just a palette or two. )

If you want to see this hack, it can be found in the archives in a post I think is called something like "Hack Database" or something.
Posts: 356/748
Originally posted by Pac
I know the problems inside out though after having fully ripped the SMB3 overworld.

It's too bad you never put them in an unlocked hack and say we could use them... But still, at least you're working on that tutorial, which, in the end, will make it simple to get the overworld anyways. Of course, I'm sure that palettes 2 and 3 are safe to use as long as every single level in your hack has Use Custom Palette enabled...
Posts: 687/804
HyperHacker, that's really strange. 40 and 48 look normal (they take the back area colour of the last level you were in), but 41 and 49 should be black...

I'll have to write a tutorial on overworld graphics and palettes. They can be tricky. I know the problems inside out though after having fully ripped the SMB3 overworld.
Posts: 20/112
I solved my problem...finally. For the SMB3 OW lock thing, I used palette 2, and for the Bonus Spade game tile, I used palette 4.
Posts: 355/748
Originally posted by HyperHacker
This sounds like the palettes-defying-the-laws-of-logic problem I had last time I tried to edit overworld GFX:

Somehow palette 4 has no black in it on the left but at the same time does on the right.

I hate that. It makes the colors rught in the editor, but wrong in the game. What makes palettes do that? If we could find it and fix it (somehow), we'd be saving a lot of people from the hassle of recoloring their tiles just to get them looking right...
Posts: 3834/5072
This sounds like the palettes-defying-the-laws-of-logic problem I had last time I tried to edit overworld GFX:

Somehow palette 4 has no black in it on the left but at the same time does on the right.
Posts: 268/588
I'm a little confused here. Did the colors from the savestate load into YY-CHR with it?

Try this. Back up your file, then change the unused colors to fit your needs. Then, open your OW GFX file, and change them to accomodate the new colors. This seems like a kind of bizzare problem.
Posts: 19/112
Okay, this is what I did.

I had the zsnes savestate, and the SMW palette, untouched. I loaded the savestate and the bin file.

I scrolled down to the palette (shown in my above screenshot), and clicked the palette colors on the farthest bar up, and drew over what was there in the SMAS tile using the colors available. I did not click down in the lower part, which changes the dispaly colors, (I'm pretty sure).

I wish I knew what colors in the palettes I could change without changing the palette of other remaining things on the overworld. (Unused colors)

Please excuse my lack of common sense. I have a tendency of not realizing things when the answers are right in front of me. Sorry.
Posts: 264/588
You can change which pallettes the tiles use. The pallettes aren't saved to the savestate. The colors you choose from in your tile editor is simply the display color, and is not the color it will show up as on the game, unless that's what color you chose it to display as. Say, you draw a green tile using color B. If color B is red in the pallette you use in the OW Editor, then the tile will show up red, and not green.
Posts: 18/112
For my problem, I want to keep the SMW Landscaping because SMB3 didn't have elevation. I'm trying to put those tiles in (SMB3), but right now, I'm redrawing the tiles with the SMW palette. The problem is that I'm restricted to palettes 1-7, and I have no clue which palettes are 1-7 on the zsnes savestate.
Posts: 261/588
If the "black space" is in a level, just enable custom pallette. Note, this only applies to the level used. If it's on the overworld, however, you may need to get that ASM in to order.

I don't know how this is the case. Isn't the black part in the sprite pallette area?
Posts: 353/748
The tutorial helps somewhat, but now I've come to another roadblock- There's a big black section where a different color is supposed to be. The culprit? A black color in each palette that's hardcoded by ASM. ASM... My greatest enemy. Sigh... What to do? Ah! I know! Learn ASM and hope for the best...
Posts: 260/588
Don't do that. Since the ripped graphics are not very likely guarunteed to use the same graphics as the tiles you kept in SMW, you will need to change stuff. Lot's of stuff.

Either change every tile to fit Super Mario Bros. 3 (SMAS), or... that's really the best idea to do. Remember that different tiles from different overworlds in SMB3 will use different pallettes, you need to do everything very carefully. Also, you know you can change the pallettes of individual 8x8 tiles, right? Try doing that.
Posts: 11/112

*Screams Insanely*

Whyyy isn't this working?!?!?

pikaguy900, I guess we're on the same boat.

I choose a palette from the zsnes savestate, redraw the graphic, then it turns out I'm not able to select that palette for the 8x8 OW tiles.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - Finding RGB Values of Save State colors


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