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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Cut back on the use of mobile telephones
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Posts: 3827/5072
All I see is:

Mobile phones may be causing widespread damage to sperm production in men with potentially devastating consequences for global fertility rates, a study suggests.

Microwaves emitted by the phones reduce the number, mobility and quality of sperm by almost half, to the point where some men may become infertile, scientists say.

Article Length: 627 words (approx.)

And a link to buy the article. Anyway, cell phones cause cancer, make you unable to drive, melt your brain, stunt your growth, and now fry your sperm. I suppose next they'll be saying the radio waves emitted by them attract passing comets making you much more likely to be hit by one?

I could care less about cell phones anyway. Nowadays they're just glorified PDAs that charge you for everything you do. My Nintendo DS with homebrew does pretty much everything they do except actually making phone calls, which ironically is all I'd want a cell phone to do anyway. Around here it's generally not especially difficult to find a payphone.
Posts: 208/227
You can try keeping the phone away from the family jewels most of the time, like on a table or something, that would probably help the people in the study.
Posts: 4369/5653
Originally posted by FreeDOS +
I've debated getting a cell phone from time to time. The extremely small use I'd make out of it dissuades me from paying so much money for it (I'd probably have it turned off until I need to make a call), yet I find myself on occasion searching for a pay phone to use, of which are becoming less common.

There are pay-as-you-go phones, which are substantially cheaper than the $90/month 2-year contracts phone companies try and force-feed yu.
Posts: 1762/1860
The amount I use a cell phone is dependent on what is going on during the day. If I have a group project to do, then I'm calling my groupmates for status or to tell them when and where we are meeting etc. Only during this past summer did I use all my non-night and weekend minutes. But usually, I never approach using it all up. A cell phone is useful if you are in college because all the people you meet usually have area codes that are not in the area of the college
Posts: 302/356
That's kind of scary. Good thing I only use my cell <5 minutes a month even though I think I have unlimited minutes. But that's just because I have no social life.
Posts: 889/1176
Originally posted by Colin
...If anyone uses a cell for 4+ hours a day, they have no life. Even as far as social stuff goes, why would you be talking to your friends for that long every single day if you see them anyways? There's such a thing as "call them from home".

What if its for talking to someone for the 1st time over the phone?

Funny, yesterday I noticed that I used the phone a lot! Well, for the most part, I was talking to the guys at work, and then to an old friend and another friend that I haven't seen for a few months. Plus, my dad can talk forever when he calls me...so really, I'm just listening to whoever calls me, since I never know what to say.
Posts: 52/70
I <3 tagging "scientists say" on things.

That's how all this intelligent design and new age paranormal mumbojumbo started anyway.
FreeDOS +
Posts: 968/1312
I've debated getting a cell phone from time to time. The extremely small use I'd make out of it dissuades me from paying so much money for it (I'd probably have it turned off until I need to make a call), yet I find myself on occasion searching for a pay phone to use, of which are becoming less common.
Posts: 705/876
I read about this last night. Someone pointed out that the study is seriously flawed, because a) the phone is nowhere near your nuts when you're using it, and b) if you spend that much time (good God, 4 hours?!) on the phone, you're probably also doing things that could contribute to poor sperm production, i.e. not eating right, moving less, stressing out more, etc.
Metal Man88
Posts: 372/701
I use my cell phone 1 minute a week. I had over 21 hours accumulated on it once. Also, just using it hurts my ears... I'm sensitive to microwave radiation.

So, in short, I'm not frying my brain any more than needed.
Posts: 6203/6737
I talked on my phone quite a bit during the summer, but definitely not 4+ hours. The house phone is usually in use by my mom or stepdad, and if it isn't them I'm usually limited on how long I use it (in case they get a call). So my primary phone for all calls is my cell, whether it be work calls, friend calls, etc.

But I never talked 4+ hours Maybe 2 hours on occasional days, if my friend and I were both extremely bored.
Posts: 5003/5814
...If anyone uses a cell for 4+ hours a day, they have no life. Even as far as social stuff goes, why would you be talking to your friends for that long every single day if you see them anyways? There's such a thing as "call them from home".
Guy Perfect
Posts: 399/451
If this is actually an issue, there's no need to be alarmed about low sperm count and few healthy sperm. How many sperm are created on a daily basis? How many does it take to fertilize an ova?
Posts: 53/450
I do have a cell phone for emergencies but I barely ever use it. I'm on the 60-minutes-per-month plan (I'm cheap) but it is rare that I use more than 20. I don't like talking on the phone period, mobile or not.
Posts: 4353/5653
Originally posted by Thexare
Who the fuck uses a cell phone more than 4 hours every day? If answering phones is your job, then you won't be answering mobile phones, far as I know... and no one else is going to have that much time to blow every single day, except maybe teenagers in the summer. =/

You'd be suprised.

Regardless, I still don't have a cell phone, and when I do get one (they're extremely useful in emergencies or when you don't have access to a normal phone) I'll just use it at most once a day for 2 minutes tops, on average.

(Now if they could just find a problem with females using them...)
Posts: 6196/6737
*Danielle celebrates being female

And eh... POSSIBILITY that children could be at risk of tumors... until there's actually some factual evidence then why make a big deal about it? Kids use microwaves and nobody talks smack about them.
Posts: 2030/2602
I use my cell phone once a week to call for pizza.

I bet that the pizza does more harm than the cell phone in this case. :p
Posts: 2336/2405
I have a cellphone, but I don't find it appealing to me on it more than an hour a day.

In average I usually talk about one hour on the cellphone per week. People usually call me to tell me that they are coming over or asking me to meet them somewhere or school purposes.

There were instances during this summer where I did talk 3-5 hours a day, but maybe only three days a week. I stopped doing that though.
Posts: 1527/1697
I don't own a cell phone anymore.

I'm kind of glad...
Posts: 948/1104

They found that men who were the heaviest users of mobile phones - more than four hours a day - had the lowest sperm counts at 50 million per millilitre (ml) and the least healthy sperm.

Here's my question.

Who the fuck uses a cell phone more than 4 hours every day? If answering phones is your job, then you won't be answering mobile phones, far as I know... and no one else is going to have that much time to blow every single day, except maybe teenagers in the summer. =/

Anyway, I'm not particularly bothered by this, since I'm not a fan of phones at all. I'll use one when I absolutely have to, but I try to avoid it.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - Cut back on the use of mobile telephones


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