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07-03-24 05:02 PM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Emulation - I need a good Windows GSF player
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Posts: 289/381
A Windows-Computer without Winamp? esp. for chiptunes, Winamp's a must.

Just install it, but delete all shortcuts and deactivate the Winamp agent.

so your parents won't find it. (If the do not know to navigate into the /programs folder, they shouldn't bother.

And as ||bass already said, get Winamp or don't get it at all.
Posts: 382/748
Originally posted by Millenia
Well, you're obviously using it and you're wanting to get a program. Something's gonna have to give.

It's not like it's going to be an intrusive program that takes up a lot of space and it's just an alternative to Windows Media Player. I can't see the harm in putting it on their system if you're going to be a primary user of it.

Course if they don't allow that, they'd probably get uppety over something like a program being added to their computer anyways. In which case, getting a program period would likely incur problems. I hope they aren't THAT tight.

I'm not sure, actually. Every day I download stuff, and they don't seem to mind. It's usually just small stuff, like SMW hacks, patches, and stuff for Zelda Classic. Meh. If I finally get a laptop with internet capabilites this year, I'll definitely get WinAmp on it.
Posts: 1927/2480
Well, you're obviously using it and you're wanting to get a program. Something's gonna have to give.

It's not like it's going to be an intrusive program that takes up a lot of space and it's just an alternative to Windows Media Player. I can't see the harm in putting it on their system if you're going to be a primary user of it.

Course if they don't allow that, they'd probably get uppety over something like a program being added to their computer anyways. In which case, getting a program period would likely incur problems. I hope they aren't THAT tight.
Posts: 368/748
Originally posted by Millenia
Originally posted by HyperHacker
I think VBA can play GSFs, and/or there's a program that can make GBA ROMs out of them.

You aren't thinking Saptapper are you? That only works with Sappy-based engines last I checked.

Cuz if it went beyond that, I would've been ripping them like crazy. Oh well, I got Drill Dozer out of it.

And why the FSCK would they not allow you to get Winamp? Please answer me this.

Well, for one thing, this isn't my computer. It's theirs. I think that about sums it up.
Posts: 1914/2480
Originally posted by HyperHacker
I think VBA can play GSFs, and/or there's a program that can make GBA ROMs out of them.

You aren't thinking Saptapper are you? That only works with Sappy-based engines last I checked.

Cuz if it went beyond that, I would've been ripping them like crazy. Oh well, I got Drill Dozer out of it.

And why the FSCK would they not allow you to get Winamp? Please answer me this.
Posts: 5056/5814
I think if your parents won't allow you to get Winamp, then there's a serious problem right there.

That pretty much is your only choice that I know of. Unless an unofficial VBA build has support because my official one doesn't.
Posts: 3863/5072
I think VBA can play GSFs, and/or there's a program that can make GBA ROMs out of them.
Posts: 524/594
You basically answered your own question: "It's either get Winamp, or don't get it at all." That's really what you're stuck with.
Posts: 343/748
Yeesh. The only ones I can find either take the music from the ROM and turn it into a MIDI file, or require Winamp, which I don't have, and can't get (my parents probably wouldn't allow it). Yes, I checked Google already, but to no avail- It's either get Winamp, or don't get it at all, as some of the programs it came up with either need Winamp or are a Linux build... Please help me out.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Emulation - I need a good Windows GSF player


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