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Posts: 204/356
If servers count, I think mine stayed up for about a year and three months before going down in a power outage.

As for my desktop PC, if restarting doesn't matter, then probably about 6 months longer than the server. If restarting resets the clock, then probably about a week.
Deleted User
Posts: 19/-7750
Originally posted by ibz10g
I can't leave it on for more than 3 days at best. A spyware ad will pop up, 67 Iexplorer windows will open, then I can't do anything except on programs I already had running. Therefore, I must turn it off.

About the IExplorer windows, once, my computer was so badly infected with SpyWare that literally (I'm not joking), I got 50+ pop-ups sometimes simultaneously, within less than a minute.
Posts: 3642/4077
It goes without saying, Glyph. I've heard some positive reviews from a good number of people from the product I am talking about, however. And Freeware does tend to be poorer than shareware on average.
Posts: 427/536
Be careful with that train of thought. Just because something costs money doesn't make it good. Norton is a good example: I would have thought Norton Antivirus 2004 would find more threats than other such utilities.

Guess what? It doesn't.

Then I figured, "hey, Norton's updates are probably better than the others, though."

Guess what? They stopped after six months and then I had to pay more.

Then I figured, well, maybe I should just uninstall Norton...

Guess what? That part didn't work either. I had to do it manually, as in registry-deleting manually otherwise my computer would throw errors in DOS mode when the comp started.

I'm not entirely convinced that ALL propriety software doesn't suck, really. I just don't know of anything that doesn't have a purely freeware equivalent that's just as good, except for Adobe products.
Posts: 3641/4077
Hm. I remember someone saying that he ran another, non-free spyware scanner after running both Spybot and Adaware, and found 50+ threats that they did not find. You likely have something more advanced that those spyware detectors don't pick up on for one reason or another.
Posts: 171/588
You'd think I'd have tired that?

I did. I have 2 spyware scanners (Spybot S&D, Lavasoft). I have only one spware file, which is Command Service.
Posts: 3640/4077
Originally posted by ibz10g
I can't leave it on for more than 3 days at best. A spyware ad will pop up, 67 Iexplorer windows will open, then I can't do anything except on programs I already had running. Therefore, I must turn it off.

Why don't you just run a spyware scanner and get rid of whatever is causing that to happen? It wouldn't take very long - and it would solve other troubles of yours as well.
Posts: 167/588
I can't leave it on for more than 3 days at best. A spyware ad will pop up, 67 Iexplorer windows will open, then I can't do anything except on programs I already had running. Therefore, I must turn it off.
Posts: 4908/5814
My record would be... eh... maybe 16-17 hours? :\

I don't keep my PC on at night, that's a big reason why. It's generally on whenever I'm awake/at home.
Posts: 935/1104
Er, about 20 hours is my record. 8 of those I was sleeping, but downloading some crap. I normally shut down the computer when I'm done with it, and this includes while I'm asleep as even the little bit of noise from the computer causes me to have some trouble getting to sleep (but someone could start playing Doom on this computer, right next to my bed, with the volume up and as long as I was asleep when they started, I'd never notice...)
Posts: 419/536
About 35 hours.

My computer isn't even hooked up to the internet, though, so it's not like there's much to do with it in the background. As for this computer, if I leave it online forever it'll tie up the phone lines, and since it's not mine I install things on it rarely. I guess I just never saw the point in keeping computers on all the time.
Deleted User
Posts: 17/-7750
If you just mean actually having the computer "running", the maximum I've had is only about 15 hours, but if you include "hibernation" (although it's not physically running on power, it's is technically "running" in the computers memory), then, well, turned the computer on I think about 19th March (2006), and have never "shut down" the computer since (that's 212 days as of today!).
Posts: 495/970
I've had my PC on constantly almost the entire summer this year. If I had to guess it probably went 2 months without being turned off to complete installation or something of that sort. I've had it on currently constantly for about 8 days. I keep it on because it is a pseudo-server and holds a lot of the files that the other computers on my network access frequently; also, I leave Trillian on to get messages left by a few friends who work late nights and get on while I sleep.
Posts: 581/867
Originally posted by asdf
"Leaving your computer on all the time" simply means to keep it powered on - restarting doesn't matte. And remember: XP wasn't out at that time, and Windows updates isn't a part of that system. You don't necesaarily need to install things regularly too: and I don't see those people doing so.

Oh, ok, I thought we were specifically talking about "up time" (given the screenshot in the first post).

Originally posted by asdf
It derives from a school of thought that when your computer is on, the wiring is hot, and when it is off, it is cold. However, eventually, the soldered wires supposedly become brittle from the temperature change and eventually crack. Another school of thought says that although that is true, leaving the computer on all the time can wear out your hard drive quicker and cause the cooling fan to die a premature death. You just can't win, so ideally, you should turn it off once a day.

I think the effects are probably relatively minor either way. I think most people replace equipment (individual hardware or the whole system), because they feel it's out of date, before it wears out. As far as the hard drives go, although I've seen computers where the hard drive bearings have went bad, normally they die from physical damage to the platters, due the power being pulled while writing, causing the write head hit the platters as it slows down.
Deleted User
Posts: 343/-7750
Well, what's the benefit of having it on 24/7 aside from not having to switch it off/on all the time?

Because since we have 2 computers the $ we had to pay basically doubled, even though we don't have them all day and night...

EDIT - I think we "posted at the same time", your message was not there when I started replying, so it seems it took me 5 minutes to post that
Posts: 3480/4077
Originally posted by emcee
I really doubt they haven't had to restart after a new install or an update for Windows.

"Leaving your computer on all the time" simply means to keep it powered on - restarting doesn't matte. And remember: XP wasn't out at that time, and Windows updates isn't a part of that system. You don't necesaarily need to install things regularly too: and I don't see those people doing so.

It derives from a school of thought that when your computer is on, the wiring is hot, and when it is off, it is cold. However, eventually, the soldered wires supposedly become brittle from the temperature change and eventually crack. Another school of thought says that although that is true, leaving the computer on all the time can wear out your hard drive quicker and cause the cooling fan to die a premature death. You just can't win, so ideally, you should turn it off once a day.
Posts: 579/867
Originally posted by Tanks
Thats a major power drain there.

Not really, I doubt it uses much more then 75 watts or so at idle and maybe 100 more while recording and encoding. The whole point is for it to run 24/7, so it can record shows at times when I might be asleep or at work.

Originally posted by Tanks
For me, Ive never done it but I know my cousins were told by gateway to leave there computer on all the time. So bassically I'd have to say for them, since they got there computer in uh... 1999... then that means about 7 years... not including power outages which I don't know about.

I really doubt they haven't had to restart after a new install or an update for Windows.
Posts: 259/596
Originally posted by emcee
It restarted after a power flicker a few days ago, but before that my MythTv box (running Knoppix Linux) had been running for months. I'm not sure how many though, but atleast three or four.

Thats a major power drain there.

For me, Ive never done it but I know my cousins were told by gateway to leave there computer on all the time. So bassically I'd have to say for them, since they got there computer in uh... 1999... then that means about 7 years... not including power outages which I don't know about.
182077607309.34 +
Posts: 199/218
I just leave my computer on all the time, except when I install something that requires restarting or something; but even then I just restart it, I don’t leave it off (I wander if that’s why the power supply goes bad so often). I had to restart it a few days ago, but it could have been on for a few months before that.
Posts: 229/275
Current: 278 (It's funny how 277 of these hours are idle and only 1 of activity XD)

The record is >800 XD
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Running Time


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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