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07-02-24 11:34 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Stupid things you see in everyday life
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Posts: 842/984
Stupid things I see every day? People.
I don't think this needs any explanaion or justification.
Posts: 3549/4077
It was basically insulting his ability to find porn. At least, that's what I thought when I sent him it. In other words, I was implying he probably jerks it to girls gone wild commercials or stuff like that.
Deleted User
Posts: 392/-7750
What kind of revenge is sending good porn if that person likes porn?
Posts: 3536/4077
Nuking right away isn't always the best option, though. Personally, I'd raid the board first, posting nasty images (e.g. the Pain series), insulting them with horrid truths, etc. before destroying it. It'd be like adding insult to injury. Kind of.

Which reminds me of one troll-based invasion I partook in at an all-but-abandoned board: some angry guy called me gay and private messaged me with (horrible) porn. My reply? Private message him back with better porn. According to the online users list there, he spent quite some time looking at my message.
Deleted User
Posts: 387/-7750
Dang, I deleted them without copying the link
Posts: 860/1193
Originally posted by Xkeeper
Originally posted by Uly
Today I received this mail:

"Acmlm's Board and your approval system is evil. Join The Land of Mario & be free. We love n00bs. If you don't join i'll kill five kitties. Save the kitties.
PS. this is not a joke we are not kidding & if you don't you we will make you pay for it."

But they forgot to put a link, so, to join where? (I am supposed to reply and ask "OMG, I'LL SAVE THE KITTENS! HOW DO I JOIN??")

I thought that was stupid, later on they sent 2 more messages with the link, as if I'm going to join

Stupid SPAM = Stupid Stupid PAM...

Good thing you didn't post the link, otherwise I'd probably have to go have some fun playing "nuke the dumbasses". One of my favorite games, no doubt


Yeah, I got that same e-mail, but they gave me a link. Posting it would be funny as Xk would have a blast, I'm sure.
Posts: 101/164
Originally posted by RedFlameZero
... My baby brother, hands down Garra8591 can voug for me

Yep... he is verry well retarded, putting it mildly
Posts: 244/276
... My baby brother, hands down Garra8591 can voug for me
Posts: 4147/5653
Originally posted by Uly
Today I received this mail:

"Acmlm's Board and your approval system is evil. Join The Land of Mario & be free. We love n00bs. If you don't join i'll kill five kitties. Save the kitties.
PS. this is not a joke we are not kidding & if you don't you we will make you pay for it."

But they forgot to put a link, so, to join where? (I am supposed to reply and ask "OMG, I'LL SAVE THE KITTENS! HOW DO I JOIN??")

I thought that was stupid, later on they sent 2 more messages with the link, as if I'm going to join

Stupid SPAM = Stupid Stupid PAM...

Good thing you didn't post the link, otherwise I'd probably have to go have some fun playing "nuke the dumbasses". One of my favorite games, no doubt

Cruel Justice
Posts: 1476/1637
When I drive to and fro, there are dumbass racers that try to prove how big their ding-dong is by revving up their half-painted crap-mobiles (civics) at every intersection they stop at. Half the time I'll beat them to the next light without ANY intention of racing going 35-40 miles an hour. Quite sad.
Deleted User
Posts: 344/-7750

[Person]: "You're not killing anything, give me proof that you'd kill the kitties if I don't join!"

[n00b]: "Ok" *Kills 5 kittens, records it, sends video*

[Person]: *Watches* "Whoa! That was awesome! Dude! Can you kill more kittens and send the videos!? 8D"

[n00b]: ""
Posts: 3481/4077
Originally posted by Uly
"Acmlm's Board and your approval system is evil. Join The Land of Mario & be free. We love n00bs. If you don't join i'll kill five kitties...

Personally, I'd not join and call him out on that. Then I'd demand he videotape killing five kittens as proof that he did so, otherwise, he'd just be making idle threats. If he doesn't, I'd poke fun at him some more until it's not funny anymore. Then release the sequence of replies to the public.

Deleted User
Posts: 341/-7750
Today I received this mail:

"Acmlm's Board and your approval system is evil. Join The Land of Mario & be free. We love n00bs. If you don't join i'll kill five kitties. Save the kitties.
PS. this is not a joke we are not kidding & if you don't you we will make you pay for it."

But they forgot to put a link, so, to join where? (I am supposed to reply and ask "OMG, I'LL SAVE THE KITTENS! HOW DO I JOIN??")

I thought that was stupid, later on they sent 2 more messages with the link, as if I'm going to join

Stupid SPAM = Stupid Stupid PAM...
Posts: 854/1193
Originally posted by Millenia
Vonage commercials.

Woo ooh! Woo ooh ooh! Woo ooh! Woo ooh ooh! Woo ooh! Woo ooh!

Interupptions inside interupptions. Happened yesterday. It first interuppted the normal brodcasting to bring everyone that my school was under lockdown because there was supposedly someone with a weapon ready to kill his ex-girlfriend at school. SWAT team and all. They interuppted that to bring all the home viewers the homecoming parade for the University of Florida.

Oh wow, football comes before the lives of children. Our news stations have fucked up priorities.
Posts: 3607/5072
My laptop won't connect to my wireless network when another is in range, but after connecting I can go as close to the other as possible without a problem.
Originally posted by Millenia
Vonage commercials.


Posts: 1737/1860
Drivers weave through heavy traffic as if the traffic was butter and they are a hot knife.

Drivers who drive 95 when it is raining heavily
Posts: 1851/2480
Vonage commercials.

Posts: 4089/5653
Originally posted by MathOnNapkins
I was at my place of employment today, and apparently a Sherwin Williams is going in next to us. On the sign that lists their hours, there is a section that reads: "In case of Emergency call 555-2566" (not the actual number b/c 1. I forgot it 2. who cares).

For those of you who are unfamiliar with it - Sherwin Williams is a store that sells paint. What would you do if you called this line? "Excuse me I have A PAINT EMERGENCY PLEASE HELP"

This is for if the store gets broken into, a fire, or other similar things.
You normally call the number after you call the relevant authorities, so that way you can inform the store owner of what's happening right away.
Posts: 188/311
My school had "Barrhead Composite High School" written across the top-front of the main building in big metal letters, and people would occaisionally steal parts of it to make it say "Compost". This happened, like, once a month, I'm certain.
Posts: 574/867
There used to be car wash in a town nearby that had its name, "Dirt Busters Car Wash", on a sign board out front. Someone came by and changed it to "Dirty Basterds (sic) Car Wash". And it remained that way for weeks.
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Craziness Domain - Stupid things you see in everyday life


Acmlmboard 1.92.999, 9/17/2006
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