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07-03-24 04:57 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide
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Posts: 3837/5072
We should head to Mars, I hear the only DHMO there is frozen deep beneath the surface if it even exists at all.
Posts: 156/208
OH MY GOD GUYS! 2/3 of the world is covered in DHMO! And it's mixed with the dreaded sodium chloride!!

Deleted User
Posts: 736/-7750
Originally posted by HyperHacker
I've actually seen people put fish in tanks full of this stuff and watch them suffer. Bastards.

Nah, fish suffer because they are on the tank, not for the DHMO
Posts: 3807/5072
We definitely have to do something. Today a bunch of crystallized DHMO fell all over town. I shit you not. Everything's coated with like 12 centimeters of the stuff. It made a short leisurely walk to the mall and back into a living hell. I wasn't sure I'd make it back; it almost completely blocked the lenses of my sunglasses, but if I removed them the flying DHMO crystals would blind me instantly. Cars were sliding all over because of its effect on their brakes, the place I work at had to close down early, etc... it's horrible.

I've actually seen people put fish in tanks full of this stuff and watch them suffer. Bastards.
Posts: 3767/4077
Haha, that's awesome. I mean, I can understand a construction worker or something, but a paralegal? Wow. It being a relatively rural city might explain why some people are out of the loop, though.
Deleted User
Posts: 20/-7750
From wikipedia:

In March 2004, Aliso Viejo, California almost considered banning the use of foam containers at city-sponsored events because dihydrogen monoxide is part of their production. The issue was put on the agenda of the City Council after a paralegal found mention of DHMO online and did not realize it was a joke. The item was pulled from the agenda before it could come to a vote, but not before the city received a raft of bad publicity.

Deleted User
Posts: 692/-7750
Oh My Sucking Dog! It's raining Dihydrogen Monoxide over here!2

Posts: 1765/1860
What a wonderful edumacation system there is in the US
Posts: 2031/2602
Originally posted by Xkeeper
Originally posted by Vyper
So I'm curious, who would actually take the time to make all of this? While funny, it's so........ stupid

Because some idiot might actually read it, think it's a GREAT IDEA™, and then try and convince all other idiots to do it.
It orginated as some school project apparently. Some girl wanted to see how she could fool people into banning water. (or at least, signing on a survey for doing that)
Koitenshin +∞
Posts: 542/873
Well I live in the backwater part of the United States (the Midwest). So if you told someone that DHMO would kill you if you ever drank it, they would believe you. Sad isn't it?
Posts: 4364/5653
Originally posted by Vyper
So I'm curious, who would actually take the time to make all of this? While funny, it's so........ stupid

Because some idiot might actually read it, think it's a GREAT IDEA™, and then try and convince all other idiots to do it.
Posts: 506/575
So I'm curious, who would actually take the time to make all of this? While funny, it's so........ stupid
Posts: 6208/6737
Anyone who's taken (or even heard of!) chemistry should know what those things are, or at least be smart enough to look it up before believing they should be banned.
Metal Man88
Posts: 373/701
DHMO also causes old topics to be reposted again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

*5 hours later*

...and again... and.... again.

Yup. Along with the evil Calcium Carbonate and Sillicon Dioxide!
Deleted User
Posts: 678/-7750
Would "This was born old" work?
Posts: 4356/5653
Originally posted by Squash Monster
This was old the last three twenty times we did it too.

Posts: 3744/4077
Yeah. Fuck sodium chloride. It causes dehydration and can even be lethal to humans.

By the way, I've heard some bad things about titanium dioxide. Are these allegations true?
Posts: 1759/2228
Originally posted by rubixcuber
While we're at it, we should ban sodium chloride too. That's some nasty stuff.

That stuff can lead to heart attacks. Dangerous indeed.
Squash Monster
Posts: 277/296
This was old the last three times we did it too.
Posts: 1529/1697
DHMO drowned my brother and raped my mother.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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