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07-02-24 10:59 AM
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Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Hardware / Software - Getting HD out and its information
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Posts: 41/70
Thank you guys for the information.

Like Neo suggested, I've purchased an external case for yhr HD from that website, and it should arrive today (though I'm in another part of the state right now, trying my best to be drunk all the way into Thursday with my old college friends), and I'll let you know how that goes.

If for some horrible reason it doesn't work, I'll try another PC. If that doesn't I just may cry. That information is very important.
Young Guru
Posts: 158/279
It's already been suggested to throw the harddrive into slave mode and toss it into someone else computer to get the data. If you don't want to do that you can leave it exactly as is and just swap it out with someone else's harddrive and run it normaly. If you only need some of the data on it you can put it onto a dvd or something, if you need everything buy an external harddrive and copy it over by connecting up to your friends computer.
I think the reason it might need to be reformated is that it's not just a standard drive, it's a boot drive so the data might not be accessable outside that boot (not positive about that one, just guessing).
Posts: 1739/1860
you shouldn't need to format your HD to get it to work. I was able to pull out my HD from my dead laptop and put it into one of those USB cases and connect the drive as if it was a USB jump drive.

If your HD is in a desktop, then it is 99.9% a 3.5" drive.
Posts: 40/70
Originally posted by neotransotaku
The only way to get an 3.5" HD to be used on a laptop is to encase the 3.5" HD in an external case and connect it via USB. Like these for example.

How would I find out the size of my HD?

EDIT: Actually, this doesn't look like an option. The webstie says I have to reformat the drive before it works. :/
Posts: 1735/1860
The only way to get an 3.5" HD to be used on a laptop is to encase the 3.5" HD in an external case and connect it via USB. Like these for example.
Young Guru
Posts: 152/279
Originally posted by Kailieann

And the fact that most laptops can't even be opened properly without a special 'key' that's only available to certified repair technicians.

That's not true. I've opened up my laptop before, not really the same (it still ran, but the keyboard clicked a lot more than usual and the case never sealed the way it was before), but still, it can be opened with the right tools (screw drivers, hammers, wedges) and a little bit of old fashioned elbow greasse.
Posts: 456/808
Not to mention the fact that most laptops don't have room for a second one of their own hard drives, let alone a desktop drive.
And the fact that most laptops can't even be opened properly without a special 'key' that's only available to certified repair technicians.
Posts: 271/281
Yeah, desktop hard drives are like 5x3.5x1 and laptops are like 3x1.5x.25 (in inches) way differant proportions, and completly differant ways to plug in.
Posts: 827/936
IIRC desktop computer harddrives don't fit in laptop (for lots or reasons), so no.
Posts: 39/70
Could this method be done to fit the HD in a laptop?
Posts: 1734/1860
you should be able to remove the HD out of your dead computer and put it in another computer that still works. It can be another computer in your house or perhaps a friend's computer. When you remove the HD from the case, you need to figet with settings on the HD by shorting together two pins to put it in slave mode. Then, put it into another computer like it was in your dead computer.
Posts: 38/70
I've got a dead computer tower with a hard drive in it, with a lot of information I want. How do I get it out? What stores/business could help me with this?
Acmlm's Board - I3 Archive - Hardware / Software - Getting HD out and its information


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