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07-03-24 05:15 PM
0 users currently in SMW Hacking.
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - How did you get SMB3 Graphics into a SMW hack?
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Posts: 348/748
Originally posted by KPhoenix
For ripping SMAS GFX and putting them straight into your bin files, I would recommend Tile Layer Pro because you are able to have the SMAS rom and the bin file open at the same time, and you can just click and hold on a tile, the bring it over the the bin, and then let go.
I'm not sure if you already know this, but I'm just saying it because not many people use TLP and know it's advantages.

Yeah, I don't need the GFX help anymore, but thanks anyways. Also, this is off-topic, but your post layout/background/whatever is gone. It says that it's missing or something...
Posts: 10/112
For ripping SMAS GFX and putting them straight into your bin files, I would recommend Tile Layer Pro because you are able to have the SMAS rom and the bin file open at the same time, and you can just click and hold on a tile, the bring it over the the bin, and then let go.
I'm not sure if you already know this, but I'm just saying it because not many people use TLP and know it's advantages.
Posts: 8/10
Originally posted by pikaguy900
Originally posted by 16BT
You could just get the SMAS rom and take the graphics from there with Tile Layer Pro or another similar program.

...XD Why do the simple solutions elude me so? Anyways, thanks for that idea. I'll try that. ...But why not just use YY-CHR to get the graphics?

I didn't say you couldn't. I said you could use a similar program to TLP, of which YY-CHR is.
Posts: 342/748
Originally posted by 16BT
You could just get the SMAS rom and take the graphics from there with Tile Layer Pro or another similar program.

...XD Why do the simple solutions elude me so? Anyways, thanks for that idea. I'll try that. ...But why not just use YY-CHR to get the graphics?
Posts: 7/10
You could just get the SMAS rom and take the graphics from there with Tile Layer Pro or another similar program.
Posts: 341/748
Originally posted by ibz10g
I've used a spritesheet once, but I didn't really prefer that method. You can, in fact, copy and paste things into YY-CHR, but you need to tweak the colors a bit.

And now I'm embarrassed (again). Why? I always forget the simplest of solutions. Not only does it "attack" me in the real world, it does it to me in games, too! Please don't get mad at me. It's not like I have a good memory. ; Anyways, now that that's over, I'm off to see if I can find some sprite/tilesheets of SMAS-SMB3 graphics on Google.

Edit: Well, I don't need Spritesheets, seeing as I already have those... But I can't find tilesheets... Maybe someone has an unlocked hack with the graphics who would let me use them in my hack? I'll find out.
Posts: 683/804
What a coincidence, I just started writing an ExGFX tutorial a few hours ago.
Posts: 247/588
I've used a spritesheet once, but I didn't really prefer that method. You can, in fact, copy and paste things into YY-CHR, but you need to tweak the colors a bit.
Posts: 339/748
This is so I know what methods I can take to getting graphics from SMAS-SMB3 into a SMW hack. If you've made a hack with these graphics in it, how did you get them in? Did you draw them by hand, or did you use a program to take little graphics sheets and put them into a .bin file you could replace with the SMW .bin GFX files?

(Yes, I'm desperate to be able to use these graphics, but not desperate enough to beg for them. If I have to go through a lot of work just to get the graphics into SMW, then I'll do it. I don't really care how hard it is, as I know it's worth it in the end.)
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - SMW Hacking - How did you get SMB3 Graphics into a SMW hack?


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