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07-02-24 11:30 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - It's not necessarily rape if they can't say no...but in this case, it _is_ theft and BNE.
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Posts: 2395/2713
Yes. Oh well. It's just been pissing me off since the thread was created and I've been wishing the thread would die for some time now. But then I've known people who legitimately hold that opinion... oh well. I'll stop hijacking the thread now, just had to get that out of my system.
Posts: 648/867
Ok, I see what you're saying, I assumed the "necessarily" implied that it didn't apply to all cases where they couldn't say no. It definitely could have been better worded though.
Posts: 2393/2713
Originally posted by emcee
I don't think you have to drug a mannequin.

That wasn't my point. *sigh* I dunno, I guess being a double rape victim just makes me sensitive to the words "It's not necessarily rape if they can't say no". ~_~ Whatever, talking about this is just going to make me more pissed off especially if people are gonna fuck with me over it.
Posts: 647/867
I don't think you have to drug a mannequin.
Posts: 2392/2713
I keep seeing this thread and it keeps pissing me off. I hate the thread title, because I disagree with it. Drug assisted rape (date rape) is still rape.

Thread itself is silly.
Posts: 43/105
Originally posted by Tommathy
There are worse things in the news...

Necrobestiality?! Hmm could be worse, it could be Homopedonecrobestiality.

What can I say, I am a Dirtbag...
Posts: 3829/5072
Really, he needs to just go buy a realdoll or something. I can imagine maybe not being satisfied with the same one every time, but all mannequins look pretty much the same to me.
Originally posted by Tommathy
There are worse things in the news...

<site> Hey, before you go in, give us your zip code and year of birth so we can bombard you with ads!
*HyperHacker enters garbage
<site> The year 1900 doesn't exist!
*HyperHacker enters more garbage
<site> OK! Click here to proceed...
*HyperHacker clicks
<site> Hey, before you go in, give us your zip code and year of birth so we can bombard you with ads!
Posts: 1528/1697

If I ever see you walking down the street, ever... I have to punch you now. I won't tell you it's me, I won't mention why, I'll just punch you and keep walking.

My head ._. the images... God...
Posts: 300/339
There are worse things in the news...
Posts: 1317/1427
Originally posted by Colin
I mean, just having sex with the naked mannequin is one thing, but dressing it up and then going ahead with foreplay and all that before doing the deed...

Wouldn't that basically just be possible to see as an evolution of the whole little-kid-playing-with-dolls thing, though? Call it role-playing on a somewhat... abnormal scale.

...Actually, I don't think it'd be physically possible to have sex with the mannequins the guy would be stealing, would it? Last I checked, they don't make ones that anatomically-correct for stores... Unless you include various other things in the definition.
Posts: 1525/1697
It's great practice.
Posts: 4978/5814
It also depends how extreme the fetish is.

I mean, just having sex with the naked mannequin is one thing, but dressing it up and then going ahead with foreplay and all that before doing the deed...
Posts: 4324/5653
Originally posted by Skreename
You have to keep in mind the wide range of paraphilias and fetishes. When compared to all of them, things like this are tame in a way, considering that the subject is at least humanoid.

I don't consider businesses in Japan to be a particularly good way of judging things... But I suppose their openness on such matters is not harmful, allowing far more insights than a more closed society would have.

True, but the point was simply to show that there is an entire market devoted to this in Japan -- not that this business is explicitly wrong. (It was mostly to point out that thousands of people already do it.)

Posts: 1313/1427
You have to keep in mind the wide range of paraphilias and fetishes. When compared to all of them, things like this are tame in a way, considering that the subject is at least humanoid.

I don't consider businesses in Japan to be a particularly good way of judging things... But I suppose their openness on such matters is not harmful, allowing far more insights than a more closed society would have.

Posts: 4321/5653
Well, it's pretty much proven that people do it elsewhere, as well. Amanda already said how it's a well-known business in Japan.

Posts: 1756/1860
exactly...given the population of the earth, I'd be more surprised if no one on this planet did what that guy did. I wonder what is more weirder, doing stuff like that to mannequins or necrophilia
Posts: 1311/1427
Following with Xk's line of reason, even if it is generally considered weird, it's not hurting anyone besides those he stole from. It's not like he's raping children or something...

Not going to claim to understand how it is myself, just going to say that a few of the responses here seem a tad... overblown?

Basically, saying that this guy --> incredibly sick is like saying that the sun is incredibly green.
Posts: 4316/5653
People have weird fetishes.

This isn't exactly suprising nor shocking. Sorry.

(While I personally don't like this, I can at least understand that someone could...)

Posts: 259/356
And aren't store mannequins made of hard plastic? That can't be comfortable.
Posts: 621/867
I don't get it. There's no, um, openings on mannequins.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - General Chat - It's not necessarily rape if they can't say no...but in this case, it _is_ theft and BNE.


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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